Mueller's job.......(in my opinion)

I wanted to personally thank you for your devotion to the truth; not only in this matter but across the board (pun intended). I have moved on to other discussion groups and the like so I don’t come by as much as I once did. Good to see the board hasn’t totally gone off the rails…

As for Mueller, I thank him for getting the felons trump hired off the streets and off of the public payroll. But he screwed up by not insisting that the President sit for an interview. The whole point of the written questions (that Trump likely never saw) was to prevent follow ups. Could you imagine if every subject of an investigation were able to do this? “Mr. District Attorney, my client will only take written questions on the predication that there are absolutely no follow up questions. We’ll errr…he'll respond in a few months. Cherio."

Thank you and we NEED you here.......since the powers that be send me to the dog house quite a few times since I seem to "irk" the solid Trump cult membership.

Regarding Mueller.......MANY, many mistakes on his part........and the written response to Mueller's questions were a damn travesty to any semblance of justice....Imagine, even in WRITTEN responses by Trump's own $900 per hour attorneys there were dozens of "I don'r recall".........

True. And thanks for that.
Harvard Law Professor Dershowitz says NO OBSTRUCTION, period:
Dershowitz: Mueller got the law 'all wrong' on obstruction of justice
Your link:

"The public is left with a 'very unflattering portrait of presidential actions that don't rise to the level of criminal conduct,' Dershowitz noted."

Criminal conduct isn't a requirement for impeachment, ad Dershowitz points out:

"Dershowitz explained that the Mueller report establishes a clear 'roadmap' for Congress to begin impeachment proceedings. 'I said from day one that I thought Mueller would provide a roadmap, that was the word I used and that's clearly what he's provided here.'"

Curious to see what happens if Trump holds on to the White House but the Democrats get control of the Senate. Not only from an impeachment/removal from office standpoint but also if there will be any supreme court justices approved for 4 years.

Again, it’s why we need to add voice to the Constitution where it is currently silent.
As long as Mueller wouldn't bring charges,

Above proves you're an ASSHOLE......Mueller could NOT bring charges on anyone or anything because of the existing DOJ policy......Tattoo THAT to your half brain.

But, YES you may have noticed that Mueller was a "special counsel" and NOT an "independent counsel".....and Trump's lawyers (Trump is too fucking dumb to have figured this out) made SURE that after Barr auditioned for the AG job.....he would get it so that the Mueller report would be INTERPRETED by a Trump STOOGE like Barr.

For MUeller's staff, once Barr got the job to be Trump's bitch......their task was over.
Criminal conduct isn't a requirement for impeachment, as Dershowitz points out:

Let me ALSO add the statement from the most vile hypocrite Lindsey Graham......who, 20 years ago saif this

“You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job (as president) in this constitutional republic if this body determines your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role,” Graham says of Clinton.
Harvard Law Professor Dershowitz says NO OBSTRUCTION, period:
Dershowitz: Mueller got the law 'all wrong' on obstruction of justice
Your link:

"The public is left with a 'very unflattering portrait of presidential actions that don't rise to the level of criminal conduct,' Dershowitz noted."

Criminal conduct isn't a requirement for impeachment, ad Dershowitz points out:

"Dershowitz explained that the Mueller report establishes a clear 'roadmap' for Congress to begin impeachment proceedings. 'I said from day one that I thought Mueller would provide a roadmap, that was the word I used and that's clearly what he's provided here.'"

Curious to see what happens if Trump holds on to the White House but the Democrats get control of the Senate. Not only from an impeachment/removal from office standpoint but also if there will be any supreme court justices approved for 4 years.

Again, it’s why we need to add voice to the Constitution where it is currently silent.
Curious to see what happens if Trump holds on to the White House but the Democrats get control of the Senate. Not only from an impeachment/removal from office standpoint but also if there will be any supreme court justices approved for 4 years
How many of us four years ago today ever imagined Trump could win a single term? It's possible a credible third party candidate could have the same effect in 2020 as Teddy Roosevelt had in 1912?

