Murder rate drops as Gun sales soar.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Table 1--Preliminary Annual UCR

Since the end of the So called assault weapon ban murder rates have dropped steadily each year. Since 2008 as gun sales soared the murder rate dropped almost 10 percent.

According to the gun grabbers more guns equals more crime. Seems they need to explain that to the FBI as it compiles factual data on what is and is not happening in this Country crime wise.
Table 1--Preliminary Annual UCR

Since the end of the So called assault weapon ban murder rates have dropped steadily each year. Since 2008 as gun sales soared the murder rate dropped almost 10 percent.

According to the gun grabbers more guns equals more crime. Seems they need to explain that to the FBI as it compiles factual data on what is and is not happening in this Country crime wise.

Good Post

It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that if Honest Citizens are well Armed, criminals will think twice about attacking, robbing, etc.
Nice attempt at a correlation

Can you prove any connection between the two?

Can you show statistics of guns being used to prevent murders?
Can you show that improved police strategies, crackdowns on gangs and socioeconomic factors have not had more impact?
Can you explain why we still have five times the murder rate of countries that don't have open gun ownership?
Nice attempt at a correlation

Can you prove any connection between the two?

Can you show statistics of guns being used to prevent murders?
Can you show that improved police strategies, crackdowns on gangs and socioeconomic factors have not had more impact?
Can you explain why we still have five times the murder rate of countries that don't have open gun ownership?

Can you prove that guns cause any of that?
Table 1--Preliminary Annual UCR

Since the end of the So called assault weapon ban murder rates have dropped steadily each year. Since 2008 as gun sales soared the murder rate dropped almost 10 percent.

According to the gun grabbers more guns equals more crime. Seems they need to explain that to the FBI as it compiles factual data on what is and is not happening in this Country crime wise.

Good Post

It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that if Honest Citizens are well Armed, criminals will think twice about attacking, robbing, etc.

+1 Yep.. Shoot To Kill Every Time!:cool:
It does.. as a matter of fact...

Murder is murder, and murder rate is murder rate... whether guns or cars or knives or wood chippers or poison or toothpicks are used is of no consequence

It is not the purchase of guns by law abiding people in a legal manner that has our murder rate high.... it is the criminal, who will obtain the weaponry anyway... An armed citizenry obeying the law with their weaponry is not going to make crime or murder increase
Table 1--Preliminary Annual UCR

Since the end of the So called assault weapon ban murder rates have dropped steadily each year. Since 2008 as gun sales soared the murder rate dropped almost 10 percent.

According to the gun grabbers more guns equals more crime. Seems they need to explain that to the FBI as it compiles factual data on what is and is not happening in this Country crime wise.

Another case of conservative cherry picking. Crime rates of all kinds have been declining since 1991

"The year 2005 was overall the safest year in the past thirty years. The recent overall decrease has reflected upon all significant types of crime, with all violent and property crimes having decreased and reached an all-time low. The homicide rate in particular has decreased over 42% between its record high point in 1991 and 2005.

Recently, however, the homicide rate has stagnated.[7] While the homicide rate decreased continuously between 1991 and 2000 from 9.8 homicides per 100,000 persons to 5.5 per 100,000, it has remained level through 2005.

Despite the recent stagnation of the homicide rate, however, property and violent crimes overall have continued to decrease, though at a considerably slower pace than in the 1990s.[7] Overall, the crime rate in the U.S. was the same in 2004 as in 1969, with the homicide rate being roughly the same as in 1966. Violent crime overall, however, is still at the same level as in 1974, despite having decreased steadily since 1991.[8]"

Basically, you've got it bass ackwards. Crime didn't fall after people bought guns. Crime fell (steadily since 1991) and *then* people bought guns. The explosion in gun sales came AFTER the decrease in crime, not before.
Nice attempt at a correlation

Can you prove any connection between the two?

Can you show statistics of guns being used to prevent murders?
Can you show that improved police strategies, crackdowns on gangs and socioeconomic factors have not had more impact?
Can you explain why we still have five times the murder rate of countries that don't have open gun ownership?

Can you prove that guns cause any of that?

You are the one making the assertion that putting more assault rifles on the street has caused a drop in the murder rate........burden of proof is on you.

Now if you want me to hijack your thread and start posting data comparing the US murder rate to that of countries without open gun ownership, I will be happy to do so
It does.. as a matter of fact...

