You left out the Department of Justice…they expect us to believe that somehow Trump’s DOJ is working to overthrow him.
That's exactly what Rosenstein is doing, tard. It couldn't be more obvious.

Oh, Bri.....we've definitely noted him as part of the stupidly complicated, wildly elaborate, and uselesly intricate conspiracy Kool-aid your ilk is guzzing down:

There's this supposed 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump that has infiltrated Congress, the FBI, the FISA courts, the National Park Service, the Department of Justice, filled the CIA with 'Democrat Operatives', filled the white house, the EPA, and federal government with 'Trump enemies' working in conjuction Google, with essentially the entire Mainstream Media (except FOX NEWS for no particular reason), international leaders, Twitter, foreign media sources, Mark Zuckerberg, an elaborate plot involving "ring leaders", co-conspirators, James Comey, Facebook, faked affidavits, Lockheed Martin, false charges, James Mueller, planted evidence, George Soros, Seth Rich, 33 faked indictments, Rod Rosenstein, dozens of faked convictions, extortion, forced plea deals, and hell, even Mueller MURDERING people.


Trump's just a liar.

Occam's Razor definitely picks a team on that one.
Exactly! Except for the part about Mueller murdering people. It's not a conspiracy. It's just leftwing douchebags all having the same motive.

You need to keep up. Tree added the 'Mueller's a murderer!' claim today.

Its not like your conspiracy nonsense had any particular rules. Its just a seething miasma of whatever hapless batshit your ilk make up on a given day. Though you have to admit, of the two explanations:

1) A 'Deep State' and 'Obama's Shadow Army' working to take down Trump that has infiltrated Congress, the FBI, the FISA courts, the National Park Service, the Department of Justice, filled the CIA with 'Democrat Operatives', filled the white house, the EPA, and federal government with 'Trump enemies' working in conjuction Google, with essentially the entire Mainstream Media (except FOX NEWS for no particular reason), international leaders, Twitter, foreign media sources, Mark Zuckerberg, an elaborate plot involving "ring leaders", co-conspirators, James Comey, Facebook, faked affidavits, Lockheed Martin, false charges, James Mueller, planted evidence, George Soros, Seth Rich, 33 faked indictments, Rod Rosenstein, dozens of faked convictions, extortion, forced plea deals, and hell, even Mueller MURDERING people.


2) Trump's just a liar.

The second is far simpler. And of course, easily provable with evidence.
Yes, I know that's his theory. I don't have to buy off on everything he posts. As for the rest of your manure, it's not even worth reading.

Its all the same hash of silly batshit based on imagination. You contradicting Tree is like a Truther contradicting Flat Earther.

Its a fight that's completely pointless.....but fun to point and laugh at!
Do you think there is a moment when one of these shit-for-brains conservatives cringes when they read what the other shit-for-brains conservatives writes?
No. We cringe at the mindless blind support of Gruber idiots who continue to deny the obvious, continue to reject the only existing evidence of real crimes committed by Democrats.

We cringe at the in-going perversion of justice, the open treason and sedition, and the public coup attempt to undo an election Emocrats failed to win.

We cringe at the fact that traitors ran a felon who abandoned Americans to die, compromised national security, rigged an election, committed crimes, and lost an election yet snowflakes continue to defend and worship her.

We cringe at the stupidity of emotionally-manipulated sheep like yourself who continue to declare Conservatives are Guilty until proven innocent and the burden of proof lies on the accused....
You left out the Department of Justice…they expect us to believe that somehow Trump’s DOJ is working to overthrow him.
That's exactly what Rosenstein is doing, tard. It couldn't be more obvious.
Or it could be the Rosenstein is just following the law and constitution.
Hmmm, no, that's utterly inconceivable.

To a conservative perhaps. But outside the festering orifice of acrimony and defeat that is the Right Wing Echo Chamber.....your explanation is rather elaborate and light on evidence.

While the alternative; that Trump is just a liar, is simple and matches the evidence.
When have you posted evidence of anything you claim? you did for your claim that Cohen couldn't be trusted because he was never sworn in before his guilty plea?