1912 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

"The United States presidential election of 1912 was the 32nd quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 5, 1912. Democratic Governor Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey unseated incumbent Republican President William Howard Taft and defeated former President Theodore Roosevelt, who ran as the Progressive Party ('Bull Moose') nominee. Roosevelt remains the only third party presidential candidate in U.S. history to finish better than third in the popular or electoral vote."
The angry left fantasized that Mueller's job was to dig up enough dirt on the President of the United States to prove an allegation that was ludicrous from the git-go. When Mueller announced that his two year multi million dollar investigation could not prove that Trump colluded with the Russians it sent the crazy left into another PTSD tailspin. Why can't the federal government offer psychiatric help to these people?
Curious to see what happens if Trump holds on to the White House but the Democrats get control of the Senate. Not only from an impeachment/removal from office standpoint but also if there will be any supreme court justices approved for 4 years.

Again, it’s why we need to add voice to the Constitution where it is currently silent.

Ohhh, congress will be drastically different after 2020.....especially in the Senate......Bear in mind that republicans need to defend TWENTY-TWO seats, and although about 10 of thise are in VIVID RED states, the remainder are keenly contested.

So, with a democrat majority in BOTH chambers, a Trump re-election will be short-lived.......mindful that Trump is trying to get re-elected mostly to run out the clock on the statutes of limitations (by 2022) on his misdeeds........

As I've stated before, Trump's "new slogan" in 2020 should be, "Please vote for me to keep me out of prison."
Criminal conduct isn't a requirement for impeachment, as Dershowitz points out:

Let me ALSO add the statement from the most vile hypocrite Lindsey Graham......who, 20 years ago saif this

“You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job (as president) in this constitutional republic if this body determines your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role,” Graham says of Clinton.
Let me ALSO add the statement from the most vile hypocrite Lindsey Graham......who, 20 years ago saif this
I wonder if Lindsey is auditioning for VP on Trump's 2020 ticket; he has certainly changed his opinion about Trump's competence.

How Lindsey Graham Went From Trump Skeptic to Trump Sidekick
Criminal conduct isn't a requirement for impeachment, as Dershowitz points out:

Let me ALSO add the statement from the most vile hypocrite Lindsey Graham......who, 20 years ago saif this

“You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job (as president) in this constitutional republic if this body determines your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role,” Graham says of Clinton.
Let me ALSO add the statement from the most vile hypocrite Lindsey Graham......who, 20 years ago saif this
I wonder if Lindsey is auditioning for VP on Trump's 2020 ticket; he has certainly changed his opinion about Trump's competence.

How Lindsey Graham Went From Trump Skeptic to Trump Sidekick

Either hypocrisy PERSONIFIED.........or, Trump has some "compromising" evidence on Lindsey's past proclivities......
Harvard Law Professor Dershowitz says NO OBSTRUCTION, period:
Dershowitz: Mueller got the law 'all wrong' on obstruction of justice
Your link:

"The public is left with a 'very unflattering portrait of presidential actions that don't rise to the level of criminal conduct,' Dershowitz noted."

Criminal conduct isn't a requirement for impeachment, ad Dershowitz points out:

"Dershowitz explained that the Mueller report establishes a clear 'roadmap' for Congress to begin impeachment proceedings. 'I said from day one that I thought Mueller would provide a roadmap, that was the word I used and that's clearly what he's provided here.'"

Also from the link:
"According to Dershowitz, the president was within his authority to fire the FBI director and would have been justified, under the unified executive theory, to shut down the investigation.

"The position I've taken from day one is for the president to obstruct justice, he has to go beyond his own permissible constitutional authority and engage in conduct that would be a crime for anyone else, like tampering with witnesses, obstructing a witness, paying witnesses, telling them to lie. None of that is charged against President Trump," Dershowitz said."

There were no "crimes" alleged in that Mueller roadmap that I saw...just more witches to hunt...
As long as Mueller wouldn't bring charges,

Above proves you're an ASSHOLE......Mueller could NOT bring charges on anyone or anything because of the existing DOJ policy......Tattoo THAT to your half brain.

But, YES you may have noticed that Mueller was a "special counsel" and NOT an "independent counsel".....and Trump's lawyers (Trump is too fucking dumb to have figured this out) made SURE that after Barr auditioned for the AG job.....he would get it so that the Mueller report would be INTERPRETED by a Trump STOOGE like Barr.