Murder is murder, and murder rate is murder rate... whether guns or cars or knives or wood chippers or poison or toothpicks are used is of no consequence

It is not the purchase of guns by law abiding people in a legal manner that has our murder rate high.... it is the criminal, who will obtain the weaponry anyway... An armed citizenry obeying the law with their weaponry is not going to make crime or murder increase

Not necessarily true. All statistics show that guns are the leading source of murder in the US. There are no statistics that show if you remove guns from the equation their will be a corresponding increase in people pushed out windows.

Not all gun murders are conducted with unlicensed weapons. Most domestic murders are conducted with legal firearms
It does.. as a matter of fact...

Murder is murder, and murder rate is murder rate... whether guns or cars or knives or wood chippers or poison or toothpicks are used is of no consequence

It is not the purchase of guns by law abiding people in a legal manner that has our murder rate high.... it is the criminal, who will obtain the weaponry anyway... An armed citizenry obeying the law with their weaponry is not going to make crime or murder increase

Not necessarily true. All statistics show that guns are the leading source of murder in the US. There are no statistics that show if you remove guns from the equation their will be a corresponding increase in people pushed out windows.

Not all gun murders are conducted with unlicensed weapons. Most domestic murders are conducted with legal firearms

Ehhh... wrong answer...

Removal of guns from the law abiding citizenry does not remove the guns from the hands of the criminal element

Please back up your assertion with non-winger citation that most murders are committed with legal firearms by those legally owning them (yes... not legal firearms that were later stolen and used in crimes including murder)
I just handed in my papers today to get my concealed pistols license. It should take about a month.
It does.. as a matter of fact...

Murder is murder, and murder rate is murder rate... whether guns or cars or knives or wood chippers or poison or toothpicks are used is of no consequence

It is not the purchase of guns by law abiding people in a legal manner that has our murder rate high.... it is the criminal, who will obtain the weaponry anyway... An armed citizenry obeying the law with their weaponry is not going to make crime or murder increase

Not necessarily true. All statistics show that guns are the leading source of murder in the US. There are no statistics that show if you remove guns from the equation their will be a corresponding increase in people pushed out windows.

Not all gun murders are conducted with unlicensed weapons. Most domestic murders are conducted with legal firearms

Ehhh... wrong answer...

Removal of guns from the law abiding citizenry does not remove the guns from the hands of the criminal element

Please back up your assertion with non-winger citation that most murders are committed with legal firearms by those legally owning them (yes... not legal firearms that were later stolen and used in crimes including murder)

Please back up with statistics showing no murders are conducted with legal firearms. legal firearms are the primary weapon in domestic murders.
Nice attempt at a correlation

Can you prove any connection between the two?

Can you show statistics of guns being used to prevent murders?
Can you show that improved police strategies, crackdowns on gangs and socioeconomic factors have not had more impact?
Can you explain why we still have five times the murder rate of countries that don't have open gun ownership?

Here. Read this:

[ame=] More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws, Third Edition (Studies in Law and…[/ame]
Nice attempt at a correlation

Can you prove any connection between the two?

Can you show statistics of guns being used to prevent murders?
Can you show that improved police strategies, crackdowns on gangs and socioeconomic factors have not had more impact?
Can you explain why we still have five times the murder rate of countries that don't have open gun ownership?

Here. Read this:

[ame=] More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws, Third Edition (Studies in Law and…[/ame]

John Lott is a proven liar. His "study" of how people use guns to ward off criminal attacks was based on self-reporters with no corroboration. It includes the 97 times a 89 year old woman claims she warded off sexual assaults with a one month!!!
Moonbat lunacy. If you are going to make accusations like that, provide a credible source with direct links and quotes to his work.

But thanks for playing.
Nice attempt at a correlation

Can you prove any connection between the two?

Can you show statistics of guns being used to prevent murders?
Can you show that improved police strategies, crackdowns on gangs and socioeconomic factors have not had more impact?
Can you explain why we still have five times the murder rate of countries that don't have open gun ownership?

Here. Read this:

[ame=] More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws, Third Edition (Studies in Law and…[/ame]

John Lott is a proven liar. His "study" of how people use guns to ward off criminal attacks was based on self-reporters with no corroboration. It includes the 97 times a 89 year old woman claims she warded off sexual assaults with a one month!!!


Talk about a Great Grand MILF!
John Lott - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 2004, the National Academy of Sciences conducted a review of current research and data on firearms and violent crime, including Lott's work, and found that "there is no credible evidence that 'right-to-carry' laws, which allow qualified adults to carry concealed handguns, either decrease or increase violent crime

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