Mueller's job.......(in my opinion)

Lost of stupid lefty loons on this board who aren't man or woman enough to admit that the Mueller report cleared Trump.

I'm wondering what they will have to say about the Barr report. That should be on interesting report.

I can hardly wait. How bout you, you lefty loons??
There is NO doubt......after reading even the redacted portions of Mueller's report.........that were Trump just an "ordinary citizen" he WOULD HAVE BEEN INDICTED based on the report.

He's an American elite, existing above the law.... just like Obama ,Hillary, back to Reagan, Nixon, etc

Mueller's 'job' was an exercise in futility , somewhere along the lines of procesuting the folks in charge of sodom and gomorrah

I wrote this in responding to some Trump sycophant in another thread......Of course, Trump cult members will deride, troll and search for fellow cult members to praise their [half] "wit".........but, somewhere in some forgotten corner of some of these folks' brains, some would possibly agree......doubtful but hope spring eternal that some republicans would finally wake up to reality.

Mueller's job was to "gather evidence"......and he did.

Working within the limiting DOJ policy that he....Mueller.....could NEVER indict a sitting president, no on with a half brain would have "concluded" that the final report would call for an outright indictment.......if that was the expectation, then those expecting it were fools.....conversely, those who expected full "exonerations" are ALSO fools.

So, Mueller's task was two-fold

For providing proof (if any existed.....and it did) for the DOJ to revise its policy and for THAT department to indict a sitting president (very unlikely when Trump made sure that a lackey would take the AG position)...........................Or

For Congress to take up the task and utilize the evidence offered to invoke "high crimes and misdemeanors" as the conduit toward developing articles of impeachment.

There is NO doubt......after reading even the redacted portions of Mueller's report.........that were Trump just an "ordinary citizen" he WOULD HAVE BEEN INDICTED based on the report.

Of course, one extreme necessity for Trump is to be re-elected so that statutes of limitations would lapse, allowing him to escape justice.
You are insane.
Now, Mueller abstained from making that call because, absent an indictment, the president is prevented from clearing his name in a public trial. Or so he explained. But, is that correct? For to me it appears, Trump clearly has the power to order a grand jury be convened to investigate his own conduct, and, in case a true bill is being rendered, to have a public trial and clear his name. Being the chief executive officer, the president has the power to start and stop investigations - just not for corrupt purposes.

So, I conclude, Mueller's argument in this instance is invalid, and his failure to call for an indictment while clearly outlining several cases of obvious obstruction is a disgrace. It is a disgrace in particular because the obvious corruption at the top of the executive remains unnamed, is not being judged in a timely fashion, adding to the overall appearance that the lower-level goons get caught and imprisoned, while those at the top remain at large, and the rot continues.

It serves to remember: Whoever enters Trump's orbit won't escape unsoiled. Not even Mueller. The nation is worse off for it.

You make a very valid point.........

However, you and I are not privy to ONE very important factor..........We don;t know that a grand jury's findings DID CALL FOR TRUMP"S INDICTMENT.

We can only guess at this point, AND the real fact that Barr has REFUSED to request from a judge of jurisdiction to release the grand jury's findings (as has been done several times in the past) does raise some suspicions.


However, those who perpetrated this hoax should be shitting themselves. The attention is now on them. They better lawyer up if they want to stay out of prison.

You're the perp, dope.

"Undercutting Trump’s claim that Mueller, in addition to Barr, had cleared him of wrongdoing on obstruction, Mueller wrote that if his office had confidence that Trump did not commit obstruction, “we would so state.” But based on the facts and the law, he wrote, “we were unable to reach that judgment.”

“The evidence we obtained about the President’s actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred,” Mueller wrote. “Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”
However, you and I are not privy to ONE very important factor..........We don;t know that a grand jury's findings DID CALL FOR TRUMP"S INDICTMENT.

But we do know there is no such grand jury process against Trump arising from Mueller's investigation. Mueller said so, in no uncertain terms - he is following DoJ guidelines.