For MUeller's staff, once Barr got the job to be Trump's bitch......their task was over.


No collusion and in Mueller's words...No crime is concluded on obstruction
Harvard Law Professor Dershowitz says NO OBSTRUCTION, period:
Dershowitz: Mueller got the law 'all wrong' on obstruction of justice
Your link:

"The public is left with a 'very unflattering portrait of presidential actions that don't rise to the level of criminal conduct,' Dershowitz noted."

Criminal conduct isn't a requirement for impeachment, ad Dershowitz points out:

"Dershowitz explained that the Mueller report establishes a clear 'roadmap' for Congress to begin impeachment proceedings. 'I said from day one that I thought Mueller would provide a roadmap, that was the word I used and that's clearly what he's provided here.'"

Also from the link:
"According to Dershowitz, the president was within his authority to fire the FBI director and would have been justified, under the unified executive theory, to shut down the investigation.

"The position I've taken from day one is for the president to obstruct justice, he has to go beyond his own permissible constitutional authority and engage in conduct that would be a crime for anyone else, like tampering with witnesses, obstructing a witness, paying witnesses, telling them to lie. None of that is charged against President Trump," Dershowitz said."

There were no "crimes" alleged in that Mueller roadmap that I saw...just more witches to hunt...
According to Dershowitz, the president was within his authority to fire the FBI director and would have been justified, under the unified executive theory, to shut down the investigation.
If Trump fired Comey for corrupt purposes, he can't hide behind executive powers.

How to get away with obstructing justice

"Trump avoided saying the magic words

"One of the most revealing bits in the Mueller report comes in a section about Trump’s battles with his White House counsel, Don McGahn.

"The New York Times had reported that, months earlier, Trump had tried to get McGahn to fire Mueller. McGahn refused to dispute this story, saying that was in fact what happened.

"But Trump was furious, and asserted to McGahn — even behind closed doors — that the story was wrong. His reason? He never used the particular word 'fire.'"

Trump does very little that doesn't involve corrupt purposes as in "high crimes and misdemeanors."
No crime is concluded on obstruction

Even the REDACTED summarized by Trump's stooge, Barr......states:

[Barr] cautioned, however, that Mr. Mueller’s report states that “while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him” on the obstruction of justice issue.
I wrote this in responding to some Trump sycophant in another thread......Of course, Trump cult members will deride, troll and search for fellow cult members to praise their [half] "wit".........but, somewhere in some forgotten corner of some of these folks' brains, some would possibly agree......doubtful but hope spring eternal that some republicans would finally wake up to reality.

Mueller's job was to "gather evidence"......and he did.

Working within the limiting DOJ policy that he....Mueller.....could NEVER indict a sitting president, no on with a half brain would have "concluded" that the final report would call for an outright indictment.......if that was the expectation, then those expecting it were fools.....conversely, those who expected full "exonerations" are ALSO fools.

So, Mueller's task was two-fold

For providing proof (if any existed.....and it did) for the DOJ to revise its policy and for THAT department to indict a sitting president (very unlikely when Trump made sure that a lackey would take the AG position)...........................Or

For Congress to take up the task and utilize the evidence offered to invoke "high crimes and misdemeanors" as the conduit toward developing articles of impeachment.

There is NO doubt......after reading even the redacted portions of Mueller's report.........that were Trump just an "ordinary citizen" he WOULD HAVE BEEN INDICTED based on the report.

Of course, one extreme necessity for Trump is to be re-elected so that statutes of limitations would lapse, allowing him to escape justice.

No crime is concluded on obstruction

Even the REDACTED summarized by Trump's stooge, Barr......states:

[Barr] cautioned, however, that Mr. Mueller’s report states that “while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him” on the obstruction of justice issue.

Special Prosecutor's are not named to exonerate anyone...just to find a crime. He found no crime in obstruction
Napolitano: Mueller report shows 'classic obstruction of justice'

"According to the Mueller report, Trump had once asked his former deputy national security adviser K.T. McFarland to draft an internal memo saying that he did not instruct former national security adviser Michael Flynn to discuss sanctions with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

"McFarland was reportedly uncomfortable with the request and was eventually told by the former chief of staff Reince Priebus to 'forget he even mentioned it.'