Or like you did when you ignored Mueller's explicit authorization from the Deputy AG to prosecute any federal crimes he finds in the course of his investigation?

You're easy, Bri. You've got one useless little trick: Make shit up and then demand someone disprove what you imagined.

Ladies and Gentlemen.....I give you the Trump Supporter!
Do you think there is a moment when one of these shit-for-brains conservatives cringes when they read what the other shit-for-brains conservatives writes?
No. We cringe at the mindless blind support of Gruber idiots who continue to deny the obvious, continue to reject the only existing evidence of real crimes committed by Democrats.

We cringe at the in-going perversion of justice, the open treason and sedition, and the public coup attempt to undo an election Emocrats failed to win.

We cringe at the fact that traitors ran a felon who abandoned Americans to die, compromised national security, rigged an election, committed crimes, and lost an election yet snowflakes continue to defend and worship her.

We cringe at the stupidity of emotionally-manipulated sheep like yourself who continue to declare Conservatives are Guilty until proven innocent and the burden of proof lies on the accused....

Says the man that created an entire thread around the batshit conspiracy theory that Robert Mueller and James Comey personally murdered a witness cited in the Papodopolous indictment. it was some buddy cop movie from the 80s!

Like it I said...its all the same batshit conservative conspiracy gumbo. You can't fix stupid.
That's exactly what Rosenstein is doing, tard. It couldn't be more obvious.
Or it could be the Rosenstein is just following the law and constitution.
Hmmm, no, that's utterly inconceivable.

To a conservative perhaps. But outside the festering orifice of acrimony and defeat that is the Right Wing Echo Chamber.....your explanation is rather elaborate and light on evidence.

While the alternative; that Trump is just a liar, is simple and matches the evidence.
When have you posted evidence of anything you claim? you did for your claim that Cohen couldn't be trusted because he was never sworn in before his guilty plea?

Or like you did when you ignored Mueller's explicit authorization from the Deputy AG to prosecute any federal crimes he finds in the course of his investigation?

You're easy, Bri. You've got one useless little trick: Make shit up and then demand someone disprove what you imagined.

Ladies and Gentlemen.....I give you the Trump Supporter!
Puhleeze, shit for brains, how long are you going to crow about your one pathetic victory? You have been shlonged so many times I can't keep track of them.
Or it could be the Rosenstein is just following the law and constitution.
Hmmm, no, that's utterly inconceivable.

To a conservative perhaps. But outside the festering orifice of acrimony and defeat that is the Right Wing Echo Chamber.....your explanation is rather elaborate and light on evidence.

While the alternative; that Trump is just a liar, is simple and matches the evidence.
When have you posted evidence of anything you claim? you did for your claim that Cohen couldn't be trusted because he was never sworn in before his guilty plea?

Or like you did when you ignored Mueller's explicit authorization from the Deputy AG to prosecute any federal crimes he finds in the course of his investigation?

You're easy, Bri. You've got one useless little trick: Make shit up and then demand someone disprove what you imagined.

Ladies and Gentlemen.....I give you the Trump Supporter!
Puhleeze, shit for brains, how long are you going to crow about your one pathetic victory. You have been shlonged so many times I can't keep track of them.

Dude......its the same shit with every conspiracy you offer.

Step 1) You make up something on a topic you know jack shit about. Based on nothing.

Step 2) You insist that we disprove your latest made up fantasy.

Step 3) Repeat.

Deep state conspiracies, whatever gibberish you offer us on the law, Cohen's plea deal, 'ringleaders' of imaginary 'coups, Birther conspiracies, voter fraud conspiracies, whatever.

But this time its different, huh?
That's exactly what Rosenstein is doing, tard. It couldn't be more obvious.
Or it could be the Rosenstein is just following the law and constitution.
Hmmm, no, that's utterly inconceivable.

To a conservative perhaps. But outside the festering orifice of acrimony and defeat that is the Right Wing Echo Chamber.....your explanation is rather elaborate and light on evidence.

While the alternative; that Trump is just a liar, is simple and matches the evidence.
Your evidence that Trump is a liar is fake news.




Rubes are hilarious

Seriously. This is getting embarassing.
Hmmm, no, that's utterly inconceivable.