And even if there were, Mueller still didn't call Trump's persistent, serial obstruction of justice by its proper name, and we will not get to see justice done for the remainder of Trump's term, which would be my main point.
Lost of stupid lefty loons on this board who aren't man or woman enough to admit that the Mueller report cleared Trump.

I'm wondering what they will have to say about the Barr report. That should be on interesting report.

I can hardly wait. How bout you, you lefty loons??
Lost of stupid lefty loons on this board who aren't man or woman enough to admit that the Mueller report cleared Trump
How many times have you read Mueller's report?

"WASHINGTON — Special counsel Robert Mueller wrote in his final report that his office would have exonerated President Donald Trump if the evidence had supported it, but based on the information they had, they could not do that."

"'The evidence we obtained about the President’s actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred,' Mueller wrote. 'Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.'"
Hard line Trump sycophants CANNOT get through their thick skulls that although Trump and Barr may have "exonerated" Trump, MUELLER DID NOT.

Mueller is now a private citizen.....and if he does agree to testify before one of the House committees, the PRIMARY question that he will be asked is a simple and direct one: "Did your report, Mr. Mueller, exonerate Trump from obstruction of justice, YES or NO?"
Hard line Trump sycophants CANNOT get through their thick skulls that although Trump and Barr may have "exonerated" Trump, MUELLER DID NOT.

Mueller is now a private citizen.....and if he does agree to testify before one of the House committees, the PRIMARY question that he will be asked is a simple and direct one: "Did your report, Mr. Mueller, exonerate Trump from obstruction of justice, YES or NO?"
Mueller is now a private citizen.....and if he does agree to testify before one of the House committees, the PRIMARY question that he will be asked is a simple and direct one: "Did your report, Mr. Mueller, exonerate Trump from obstruction of justice, YES or NO?"
I think Mueller should also reveal who decided to end his investigation and whether or not Mueller inspected Trump's financial documents or if that evidence was farmed out to SDNY. It was a stretch from the start to imagine life-long Republicans would probe Trump's corrupt roots long enough to arrive at a valid conclusion.

"Bill Barr: The 'Cover-Up General'
"'At the center of the criticism is the chief articulator of Bush's imperial presidency,' we wrote in 1992, 'the man who wrote the legal rationale for the Gulf War, the Panama invasion, and the officially sanctioned kidnapping of foreign nationals abroad'

APRIL 18, 2019"

Bill Barr: The “Cover-Up General”
Harvard Law Professor Dershowitz says NO OBSTRUCTION, period:
Dershowitz: Mueller got the law 'all wrong' on obstruction of justice
Both Sekulow and Dershowitz are shills for Trump and Russia.
Nothing either of them say has any value.

Alan Dershowitz is a "shill" for Donald Trump? That's amusing. Dershowitz doesn't like Trump. He never has. The only reason you hate Dershowitz is that he's a liberal but he's unwilling to lie about what Trump did.
Hard line Trump sycophants CANNOT get through their thick skulls that although Trump and Barr may have "exonerated" Trump, MUELLER DID NOT.

Mueller is now a private citizen.....and if he does agree to testify before one of the House committees, the PRIMARY question that he will be asked is a simple and direct one: "Did your report, Mr. Mueller, exonerate Trump from obstruction of justice, YES or NO?"

What you can't seem to get through YOUR thick skull is that it's never the job of any prosecutor to "exonerate" anyone! It's the job of a prosecutor to determine if a crime has taken place and if so to bring indictments for that crime. Mueller found no evidence that he felt warranted indictments. That's it. End of story. If the House decides it's going to go forward with it's own investigation then it's obviously political.
You would think there's an extent of subservience and sycophancy that would be beyond everyone's limits even to contemplate. And yet, we get to observe the Trumpletons near effortlessly crashing through the most insurmountable of boundaries.

Harvard Law Professor Dershowitz says NO OBSTRUCTION, period:
Dershowitz: Mueller got the law 'all wrong' on obstruction of justice
Both Sekulow and Dershowitz are shills for Trump and Russia.
Nothing either of them say has any value.

