Muslim Persecution of Christians: April 2012


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Let's hear it for Islam's tolerance of the "people of the Book".

Muslim Persecution of Christians: April 2012 "The police are also involved in this."

by Raymond Ibrahim
May 18, 2012 at 5:00 am

Muslim Persecution of Christians: April 2012 :: Gatestone Institute

"500 Muslims had gathered and were watching in amusement as the extremists chased and harassed the Christians, attempting to murder them all, for about 90 minutes."

As Easter, one of the highest Christian holidays, comes in April, Christian persecution in Muslim nations—from sheer violence to oppressive laws—was rampant: In Nigeria, where jihadis have expressed their desire to expunge all traces of Christianity, a church was bombed during Easter Sunday, killing some 50 worshippers; in Turkey, a pastor was beaten by Muslims immediately following Easter service and threatened with death unless he converted to Islam; and in Iran, Easter Sunday saw 12 Christians stand trial as "apostates."

The persecution of Christians has come to regions not normally associated with it. As in Nigeria, Muslim militants are now also running amok in Timbuktu, Mali—beheading a Christian leader and threatening other Christians with similar treatment. Sharia law has been imposed, churches are being destroyed, and Christians are fleeing Timbuktu in mass.

Categorized by theme, April's assemblage of Muslim persecution of Christians around the world includes (but is not limited to) the following accounts, listed in alphabetical order by country, not severity:
Let's hear it for Islam's tolerance of the "people of the Book".

Muslim Persecution of Christians: April 2012 "The police are also involved in this."

by Raymond Ibrahim
May 18, 2012 at 5:00 am

Muslim Persecution of Christians: April 2012 :: Gatestone Institute

"500 Muslims had gathered and were watching in amusement as the extremists chased and harassed the Christians, attempting to murder them all, for about 90 minutes."

As Easter, one of the highest Christian holidays, comes in April, Christian persecution in Muslim nations—from sheer violence to oppressive laws—was rampant: In Nigeria, where jihadis have expressed their desire to expunge all traces of Christianity, a church was bombed during Easter Sunday, killing some 50 worshippers; in Turkey, a pastor was beaten by Muslims immediately following Easter service and threatened with death unless he converted to Islam; and in Iran, Easter Sunday saw 12 Christians stand trial as "apostates."

The persecution of Christians has come to regions not normally associated with it. As in Nigeria, Muslim militants are now also running amok in Timbuktu, Mali—beheading a Christian leader and threatening other Christians with similar treatment. Sharia law has been imposed, churches are being destroyed, and Christians are fleeing Timbuktu in mass.

Categorized by theme, April's assemblage of Muslim persecution of Christians around the world includes (but is not limited to) the following accounts, listed in alphabetical order by country, not severity:

Are you in the right forum. Neither Palestine nor Israel were mentioned in your link.
Let's hear it for Islam's tolerance of the "people of the Book".

Muslim Persecution of Christians: April 2012 "The police are also involved in this."

by Raymond Ibrahim
May 18, 2012 at 5:00 am

Muslim Persecution of Christians: April 2012 :: Gatestone Institute

"500 Muslims had gathered and were watching in amusement as the extremists chased and harassed the Christians, attempting to murder them all, for about 90 minutes."

As Easter, one of the highest Christian holidays, comes in April, Christian persecution in Muslim nations—from sheer violence to oppressive laws—was rampant: In Nigeria, where jihadis have expressed their desire to expunge all traces of Christianity, a church was bombed during Easter Sunday, killing some 50 worshippers; in Turkey, a pastor was beaten by Muslims immediately following Easter service and threatened with death unless he converted to Islam; and in Iran, Easter Sunday saw 12 Christians stand trial as "apostates."

The persecution of Christians has come to regions not normally associated with it. As in Nigeria, Muslim militants are now also running amok in Timbuktu, Mali—beheading a Christian leader and threatening other Christians with similar treatment. Sharia law has been imposed, churches are being destroyed, and Christians are fleeing Timbuktu in mass.