To a conservative perhaps. But outside the festering orifice of acrimony and defeat that is the Right Wing Echo Chamber.....your explanation is rather elaborate and light on evidence.

While the alternative; that Trump is just a liar, is simple and matches the evidence.
When have you posted evidence of anything you claim? you did for your claim that Cohen couldn't be trusted because he was never sworn in before his guilty plea?

Or like you did when you ignored Mueller's explicit authorization from the Deputy AG to prosecute any federal crimes he finds in the course of his investigation?

You're easy, Bri. You've got one useless little trick: Make shit up and then demand someone disprove what you imagined.

Ladies and Gentlemen.....I give you the Trump Supporter!
Puhleeze, shit for brains, how long are you going to crow about your one pathetic victory. You have been shlonged so many times I can't keep track of them.

Dude......its the same shit with every conspiracy you offer.

Step 1) You make up something on a topic you know jack shit about. Based on nothing.

Step 2) You insist that we disprove your latest made up fantasy.

Step 3) Repeat.

Deep state conspiracies, whatever gibberish you offer us on the law, Cohen's plea deal, 'ringleaders' of imaginary 'coups, Birther conspiracies, voter fraud conspiracies, whatever.

But this time its different, huh?
Utter horseshit, just like everything you post. 99% of your posts consist entirely of ad hominem and bogus accusations.
Or it could be the Rosenstein is just following the law and constitution.
Hmmm, no, that's utterly inconceivable.

To a conservative perhaps. But outside the festering orifice of acrimony and defeat that is the Right Wing Echo Chamber.....your explanation is rather elaborate and light on evidence.

While the alternative; that Trump is just a liar, is simple and matches the evidence.
When have you posted evidence of anything you claim? you did for your claim that Cohen couldn't be trusted because he was never sworn in before his guilty plea?

Or like you did when you ignored Mueller's explicit authorization from the Deputy AG to prosecute any federal crimes he finds in the course of his investigation?

You're easy, Bri. You've got one useless little trick: Make shit up and then demand someone disprove what you imagined.

Ladies and Gentlemen.....I give you the Trump Supporter!
Puhleeze, shit for brains, how long are you going to crow about your one pathetic victory? You have been shlonged so many times I can't keep track of them.
More is coming next week.
tick tock tick tock.
tick tock tick tock.
More is coming next week.
tick tock tick tock.
tick tock tick tock.
Flynn Cohen Manafort.
The swamp consists %100 of Career politicians/deep state...

The denial never stops with you, does it? You fucked up big time with your support & vote for Trump, and you're going to pay for it. Redirect to this post on this thread and spend more than 2 seconds there.

Click here>
Mueller Clown Show: Worse Than Anthrax Bungling, and Enron Railroading.
First of all I did not vote for Trump, I wrote in a candidate Elmer Fudd...
It don’t matter in South Dakota Trump won that overwhelmingly. And trump is infinitely better than Hildabeast would ever be as president...

Well frankly, I don't believe that you didn't vote for Trump. He has destroyed the Republican party. The longer he is in office the more damage he will do. I myself was a lifelong Republican before you made this Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican party. and I have over 17K posts on this board to prove it. I then changed my party status to Independent and followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN.

If House Republicans can do 8 separate investigations into Benghazi it's not real hard to imagine what House Democrats will do will Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they are sworn in as majority leaders on January 20, 2019.

This is going to make Hillary Clinton's emails look like child's play.

For you Trump supporter's who want see what's coming at you, redirect by clicking this link.

Mueller Clown Show: Worse Than Anthrax Bungling, and Enron Railroading.

You are so right. Ronald Reagan was a great President and he would have had nothing to do with the TRUMP Republican Party.

Lets be clear: Modern Day republicans would have nothing to do with Reagan. He'd be deemed a closet Lib (he was after all, governor of California and a former Union Leader) or a member of the Deep State. He'd also be dismissed with utter disdain for being one of the 'hollywood elite'.

Today's republicans would run Reagan out on a rail, with some silly nickname like "Little Ronny", and a half dozen batshit conspiracy theories backed by nothing.

