Murkowski Is not a Republican

Murkowski said she's a rape survivor. is there anyone who isnt at this point?!
One thing she appears to not be afraid to vote Alaska's needs, there have been several Republican pushes there that don't work well for Alaska.
Just for the record Lisa Murkowski is not a Republican Senator. She was appointed after her father died to finish out one term. Alaskans were so outraged the governor of Alaska was stripped of his ability to appoint replacement senators in the future. Her next term was a poor showing so Alaskan Republicans selected Joe Miller to represent them sent Murkowski packing. How dare they? She then ran a write in campaign, with Democrat money, and defeated the Republican candidate.
Fruit of a poisoned tree. And this is the way these vipers operate.

How could she be, after all she couldn't see Russia from her back door. All you good commies love you some Russia!

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