Categorized by theme, April's assemblage of Muslim persecution of Christians around the world includes (but is not limited to) the following accounts, listed in alphabetical order by country, not severity:

Are you in the right forum. Neither Palestine nor Israel were mentioned in your link.
Yes, child, Palestinian Muslim are also persecuting their Christians, so this subject would be relevant in that it establishes a pattern of behavior by Muslims worldwide? Now stop your whining and take your meds:

Jihadists persecuting Palestinian Christians in Gaza

"The small and harassed Christian community of Gaza may simply cease to exist in the near future." Why? Because of the wicked Zionists? No. Because of the jihadists.

"Analysis: Cruelty and silence in Gaza," by Jonathan Spyer for the Jerusalem Post, December 11 (thanks to Charles M.):

Unremarked upon by the Western media, a systematic campaign of persecution is taking place in the Gaza Strip, and to a lesser extent in the West Bank. The general silence surrounding this campaign aids its perpetrators. The victims are Palestinian Christians, in particular the small Christian community of Gaza.
The perpetrators are a variety of Islamist groups, all of which are manifestations of a process of growing Islamic militancy and piety taking place across the region.

The Christian population of the Gaza Strip is small - 2,000-3,000 people. Gazan politics has long been characterized by a conservative, Islamic bent. Gaza's Christians as a result have tended toward political invisibility.

Since the Hamas coup of July 2007, this position has become increasingly untenable. Islamist organizations, empowered by the indifference of the authorities, have begun to target Christian institutions and individuals in Gaza with increasing impunity. Intimidation, assault and the threat of kidnapping are now part of daily reality for Christians.

Iran – Ministry of Intelligence further restricts Farsi-Speaking churches

Thursday, 17 May 2012

In addition to the increased restrictions against Iranian Christian converts, the Ministry of Intelligence has now ordered the leaders of the central AOG church in Tehran to compile a list of the names and National ID numbers of its members and submit it to the security authorities.

According to Iranian Christian news agency, Mohabat News, reports from Tehran indicate that leaders of the central AOG church of Tehran asked their congregation in Sunday May 6 service to voluntarily present them with a list of their names and National ID numbers so that they submit the list to the officials. This reveals the identity of Christian converts and enables security authorities to record detailed information about the Christians.

It is clear that such a decision by the leaders of the AOG church, is a result of pressures the security authorities have been imposing on them. This seems to be a precautionary move by the security organizations to identify Christians and possibly use the information later to arrest Christian converts and watch the activities of the church even more closely, especially to prevent them from receiving new people. Such orders by security authorities make Christians' relationship with their church riskier than ever.

This security move by Iranian authorities reveals that even after cancelling the Farsi services in some churches, they have not been successful in reducing the number of Christian converts and the trend by other people to attend the church. In recent months, organizers and operational groups of the Ministry of Intelligence ordered the last two churches in Tehran still holding Farsi services, to cancel these services. However, this has not stopped Christians from attending church services and illustrates the failure of all these repressive plans and threats which were designed to deal with spread of Christianity in Iran.
Let's hear it for Islam's tolerance of the "people of the Book".

Muslim Persecution of Christians: April 2012 "The police are also involved in this."

by Raymond Ibrahim
May 18, 2012 at 5:00 am

Muslim Persecution of Christians: April 2012 :: Gatestone Institute

"500 Muslims had gathered and were watching in amusement as the extremists chased and harassed the Christians, attempting to murder them all, for about 90 minutes."

As Easter, one of the highest Christian holidays, comes in April, Christian persecution in Muslim nations—from sheer violence to oppressive laws—was rampant: In Nigeria, where jihadis have expressed their desire to expunge all traces of Christianity, a church was bombed during Easter Sunday, killing some 50 worshippers; in Turkey, a pastor was beaten by Muslims immediately following Easter service and threatened with death unless he converted to Islam; and in Iran, Easter Sunday saw 12 Christians stand trial as "apostates."

The persecution of Christians has come to regions not normally associated with it. As in Nigeria, Muslim militants are now also running amok in Timbuktu, Mali—beheading a Christian leader and threatening other Christians with similar treatment. Sharia law has been imposed, churches are being destroyed, and Christians are fleeing Timbuktu in mass.

