Murder of The Constitution in Full Public View

Are you too busy sitting home and reading infowars and alex jones to bring a Constitutional case to the Supreme Court if you're so compelled?

If not, it's hard to believe you're all that worried/convinced.
Are you too busy sitting home and reading infowars and alex jones to bring a Constitutional case to the Supreme Court if you're so compelled?

If not, it's hard to believe you're all that worried/convinced.

Last I heard the courts won't entertain any case brought by a private citizen on a charge of the President violating the Constitution. Something about how "we the people" have no standing.
I think that it's not nearly as big of a deal as these people think, and these people have been around for Centuries with wide eyed conspiracies.

For instance, the whole New World Order / Illuminati, etc. shit - - - - - seems rather odd that a secret organization would be "slowly" trying to take over everyone/thing, even though generations pass and pass and all of its members die and turn over tons of times before any of it comes to fruition. Odd, indeed. It's smoke and mirrors designed to fuck with your brain.
Are you too busy sitting home and reading infowars and alex jones to bring a Constitutional case to the Supreme Court if you're so compelled?

If not, it's hard to believe you're all that worried/convinced.

I’m not planning on bringing a Constitutional case to the Supreme Court.

I didn’t ask you to believe anything, I simply posed a question.

It's a freaking forum. It is opinion generated. Do you think you could get away with posting a stupid blog and get a passing grade even in grammar school? I think most of the blogs posted are designed to get numbers not to mention the chance of catching a virus. Tell us what you think, if you think.
Are you too busy sitting home and reading infowars and alex jones to bring a Constitutional case to the Supreme Court if you're so compelled?

If not, it's hard to believe you're all that worried/convinced.

I’m not planning on bringing a Constitutional case to the Supreme Court.

I didn’t ask you to believe anything, I simply posed a question.


I already responded to this post, but it changed slightly and also became post #7 somehow?!?!~?!! Conspiracy? A mod fucking with you? You be the Judge!
It's a freaking forum. It is opinion generated. Do you think you could get away with posting a stupid blog and get a passing grade even in grammar school? I think most of the blogs posted are designed to get numbers not to mention the chance of catching a virus. Tell us what you think, if you think.

I think you are a bit out of touch and living in the past
It's a freaking forum. It is opinion generated. Do you think you could get away with posting a stupid blog and get a passing grade even in grammar school? I think most of the blogs posted are designed to get numbers not to mention the chance of catching a virus. Tell us what you think, if you think.

The National Defense Authorization Act contains a component that would allow the military to indefinitely detain terror suspects, including American citizens arrested in the United States, without charge.
This doesn’t sound good to me.
What do you think?


I think were a nation of spoiled rotten degenerates. None even gives a fuck. I should post whats on the rear window of my civic. Sometimes I get a honk, or today coming back from the gym a guy got my attention from behind me, but nobody gives a flying fuck.

Americans live in a fantasy where they can just do whatever they want and just let others manage them. Our government is only a symptom of a much worse degeneration of our society.
Are you too busy sitting home and reading infowars and alex jones to bring a Constitutional case to the Supreme Court if you're so compelled?

If not, it's hard to believe you're all that worried/convinced.

Thank you. If it is a concern you would do more then post shit on the internet. Americans are to busy either staring at the glowing box working on getting fatter, or they are using drugs you drink or drugs you smoke. Bottom line, nobody gives a shit until people start dying.


The National Defense Authorization Act contains a component that would allow the military to indefinitely detain terror suspects, including American citizens arrested in the United States, without charge.
This doesn’t sound good to me.
No, it doesn’t.
What do you think?


I think were a nation of spoiled rotten degenerates. None even gives a fuck. I should post whats on the rear window of my civic. Sometimes I get a honk, or today coming back from the gym a guy got my attention from behind me, but nobody gives a flying fuck.

Americans live in a fantasy where they can just do whatever they want and just let others manage them. Our government is only a symptom of a much worse degeneration of our society.
NOOOOOOOOOOO :eusa_shhh:


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