Alan Dershowitz is a "shill" for Donald Trump? That's amusing. Dershowitz doesn't like Trump. He never has. The only reason you hate Dershowitz is that he's a liberal but he's unwilling to lie about what Trump did.
This guy said that lying to FBI isnt a crime.
He keeps appearing on Russian propaganda.
Says Trump shouldnt be impeached even if he colluded.
Harvard Law Professor Dershowitz says NO OBSTRUCTION, period:
Dershowitz: Mueller got the law 'all wrong' on obstruction of justice
Both Sekulow and Dershowitz are shills for Trump and Russia.
Nothing either of them say has any value.

Alan Dershowitz is a "shill" for Donald Trump? That's amusing. Dershowitz doesn't like Trump. He never has. The only reason you hate Dershowitz is that he's a liberal but he's unwilling to lie about what Trump did.
This guy said that lying to FBI isnt a crime.
He keeps appearing on Russian propaganda.
Says Trump shouldn't be impeached even if he colluded.

1. He said that lying to the FBI isn't a crime if its a perjury trap, and the FBI knows the answer
2. Who cares about Russian propaganda
3. Collusion is not a crime, duh. Read the article, its about "civil liberties".

Dershowitz isn't a shill for Trump, he's a law professor explaining the Constitution to idiots who have no clue about anything.
Harvard Law Professor Dershowitz says NO OBSTRUCTION, period:
Dershowitz: Mueller got the law 'all wrong' on obstruction of justice
Both Sekulow and Dershowitz are shills for Trump and Russia.
Nothing either of them say has any value.

Alan Dershowitz is a "shill" for Donald Trump? That's amusing. Dershowitz doesn't like Trump. He never has. The only reason you hate Dershowitz is that he's a liberal but he's unwilling to lie about what Trump did.
This guy said that lying to FBI isnt a crime.
He keeps appearing on Russian propaganda.
Says Trump shouldn't be impeached even if he colluded.

1. He said that lying to the FBI isn't a crime if its a perjury trap, and the FBI knows the answer
2. Who cares about Russian propaganda
3. Collusion is not a crime, duh. Read the article, its about "civil liberties".

Dershowitz isn't a shill for Trump, he's a law professor explaining the Constitution to idiots who have no clue about anything.
1) Dershowitz is playing word games:
"Because the lie has to be material to the investigation. And if the FBI already knew the answer to the question and only asked him the question in order to give him an opportunity to lie, his answer–even if false–was not material to the investigation."

but that's not what the law in question here says. It is talking about falsifying or concealing a material fact, not whether the government suspects it or may have evidence to the contrary.

2) Russia likes Dershowitz, Trump likes Dershowitz

3) collusion is just slang for "conspiracy against the USA", which is against the law.
Looks like we’re already seeing signs of desperation from nat4900. :)

After experiencing an epic ass kicking in the last election, nat4900 wants everyone to know he hasn’t learned anything. lol
That’s typical for people like him.
Hard line Trump sycophants CANNOT get through their thick skulls that although Trump and Barr may have "exonerated" Trump, MUELLER DID NOT.

Mueller is now a private citizen.....and if he does agree to testify before one of the House committees, the PRIMARY question that he will be asked is a simple and direct one: "Did your report, Mr. Mueller, exonerate Trump from obstruction of justice, YES or NO?"
Mueller is now a private citizen.....and if he does agree to testify before one of the House committees, the PRIMARY question that he will be asked is a simple and direct one: "Did your report, Mr. Mueller, exonerate Trump from obstruction of justice, YES or NO?"
I think Mueller should also reveal who decided to end his investigation and whether or not Mueller inspected Trump's financial documents or if that evidence was farmed out to SDNY. It was a stretch from the start to imagine life-long Republicans would probe Trump's corrupt roots long enough to arrive at a valid conclusion.

"Bill Barr: The 'Cover-Up General'
"'At the center of the criticism is the chief articulator of Bush's imperial presidency,' we wrote in 1992, 'the man who wrote the legal rationale for the Gulf War, the Panama invasion, and the officially sanctioned kidnapping of foreign nationals abroad'

APRIL 18, 2019"

Bill Barr: The “Cover-Up General”

William Barr Supported Pardons In An Earlier D.C. 'Witch Hunt': Iran-Contra

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