Categorized by theme, April's assemblage of Muslim persecution of Christians around the world includes (but is not limited to) the following accounts, listed in alphabetical order by country, not severity:

Are you in the right forum. Neither Palestine nor Israel were mentioned in your link.
Yes, child, Palestinian Muslim are also persecuting their Christians, so this subject would be relevant in that it establishes a pattern of behavior by Muslims worldwide? Now stop your whining and take your meds:

Jihadists persecuting Palestinian Christians in Gaza

"The small and harassed Christian community of Gaza may simply cease to exist in the near future." Why? Because of the wicked Zionists? No. Because of the jihadists.

"Analysis: Cruelty and silence in Gaza," by Jonathan Spyer for the Jerusalem Post, December 11 (thanks to Charles M.):

Unremarked upon by the Western media, a systematic campaign of persecution is taking place in the Gaza Strip, and to a lesser extent in the West Bank. The general silence surrounding this campaign aids its perpetrators. The victims are Palestinian Christians, in particular the small Christian community of Gaza.
The perpetrators are a variety of Islamist groups, all of which are manifestations of a process of growing Islamic militancy and piety taking place across the region.

The Christian population of the Gaza Strip is small - 2,000-3,000 people. Gazan politics has long been characterized by a conservative, Islamic bent. Gaza's Christians as a result have tended toward political invisibility.

Since the Hamas coup of July 2007, this position has become increasingly untenable. Islamist organizations, empowered by the indifference of the authorities, have begun to target Christian institutions and individuals in Gaza with increasing impunity. Intimidation, assault and the threat of kidnapping are now part of daily reality for Christians.

jihadwatch. is an Israeli propaganda site. Do you have an independent source?
Are you in the right forum. Neither Palestine nor Israel were mentioned in your link.
Yes, child, Palestinian Muslim are also persecuting their Christians, so this subject would be relevant in that it establishes a pattern of behavior by Muslims worldwide? Now stop your whining and take your meds:

Jihadists persecuting Palestinian Christians in Gaza

"The small and harassed Christian community of Gaza may simply cease to exist in the near future." Why? Because of the wicked Zionists? No. Because of the jihadists.

"Analysis: Cruelty and silence in Gaza," by Jonathan Spyer for the Jerusalem Post, December 11 (thanks to Charles M.):

Unremarked upon by the Western media, a systematic campaign of persecution is taking place in the Gaza Strip, and to a lesser extent in the West Bank. The general silence surrounding this campaign aids its perpetrators. The victims are Palestinian Christians, in particular the small Christian community of Gaza.
The perpetrators are a variety of Islamist groups, all of which are manifestations of a process of growing Islamic militancy and piety taking place across the region.

The Christian population of the Gaza Strip is small - 2,000-3,000 people. Gazan politics has long been characterized by a conservative, Islamic bent. Gaza's Christians as a result have tended toward political invisibility.

Since the Hamas coup of July 2007, this position has become increasingly untenable. Islamist organizations, empowered by the indifference of the authorities, have begun to target Christian institutions and individuals in Gaza with increasing impunity. Intimidation, assault and the threat of kidnapping are now part of daily reality for Christians.

jihadwatch. is an Israeli propaganda site. Do you have an independent source?
Do you really need another source? Is Palestinian persecution of Christians even debated? Palestinians are led by Hamas, an Islamist terrorist organization. Islamists are, by definition, totally intolerant of non Muslims.
"Islam is the world’s fastest growing religion"
The Muslim Game:

How can Islam be a bad religion if it is growing so fast?* Doesn’t this mean that it is actually a truthful religion, since so many are accepting it?

The Truth:

In the first place, the truth of an idea or doctrine is never established by mere belief.* Up until the last hundred years or so, the vast majority of people on our planet did not even believe that they were on a planet.* Nor did they believe that the earth was spinning at a thousand miles an hour or hurtling around the sun at 67,000 miles an hour.* Does this mean that the earth wasn’t doing these things up until people believed that it was. Secondly, Islam is not "growing faster" than other religions because “people are accepting it,” but rather because the birthrate among Muslims is significantly higher than it is among Christians and others, particularly in the West.* Kids can be raised to believe in just about anything, so this hardly constitutes any sort of genuine accomplishment.

