Mueller must GO NOW, it's matter of national security!


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
The President desperately needs to be able to privately communicate with Putin to ascertain what our response should be to his attempted assassination of a retired spy in Russia as well as possible additional planned murders. President Trump must not be forced to operate in a vacuum. He needs to know what he should do!
The President desperately needs to be able to privately communicate with Putin to ascertain what our response should be to his attempted assassination of a retired spy in Russia as well as possible additional planned murders. President Trump must not be forced to operate in a vacuum. He needs to know what he should do!

The Mueller investigation should end for lack of evidence. I completely don't follow your post though. Can you explain what you're talking about a little slower and step by step?
My guess on what the op means is the Manchurian president tweet-slipped Tillerson today because yesterday Tillerson sided with Teresa May's stance on Putin's/Russia's invented/created chemical agent... assassinated the Russian ex-spy in Britain.....

while the Manchurian P sat idle and mum on the topic.... because without his 'back channel'' communication set up with Putin that Trump tried twice to arrange, Mueller thru other intel agencies, can hear what they are talking about and what orders Putin would be giving him as his response to the incident...?
My guess on what the op means is the Manchurian president tweet-slipped Tillerson today because yesterday Tillerson sided with Teresa May's stance on Putin's/Russia's invented/created chemical agent... assassinated the Russian ex-spy in Britain.....

while the Manchurian P sat idle and mum on the topic.... because without his 'back channel'' communication set up with Putin that Trump tried twice to arrange, Mueller thru other intel agencies, can hear what they are talking about and what orders Putin would be giving him as his response to the incident...?
He actually let him go Fri, thus his return early from his trip, before Tillerson made the statement.
Tillerson did not speak to Trump before firing

A White House official told The Hill that Kelly called Tillerson on Friday night to tell him that Trump had decided to let him go. The official said the call was short, not testy, and did not focus on policy differences.

Tillerson, who was on a diplomatic trip to Africa, asked if the news could be held back until his return. The White House agreed, and the news came out hours after Tillerson's return Tuesday morning.

Tillerson had cut the trip short, telling reporters he'd got little sleep and had food poisoning at one of his stops.

In comments outside the White House, Trump heaped praise on Pompeo and alluded to differences with Tillerson, noting their disagreements on Iran.
My guess on what the op means is the Manchurian president tweet-slipped Tillerson today because yesterday Tillerson sided with Teresa May's stance on Putin's/Russia's invented/created chemical agent... assassinated the Russian ex-spy in Britain.....

while the Manchurian P sat idle and mum on the topic.... because without his 'back channel'' communication set up with Putin that Trump tried twice to arrange, Mueller thru other intel agencies, can hear what they are talking about and what orders Putin would be giving him as his response to the incident...?

Wow, I was just wondering what someone who completely pulled an evil implication prediction out of their ass would speculate. Thanks!

BTW, when you says "care4all" and only actually care for people on your side, that's not really an achievement, is it? Mean who doesn't like the people on their side?

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