Trump perfectly represents what Republicans of our era actually are. And what Republicans actually value.

Career politicians have fucked over this country for over a hundred years... only fools trust career politicians
Hmmm, no, that's utterly inconceivable.

To a conservative perhaps. But outside the festering orifice of acrimony and defeat that is the Right Wing Echo Chamber.....your explanation is rather elaborate and light on evidence.

While the alternative; that Trump is just a liar, is simple and matches the evidence.
When have you posted evidence of anything you claim? you did for your claim that Cohen couldn't be trusted because he was never sworn in before his guilty plea?

Or like you did when you ignored Mueller's explicit authorization from the Deputy AG to prosecute any federal crimes he finds in the course of his investigation?

You're easy, Bri. You've got one useless little trick: Make shit up and then demand someone disprove what you imagined.

Ladies and Gentlemen.....I give you the Trump Supporter!
Puhleeze, shit for brains, how long are you going to crow about your one pathetic victory? You have been shlonged so many times I can't keep track of them.
More is coming next week.
tick tock tick tock.
tick tock tick tock.
More is coming next week.
tick tock tick tock.
tick tock tick tock.
Flynn Cohen Manafort.

And if it does, their 'deep state' conspiracy will ramp up proportionally. At the pace of panty shitting hysterics they're working at, it will probably include something about Robert Mueller drowning puppies or the DOJ cloning Lincoln.
The denial never stops with you, does it? You fucked up big time with your support & vote for Trump, and you're going to pay for it. Redirect to this post on this thread and spend more than 2 seconds there.

Click here>
Mueller Clown Show: Worse Than Anthrax Bungling, and Enron Railroading.
First of all I did not vote for Trump, I wrote in a candidate Elmer Fudd...
It don’t matter in South Dakota Trump won that overwhelmingly. And trump is infinitely better than Hildabeast would ever be as president...

Well frankly, I don't believe that you didn't vote for Trump. He has destroyed the Republican party. The longer he is in office the more damage he will do. I myself was a lifelong Republican before you made this Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican party. and I have over 17K posts on this board to prove it. I then changed my party status to Independent and followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN.

If House Republicans can do 8 separate investigations into Benghazi it's not real hard to imagine what House Democrats will do will Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they are sworn in as majority leaders on January 20, 2019.

This is going to make Hillary Clinton's emails look like child's play.

For you Trump supporter's who want see what's coming at you, redirect by clicking this link.

Mueller Clown Show: Worse Than Anthrax Bungling, and Enron Railroading.

You are so right. Ronald Reagan was a great President and he would have had nothing to do with the TRUMP Republican Party.

Lets be clear: Modern Day republicans would have nothing to do with Reagan. He'd be deemed a closet Lib (he was after all, governor of California and a former Union Leader) or a member of the Deep State. He'd also be dismissed with utter disdain for being one of the 'hollywood elite'.

Today's republicans would run Reagan out on a rail, with some silly nickname like "Little Ronny", and a half dozen batshit conspiracy theories backed by nothing.

Trump perfectly represents what Republicans of our era actually are. And what Republicans actually value.

Career politicians have fucked over this country for over a hundred years... only fools trust career politicians

As I's Republicans would *despise* Reagan. They'd accuse him of murder. They'd insist he was part of some 'deep state'. Or working for George Soros. Or had faked his birth certificate. Or whatever hapless conspiracy batshit happened to come to mind.
First of all I did not vote for Trump, I wrote in a candidate Elmer Fudd...
It don’t matter in South Dakota Trump won that overwhelmingly. And trump is infinitely better than Hildabeast would ever be as president...

Well frankly, I don't believe that you didn't vote for Trump. He has destroyed the Republican party. The longer he is in office the more damage he will do. I myself was a lifelong Republican before you made this Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican party. and I have over 17K posts on this board to prove it. I then changed my party status to Independent and followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN.

If House Republicans can do 8 separate investigations into Benghazi it's not real hard to imagine what House Democrats will do will Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they are sworn in as majority leaders on January 20, 2019.

This is going to make Hillary Clinton's emails look like child's play.

For you Trump supporter's who want see what's coming at you, redirect by clicking this link.