Of the so-called “converts” from other religions, only a miniscule number were active believers.* Nearly all are really just people who had no faith to convert from – regardless of their nominal designation.* In the West and other parts of the non-Muslim world in which all religions are allowed to compete equally such people experiencing a spiritual awakening are far more likely to turn to Christianity than to Islam.* There are also some women who "marry into Islam" (a nominal change in official designation), but in terms of raw conversions, there is almost no comparison between Islam and Christianity.* It is estimated that thousands of Muslims convert to Christianity each day, while only a handful of non-Muslims actually adopt Islam, even though it is "growing faster".*

This leads to our final and most important point, which is that decent Muslims should feel a sense of embarrassment rather than pride over the rules that they have to enforce in order to maintain Islam's status as the "fastest growing religion."* In truth, it speaks more to the insecurity that Muslims have in their own religion, and the banal immaturity of Islam compared with other faiths. Let’s say that you are playing chess with a 6-year-old boy.* Instead of following the same set of rules, however, the child is allowed to make up rules that are preferential to him.* One of the rules he decides on is that you aren’t allowed to make any moves on his half of the board, but he is allowed to make moves on yours.* Another might be that it is impossible for any of his pieces to be taken. Now, if the child is winning the game – which is assured by the conditions that he has imposed - is it really something in which he can truly take pride?*The rules that Muslims impose on the “conversion game” are almost exactly like this chess analogy.* Other religions are not allowed to operate in Islam’s own territory (ie. preaching their faith and evangelizing) as Muslims are in others.* Neither is conversion away from Islam allowed – on penalty of death.

In the Muslim world, Christians who evangelize are imprisoned, assaulted, beaten, set on fire, shot, bludgeoned, and tortured by Islamists.* Missionaries are raped and killed.* Former Muslims who embrace Christianity as their religion of choice are sexually assaulted, crippled, hanged, stoned, stabbed, dismembered, scalded, beheaded, brutalized, doused with acid, burned alive and publically executed... and Muslims brag that their religion is growing faster! Muslims who gloat over their “fast growing" religion are no different than the children from our example who delude themselves into thinking that they are smarter and better for “beating” a much wiser adult in a game played under manufactured conditions that render the artificial “victory” entirely meaningless. Islam has been playing by its own rules since its inception.* It is unlikely that Muslims will soon develop the confidence in their own religion (or the required social maturity) to lift the shameful restrictions to which it owes its success and risk competition with other faiths on a level playing field.*As was first mentioned, the truth of a belief or creed is never established by how many followers it has.* But when a religion has to be supported by double standards, death threats and violence there is all the more reason to doubt its veracity.
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[ame=]Greek Orthodox Christians in Gaza - YouTube[/ame]
Yes of course if you're held hostage by Musim savages who threaten to kill and rape you, you will say good things about your kidnappers on TV.

Gaza Christians Face Hamas Threats

JERUSALEM, Israel -*The tiny Palestinian Christian community in the Gaza Strip remains under intense persecution, according to a Canadian human rights group. There are some 3,500 Christians in Gaza among the 1.4 million Muslims. Majid El Shafie, president of One Free World International, says some Christians are forced to cooperate with the terrorist group Hamas that rules Gaza in order to protect their families.

"The Christians in the Palestinian Authority areas [are] facing persecutions. Their homes, their churches they get attacked almost every day,"*El Shafie explained. He added that after the Hamas takeover of the Gaza Strip two years ago, Hamas*dug up Christian graves and burned the bodies because they felt the remains*defiled the land.

Shortly after Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip in a violent coup in June 2007, El Shafie said his group received reports of two kinds of violations. "The first one that Hamas was torturing the members of Fatah in Gaza," El Shafie told CBN News. "The second one [was] that Hamas was going to the graveyards of the Christians, digging up the dead body of the Christians, throwing them and burning them and saying 'you cannot bury your dead bodies here because its our land, it's a holy land.

"By burying your Christian families here you are desecrating the land.' And we received this [information] about five graves in Gaza," El Shafie said. El Shafie said his group had also received reports about Christian families "being forced to cooperate with Hamas or their children or their wives will get raped or will get persecuted." So they were forced to cooperate with Hamas to protect their families, he said.
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[ame=]Gaza Christians celebrating Christmas under israeli siege - YouTube[/ame]
Yes of course if you're held hostage by Musim savages who threaten to kill and rape you, you will say good things about your kidnappers on TV.