“If the president actually said to our former colleague K.T. MacFarland, ‘put an untruthful piece of paper in an official government file which we know is going to be subpoenaed by Mueller,’ that is attempted interference,” Napolitano said.


The only reason Trump wasn't indicted was his political position as POTUS; congress is about to remedy that problem.
I wrote this in responding to some Trump sycophant in another thread......Of course, Trump cult members will deride, troll and search for fellow cult members to praise their [half] "wit".........but, somewhere in some forgotten corner of some of these folks' brains, some would possibly agree......doubtful but hope spring eternal that some republicans would finally wake up to reality.

Mueller's job was to "gather evidence"......and he did.

Working within the limiting DOJ policy that he....Mueller.....could NEVER indict a sitting president, no on with a half brain would have "concluded" that the final report would call for an outright indictment.......if that was the expectation, then those expecting it were fools.....conversely, those who expected full "exonerations" are ALSO fools.

So, Mueller's task was two-fold

For providing proof (if any existed.....and it did) for the DOJ to revise its policy and for THAT department to indict a sitting president (very unlikely when Trump made sure that a lackey would take the AG position)...........................Or

For Congress to take up the task and utilize the evidence offered to invoke "high crimes and misdemeanors" as the conduit toward developing articles of impeachment.

There is NO doubt......after reading even the redacted portions of Mueller's report.........that were Trump just an "ordinary citizen" he WOULD HAVE BEEN INDICTED based on the report.

Of course, one extreme necessity for Trump is to be re-elected so that statutes of limitations would lapse, allowing him to escape justice.

HEY!! 37% of Americans want to impeach. That's right, a whopping 37%

Working within the limiting DOJ policy that he....Mueller.....could NEVER indict a sitting president, no on[e] with a half brain would have "concluded" that the final report would call for an outright indictment..

You know, Nat, that is somewhat hasty. Let's separate two things:

- Mueller was powerless to indict Trump, following DoJ guidelines.

- Calling for an indictment is another animal entirely.

Now, Mueller abstained from making that call because, absent an indictment, the president is prevented from clearing his name in a public trial. Or so he explained. But, is that correct? For to me it appears, Trump clearly has the power to order a grand jury be convened to investigate his own conduct, and, in case a true bill is being rendered, to have a public trial and clear his name. Being the chief executive officer, the president has the power to start and stop investigations - just not for corrupt purposes.

So, I conclude, Mueller's argument in this instance is invalid, and his failure to call for an indictment while clearly outlining several cases of obvious obstruction is a disgrace. It is a disgrace in particular because the obvious corruption at the top of the executive remains unnamed, is not being judged in a timely fashion, adding to the overall appearance that the lower-level goons get caught and imprisoned, while those at the top remain at large, and the rot continues.

It serves to remember: Whoever enters Trump's orbit won't escape unsoiled. Not even Mueller. The nation is worse off for it.
I wrote this in responding to some Trump sycophant in another thread......Of course, Trump cult members will deride, troll and search for fellow cult members to praise their [half] "wit".........but, somewhere in some forgotten corner of some of these folks' brains, some would possibly agree......doubtful but hope spring eternal that some republicans would finally wake up to reality.

Mueller's job was to "gather evidence"......and he did.

Working within the limiting DOJ policy that he....Mueller.....could NEVER indict a sitting president, no on with a half brain would have "concluded" that the final report would call for an outright indictment.......if that was the expectation, then those expecting it were fools.....conversely, those who expected full "exonerations" are ALSO fools.

So, Mueller's task was two-fold

For providing proof (if any existed.....and it did) for the DOJ to revise its policy and for THAT department to indict a sitting president (very unlikely when Trump made sure that a lackey would take the AG position)...........................Or

For Congress to take up the task and utilize the evidence offered to invoke "high crimes and misdemeanors" as the conduit toward developing articles of impeachment.

There is NO doubt......after reading even the redacted portions of Mueller's report.........that were Trump just an "ordinary citizen" he WOULD HAVE BEEN INDICTED based on the report.

Of course, one extreme necessity for Trump is to be re-elected so that statutes of limitations would lapse, allowing him to escape justice.

When you open your thread with "npc-meme" lines and phrases it tends to be ignored.

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