Mueller Clown Show: Worse Than Anthrax Bungling, and Enron Railroading.

You are so right. Ronald Reagan was a great President and he would have had nothing to do with the TRUMP Republican Party.

Lets be clear: Modern Day republicans would have nothing to do with Reagan. He'd be deemed a closet Lib (he was after all, governor of California and a former Union Leader) or a member of the Deep State. He'd also be dismissed with utter disdain for being one of the 'hollywood elite'.

Today's republicans would run Reagan out on a rail, with some silly nickname like "Little Ronny", and a half dozen batshit conspiracy theories backed by nothing.

Trump perfectly represents what Republicans of our era actually are. And what Republicans actually value.

Career politicians have fucked over this country for over a hundred years... only fools trust career politicians

As I's Republicans would *despise* Reagan. They'd accuse him of murder. They'd insist he was part of some 'deep state'. Or working for George Soros. Or had faked his birth certificate. Or whatever hapless conspiracy batshit happened to come to mind.

Another Skylar post without a shred of evidence to support it.
Seriously WTF is wrong with Bob Mueller and his so called Investigation?

It is not Illegal to do business with Russia. If it were, then everyone involved in the Uranium One Deal would be going to jail.

It's not illegal to build a building in Russia or plan it or have discussions about it, or cancel plans to build such a building.

It's not illegal for a Russian to pay you a fee for consultation on any topic, or accept money for making speeches there. If it were, Bill Clinton would be in jail.

It's not illegal to have a meeting at a building with anyone of Russian origin.

It's not illegal to have Russian Nationals making up the majority of your Board of Directors at any Corporation or Organization in America. Otherwise everyone working at The Podesta Group would be in Jail.

It's not illegal to accept a donation to a "charity" from Russian Businessmen, even if it is $145 Million Dollars and its The Clinton Foundation. Otherwise Hillary Clinton would be in jail.

It's not illegal for Fusion GPS to send a Russian to Trump Tower to try to make it look like something seedy was going on.

It's not illegal to get drunk and talk with a Clinton Supporter in a bar about potentially getting dirt on Hillary Clinton.

If it were illegal to talk about Russians, meet with Russians, or accept documents from Russians, everyone involved in creating and disseminating The Dirty Russian Dossier would go to jail.

It's not Illegal to pay Russians or other Foreign Agents even laundering money through COIE Lawfirm. and Fusion GPS for Russian Propaganda, and LIES. Otherwise Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton would be in jail.

It is Illegal to file False Affidavits in a FISA court based on Russian Propaganda you know is false especially when you conceal who paid for it and where it came from. Mueller isn't interested in THAT CRIME!

It is also illegal to plot to use propaganda to undermine and damage a sitting president and it's illegal to use false information that you know is false to launch unrestricted broad and far reaching investigations in search of a crime that no one can name.

I never liked The Idea of a Special Counsel, but I was willing to give Bob Mueller a chance.

After researching him and his team, they are really just a bunch of political criminals covering for another set of political criminals and doing what they can to put a leash on President Trump.

How do you justify launching a Criminal Investigation without having a crime to investigate based on Russian Propaganda and a joke made on The Campaign Trail?

Add in the COUP etc. and The Insurance Policy and this entire thing stinks to heaven.

Add in Mueller completely ignoring Russian Collusion and The FISA scandal...and it gets worse.

Then looking at the staff he assembled, and half of them had to be fired they were that corrupt and biased, and others including Mueller have been charged with prosecutorial misconduct, tampering with witness statements, and manufacturing evidence and committing perjury themselves.

It's Disgusting.

But Democrats Love it. So that tells you all you need to know about them and their sense of justice, due process, and Civil Rights.

You wouldn't know justice if it hit you in the head.

Worth noting that Clinton spoke in Russia AFTER he left office.
The Russia dossier was not concocted by Russia. Russia wanted Trump to win. The idea that they would help Clinton is ludicrous.
You gave Mueller a chance because you thought he would wallpaper over the investigation. Your problem is that you realize Mueller is running a real investigation. None of the lawyers on his team has been fired. Nor are heavy Democrat donors.