Gaza Christians Face Hamas Threats - Inside Israel - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -

Gaza Christians Face Hamas Threats

JERUSALEM, Israel -*The tiny Palestinian Christian community in the Gaza Strip remains under intense persecution, according to a Canadian human rights group. There are some 3,500 Christians in Gaza among the 1.4 million Muslims. Majid El Shafie, president of One Free World International, says some Christians are forced to cooperate with the terrorist group Hamas that rules Gaza in order to protect their families.

"The Christians in the Palestinian Authority areas [are] facing persecutions. Their homes, their churches they get attacked almost every day,"*El Shafie explained. He added that after the Hamas takeover of the Gaza Strip two years ago, Hamas*dug up Christian graves and burned the bodies because they felt the remains*defiled the land.

Shortly after Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip in a violent coup in June 2007, El Shafie said his group received reports of two kinds of violations. "The first one that Hamas was torturing the members of Fatah in Gaza," El Shafie told CBN News. "The second one [was] that Hamas was going to the graveyards of the Christians, digging up the dead body of the Christians, throwing them and burning them and saying 'you cannot bury your dead bodies here because its our land, it's a holy land.

"By burying your Christian families here you are desecrating the land.' And we received this [information] about five graves in Gaza," El Shafie said. El Shafie said his group had also received reports about Christian families "being forced to cooperate with Hamas or their children or their wives will get raped or will get persecuted." So they were forced to cooperate with Hamas to protect their families, he said.

...after Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip in a violent coup in June 2007...

The elected government in office has a violent coup?:cuckoo:

Your source is crap.
Yes of course if you're held hostage by Musim savages who threaten to kill and rape you, you will say good things about your kidnappers on TV.

Gaza Christians Face Hamas Threats - Inside Israel - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -

Gaza Christians Face Hamas Threats

JERUSALEM, Israel -*The tiny Palestinian Christian community in the Gaza Strip remains under intense persecution, according to a Canadian human rights group. There are some 3,500 Christians in Gaza among the 1.4 million Muslims. Majid El Shafie, president of One Free World International, says some Christians are forced to cooperate with the terrorist group Hamas that rules Gaza in order to protect their families.

"The Christians in the Palestinian Authority areas [are] facing persecutions. Their homes, their churches they get attacked almost every day,"*El Shafie explained. He added that after the Hamas takeover of the Gaza Strip two years ago, Hamas*dug up Christian graves and burned the bodies because they felt the remains*defiled the land.

Shortly after Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip in a violent coup in June 2007, El Shafie said his group received reports of two kinds of violations. "The first one that Hamas was torturing the members of Fatah in Gaza," El Shafie told CBN News. "The second one [was] that Hamas was going to the graveyards of the Christians, digging up the dead body of the Christians, throwing them and burning them and saying 'you cannot bury your dead bodies here because its our land, it's a holy land.

"By burying your Christian families here you are desecrating the land.' And we received this [information] about five graves in Gaza," El Shafie said. El Shafie said his group had also received reports about Christian families "being forced to cooperate with Hamas or their children or their wives will get raped or will get persecuted." So they were forced to cooperate with Hamas to protect their families, he said.

...after Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip in a violent coup in June 2007...

The elected government in office has a violent coup?:cuckoo:

Your source is crap.
Nah, your brain is filled with Islamic crap. Suddenly, the Islamo-terrorist Hamas animals are more tolerant of Christians than their Muslim brethern across the Globe? If you believe that I have a used car and some swampland in Florida to sell you. This pig just won't fly, Tiny Brain.

These are all Christian Church based organizations that are claiming this, douchebag:

Christians In Gaza Have Faced Increasing Persecution Since Hamas Wrested Control | Rescue Christians (
Christians In Gaza Have Faced Increasing Persecution Since Hamas Wrested ControlChristians in Gaza have faced increasing persecution since Hamas wrested control of the Strip in June 2007.
Since taking control, Hamas has been instituting sharia (Islamic) law throughout the coastal enclave, which, among other things, forbids any non-Muslim from sharing his or her faith.
In January 2010, Majed El Shafie, president of One Free World International, told CBN News Christians are being attacked on an almost daily basis.
“The Christians in the Palestinian Authority [are] facing persecutions. Their homes, their churches — they get attacked almost everyday,” Shafie said.
Christian schools have also been attacked, vehicles torched, equipment stolen and school personnel threatened.