The fact is that doing business with Russia is doing business with Putin. It represents a prime opportunity for Putin to pay off Trump. In this case, if you follow the money, it makes sense to examine Trump's business dealings with Trump.

The trouble is that they went into a meeting with a Russian National to get dirt on Clinton. Especially after they were briefed on potential Russian interference in our elections. The fact is that none of this is Russia propaganda. Russia wanted Trump not Clinton.

There is no COUP except in your crazy head. You should be in a looney bin somewhere. Mueller has not been charged with anything except desperate attempts by stupid Trump and his crazy supporters.

First of all I did not vote for Trump, I wrote in a candidate Elmer Fudd...
It don’t matter in South Dakota Trump won that overwhelmingly. And trump is infinitely better than Hildabeast would ever be as president...

Well frankly, I don't believe that you didn't vote for Trump. He has destroyed the Republican party. The longer he is in office the more damage he will do. I myself was a lifelong Republican before you made this Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican party. and I have over 17K posts on this board to prove it. I then changed my party status to Independent and followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN.

If House Republicans can do 8 separate investigations into Benghazi it's not real hard to imagine what House Democrats will do will Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they are sworn in as majority leaders on January 20, 2019.

This is going to make Hillary Clinton's emails look like child's play.

For you Trump supporter's who want see what's coming at you, redirect by clicking this link.

Mueller Clown Show: Worse Than Anthrax Bungling, and Enron Railroading.

You are so right. Ronald Reagan was a great President and he would have had nothing to do with the TRUMP Republican Party.

Lets be clear: Modern Day republicans would have nothing to do with Reagan. He'd be deemed a closet Lib (he was after all, governor of California and a former Union Leader) or a member of the Deep State. He'd also be dismissed with utter disdain for being one of the 'hollywood elite'.

Today's republicans would run Reagan out on a rail, with some silly nickname like "Little Ronny", and a half dozen batshit conspiracy theories backed by nothing.

Trump perfectly represents what Republicans of our era actually are. And what Republicans actually value.

Career politicians have fucked over this country for over a hundred years... only fools trust career politicians

As I's Republicans would *despise* Reagan. They'd accuse him of murder. They'd insist he was part of some 'deep state'. Or working for George Soros. Or had faked his birth certificate. Or whatever hapless conspiracy batshit happened to come to mind.

Reagan was like every other career politician... rotten to the core.
Seriously WTF is wrong with Bob Mueller and his so called Investigation?

It is not Illegal to do business with Russia. If it were, then everyone involved in the Uranium One Deal would be going to jail.

It's not illegal to build a building in Russia or plan it or have discussions about it, or cancel plans to build such a building.

It's not illegal for a Russian to pay you a fee for consultation on any topic, or accept money for making speeches there. If it were, Bill Clinton would be in jail.

It's not illegal to have a meeting at a building with anyone of Russian origin.

It's not illegal to have Russian Nationals making up the majority of your Board of Directors at any Corporation or Organization in America. Otherwise everyone working at The Podesta Group would be in Jail.

It's not illegal to accept a donation to a "charity" from Russian Businessmen, even if it is $145 Million Dollars and its The Clinton Foundation. Otherwise Hillary Clinton would be in jail.

It's not illegal for Fusion GPS to send a Russian to Trump Tower to try to make it look like something seedy was going on.

It's not illegal to get drunk and talk with a Clinton Supporter in a bar about potentially getting dirt on Hillary Clinton.

If it were illegal to talk about Russians, meet with Russians, or accept documents from Russians, everyone involved in creating and disseminating The Dirty Russian Dossier would go to jail.

It's not Illegal to pay Russians or other Foreign Agents even laundering money through COIE Lawfirm. and Fusion GPS for Russian Propaganda, and LIES. Otherwise Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton would be in jail.

It is Illegal to file False Affidavits in a FISA court based on Russian Propaganda you know is false especially when you conceal who paid for it and where it came from. Mueller isn't interested in THAT CRIME!

It is also illegal to plot to use propaganda to undermine and damage a sitting president and it's illegal to use false information that you know is false to launch unrestricted broad and far reaching investigations in search of a crime that no one can name.