Persecution of Christians in the region of Gaza and the West Bank
Yes of course if you're held hostage by Musim savages who threaten to kill and rape you, you will say good things about your kidnappers on TV.

Gaza Christians Face Hamas Threats - Inside Israel - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -

Gaza Christians Face Hamas Threats

JERUSALEM, Israel -*The tiny Palestinian Christian community in the Gaza Strip remains under intense persecution, according to a Canadian human rights group. There are some 3,500 Christians in Gaza among the 1.4 million Muslims. Majid El Shafie, president of One Free World International, says some Christians are forced to cooperate with the terrorist group Hamas that rules Gaza in order to protect their families.

"The Christians in the Palestinian Authority areas [are] facing persecutions. Their homes, their churches they get attacked almost every day,"*El Shafie explained. He added that after the Hamas takeover of the Gaza Strip two years ago, Hamas*dug up Christian graves and burned the bodies because they felt the remains*defiled the land.

Shortly after Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip in a violent coup in June 2007, El Shafie said his group received reports of two kinds of violations. "The first one that Hamas was torturing the members of Fatah in Gaza," El Shafie told CBN News. "The second one [was] that Hamas was going to the graveyards of the Christians, digging up the dead body of the Christians, throwing them and burning them and saying 'you cannot bury your dead bodies here because its our land, it's a holy land.

"By burying your Christian families here you are desecrating the land.' And we received this [information] about five graves in Gaza," El Shafie said. El Shafie said his group had also received reports about Christian families "being forced to cooperate with Hamas or their children or their wives will get raped or will get persecuted." So they were forced to cooperate with Hamas to protect their families, he said.

...after Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip in a violent coup in June 2007...

The elected government in office has a violent coup?:cuckoo:

Your source is crap.
Nah, your brain is filled with Islamic crap. Suddenly, the Islamo-terrorist Hamas animals are more tolerant of Christians than their Muslim brethern across the Globe? If you believe that I have a used car and some swampland in Florida to sell you. This pig just won't fly, Tiny Brain.

These are all Christian Church based organizations that are claiming this, douchebag:

Christians In Gaza Have Faced Increasing Persecution Since Hamas Wrested Control | Rescue Christians (
Christians In Gaza Have Faced Increasing Persecution Since Hamas Wrested ControlChristians in Gaza have faced increasing persecution since Hamas wrested control of the Strip in June 2007.
Since taking control, Hamas has been instituting sharia (Islamic) law throughout the coastal enclave, which, among other things, forbids any non-Muslim from sharing his or her faith.
In January 2010, Majed El Shafie, president of One Free World International, told CBN News Christians are being attacked on an almost daily basis.
“The Christians in the Palestinian Authority [are] facing persecutions. Their homes, their churches — they get attacked almost everyday,” Shafie said.
Christian schools have also been attacked, vehicles torched, equipment stolen and school personnel threatened.

Persecution of Christians in the region of Gaza and the West Bank

All your links are sourced to the same place (a pro Israel Christian organization) and are 6-7 years old.

What else do you have?
The elected government in office has a violent coup?:cuckoo:

Your source is crap.
Nah, your brain is filled with Islamic crap. Suddenly, the Islamo-terrorist Hamas animals are more tolerant of Christians than their Muslim brethern across the Globe? If you believe that I have a used car and some swampland in Florida to sell you. This pig just won't fly, Tiny Brain.

These are all Christian Church based organizations that are claiming this, douchebag:

Christians In Gaza Have Faced Increasing Persecution Since Hamas Wrested Control | Rescue Christians (
Christians In Gaza Have Faced Increasing Persecution Since Hamas Wrested ControlChristians in Gaza have faced increasing persecution since Hamas wrested control of the Strip in June 2007.
Since taking control, Hamas has been instituting sharia (Islamic) law throughout the coastal enclave, which, among other things, forbids any non-Muslim from sharing his or her faith.
In January 2010, Majed El Shafie, president of One Free World International, told CBN News Christians are being attacked on an almost daily basis.
“The Christians in the Palestinian Authority [are] facing persecutions. Their homes, their churches — they get attacked almost everyday,” Shafie said.
Christian schools have also been attacked, vehicles torched, equipment stolen and school personnel threatened.