I never liked The Idea of a Special Counsel, but I was willing to give Bob Mueller a chance.

After researching him and his team, they are really just a bunch of political criminals covering for another set of political criminals and doing what they can to put a leash on President Trump.

How do you justify launching a Criminal Investigation without having a crime to investigate based on Russian Propaganda and a joke made on The Campaign Trail?

Add in the COUP etc. and The Insurance Policy and this entire thing stinks to heaven.

Add in Mueller completely ignoring Russian Collusion and The FISA scandal...and it gets worse.

Then looking at the staff he assembled, and half of them had to be fired they were that corrupt and biased, and others including Mueller have been charged with prosecutorial misconduct, tampering with witness statements, and manufacturing evidence and committing perjury themselves.

It's Disgusting.

But Democrats Love it. So that tells you all you need to know about them and their sense of justice, due process, and Civil Rights.

You wouldn't know justice if it hit you in the head.

Worth noting that Clinton spoke in Russia AFTER he left office.

The Russia dossier was not concocted by Russia. Russia wanted Trump to win. The idea that they would help Clinton is ludicrous.

You gave Mueller a chance because you thought he would wallpaper over the investigation. Your problem is that you realize Mueller is running a real investigation. None of the lawyers on his team has been fired. Nor are heavy Democrat donors.

The fact is that doing business with Russia is doing business with Putin. It represents a prime opportunity for Putin to pay off Trump. In this case, if you follow the money, it makes sense to examine Trump's business dealings with Trump.

The trouble is that they went into a meeting with a Russian National to get dirt on Clinton. Especially after they were briefed on potential Russian interference in our elections. The fact is that none of this is Russia propaganda. Russia wanted Trump not Clinton.

There is no COUP except in your crazy head. You should be in a looney bin somewhere. Mueller has not been charged with anything except desperate attempts by stupid Trump and his crazy supporters.

One lie after another after another. The stuff turds like you believe is utterly appalling.
Seriously WTF is wrong with Bob Mueller and his so called Investigation?

It is not Illegal to do business with Russia. If it were, then everyone involved in the Uranium One Deal would be going to jail.

It's not illegal to build a building in Russia or plan it or have discussions about it, or cancel plans to build such a building.

It's not illegal for a Russian to pay you a fee for consultation on any topic, or accept money for making speeches there. If it were, Bill Clinton would be in jail.

It's not illegal to have a meeting at a building with anyone of Russian origin.

It's not illegal to have Russian Nationals making up the majority of your Board of Directors at any Corporation or Organization in America. Otherwise everyone working at The Podesta Group would be in Jail.

It's not illegal to accept a donation to a "charity" from Russian Businessmen, even if it is $145 Million Dollars and its The Clinton Foundation. Otherwise Hillary Clinton would be in jail.

It's not illegal for Fusion GPS to send a Russian to Trump Tower to try to make it look like something seedy was going on.

It's not illegal to get drunk and talk with a Clinton Supporter in a bar about potentially getting dirt on Hillary Clinton.

If it were illegal to talk about Russians, meet with Russians, or accept documents from Russians, everyone involved in creating and disseminating The Dirty Russian Dossier would go to jail.

It's not Illegal to pay Russians or other Foreign Agents even laundering money through COIE Lawfirm. and Fusion GPS for Russian Propaganda, and LIES. Otherwise Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton would be in jail.

It is Illegal to file False Affidavits in a FISA court based on Russian Propaganda you know is false especially when you conceal who paid for it and where it came from. Mueller isn't interested in THAT CRIME!

It is also illegal to plot to use propaganda to undermine and damage a sitting president and it's illegal to use false information that you know is false to launch unrestricted broad and far reaching investigations in search of a crime that no one can name.

I never liked The Idea of a Special Counsel, but I was willing to give Bob Mueller a chance.

After researching him and his team, they are really just a bunch of political criminals covering for another set of political criminals and doing what they can to put a leash on President Trump.

How do you justify launching a Criminal Investigation without having a crime to investigate based on Russian Propaganda and a joke made on The Campaign Trail?

Add in the COUP etc. and The Insurance Policy and this entire thing stinks to heaven.