Persecution of Christians in the region of Gaza and the West Bank

All your links are sourced to the same place (a pro Israel Christian organization) and are 6-7 years old.

What else do you have?
You prefer The National Enquirer?
The elected government in office has a violent coup?:cuckoo:

Your source is crap.
Nah, your brain is filled with Islamic crap. Suddenly, the Islamo-terrorist Hamas animals are more tolerant of Christians than their Muslim brethern across the Globe? If you believe that I have a used car and some swampland in Florida to sell you. This pig just won't fly, Tiny Brain.

These are all Christian Church based organizations that are claiming this, douchebag:

Christians In Gaza Have Faced Increasing Persecution Since Hamas Wrested Control | Rescue Christians (
Christians In Gaza Have Faced Increasing Persecution Since Hamas Wrested ControlChristians in Gaza have faced increasing persecution since Hamas wrested control of the Strip in June 2007.
Since taking control, Hamas has been instituting sharia (Islamic) law throughout the coastal enclave, which, among other things, forbids any non-Muslim from sharing his or her faith.
In January 2010, Majed El Shafie, president of One Free World International, told CBN News Christians are being attacked on an almost daily basis.
“The Christians in the Palestinian Authority [are] facing persecutions. Their homes, their churches — they get attacked almost everyday,” Shafie said.
Christian schools have also been attacked, vehicles torched, equipment stolen and school personnel threatened.

Persecution of Christians in the region of Gaza and the West Bank

All your links are sourced to the same place (a pro Israel Christian organization) and are 6-7 years old.

What else do you have?
Heh heh heh. Sorry your dismissal just won't work. I think I'll stick to what very legitimate Christian sources say about persecution of their fellow Christians across the world, rather than what your bullshit conspiracy anti Semetic Islamist / Neo nazi hate sites say. Nobody taught you to stop digging when you're in a hole, eh? I bet you're one of those kids that everybody made fun of when you were in school.

Naming his Grace

Christians in Gaza
This is about comparison and disagreement using articles filled with pathos. I actually thanked the Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the PCUSA for linking to the article, Gaza Christians long for days before Hamas cancelled Christmas, until I discovered that they linked to it because they believed it was about Palestinians not being able to go to Bethlehem during Christmas. It is partly, but mostly it is about how hard it is to be a Christian in Gaza. The author, Phoebe Greenwood, writes:

Karam Qubrsi, 23, and his younger brother Peter, 21, are the eldest sons in one of Gaza's 55 remaining Catholic families. Both wear prominent wooden crucifixes. "Jesus tells me, 'if you can't carry my cross, you don't belong to me,'" Peter explained. It's a demonstration of faith that has caused him some trouble.

He describes being stopped in the street by a Hamas official who told him to remove the cross. "I told him it's not his business and that I wouldn't," Peter said. After being threatened with arrest he was eventually let go, but the incident scared him.
Greenwood adds, “Their sisters Rani, 29, and Mai, 27, left Gaza in 2007 when the 30-year-old manager of Gaza's Bible Society bookstore, where their husbands worked, was shot dead, having been accused by radical elements of proselytising. They now live in Bethlehem.”

The persecution of Christians in Gaza is something that is not widely known in the West. In an article Christianity Today published in 2007 the story is told of Rami Ayyad’s, death. The article is “Christian Bookstore Manager Martyred in Gaza City”.The author writes:

At 6:25 a.m. Sunday October 7, Ayyad's body was found near the bookshop. "Signs of bullets and knife stabs could be clearly seen on his body," the Bible Society release said. Unconfirmed reports added that his head had been severely injured.
[ame=]Muslim Palestinians Desecrate Christian Graves - UN Silent - YouTube[/ame]
Let's listen to a Christian that managed to leave Gaza and speaks his mind now, without fear of being murdered by Palestinian Muslim animals.

[ame=]Christian in Gaza - Amazing - YouTube[/ame]

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