Add in Mueller completely ignoring Russian Collusion and The FISA scandal...and it gets worse.

Then looking at the staff he assembled, and half of them had to be fired they were that corrupt and biased, and others including Mueller have been charged with prosecutorial misconduct, tampering with witness statements, and manufacturing evidence and committing perjury themselves.

It's Disgusting.

But Democrats Love it. So that tells you all you need to know about them and their sense of justice, due process, and Civil Rights.

You wouldn't know justice if it hit you in the head.

Worth noting that Clinton spoke in Russia AFTER he left office.

The Russia dossier was not concocted by Russia. Russia wanted Trump to win. The idea that they would help Clinton is ludicrous.

You gave Mueller a chance because you thought he would wallpaper over the investigation. Your problem is that you realize Mueller is running a real investigation. None of the lawyers on his team has been fired. Nor are heavy Democrat donors.

The fact is that doing business with Russia is doing business with Putin. It represents a prime opportunity for Putin to pay off Trump. In this case, if you follow the money, it makes sense to examine Trump's business dealings with Trump.

The trouble is that they went into a meeting with a Russian National to get dirt on Clinton. Especially after they were briefed on potential Russian interference in our elections. The fact is that none of this is Russia propaganda. Russia wanted Trump not Clinton.

There is no COUP except in your crazy head. You should be in a looney bin somewhere. Mueller has not been charged with anything except desperate attempts by stupid Trump and his crazy supporters.

Russians and Clinton’s have been in bed together for decades...
Well frankly, I don't believe that you didn't vote for Trump. He has destroyed the Republican party. The longer he is in office the more damage he will do. I myself was a lifelong Republican before you made this Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican party. and I have over 17K posts on this board to prove it. I then changed my party status to Independent and followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN.

If House Republicans can do 8 separate investigations into Benghazi it's not real hard to imagine what House Democrats will do will Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they are sworn in as majority leaders on January 20, 2019.

This is going to make Hillary Clinton's emails look like child's play.

For you Trump supporter's who want see what's coming at you, redirect by clicking this link.

Mueller Clown Show: Worse Than Anthrax Bungling, and Enron Railroading.

You are so right. Ronald Reagan was a great President and he would have had nothing to do with the TRUMP Republican Party.

Lets be clear: Modern Day republicans would have nothing to do with Reagan. He'd be deemed a closet Lib (he was after all, governor of California and a former Union Leader) or a member of the Deep State. He'd also be dismissed with utter disdain for being one of the 'hollywood elite'.

Today's republicans would run Reagan out on a rail, with some silly nickname like "Little Ronny", and a half dozen batshit conspiracy theories backed by nothing.

Trump perfectly represents what Republicans of our era actually are. And what Republicans actually value.

Career politicians have fucked over this country for over a hundred years... only fools trust career politicians

As I's Republicans would *despise* Reagan. They'd accuse him of murder. They'd insist he was part of some 'deep state'. Or working for George Soros. Or had faked his birth certificate. Or whatever hapless conspiracy batshit happened to come to mind.

Reagan was like every other career politician... rotten to the core.

And demonstrating my point about Reagan elegantly......Rustic.

Conservatives today would be unrecognizable to the Party of Reagan.
There are multiple Obama Officials currently under Criminal Investigation, and more to come. Wait as we get closer to 2020 and watch the bombshells fall.

Watch more of them fall if The Democrats continue to try to Litigate their way back to power and piss The President Off. He has tons of damaging material on all the top Democrats which he will declassify. Should be fun watching the wailing and gnashing of teeth as The Democrat Party burns to the ground over this.

BTW , Nancy Pelosi is one of them..... Enjoy.....

I'm With Her....was really about....saving your necks and throwing your eggs all in The Clinton basket to keep yourselves out of jail.

Investigating the Investigators at DOJ and FBI | Sharyl Attkisson

Eight high ranking Department of Justice and FBI officials have been removed, reassigned or are rumored to be leaving. They include the top FBI agents who worked on two of the agency’s most high-profile investigations in the past two years: the probe into Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information as secretary of state, and the Trump-Russia collusion investigation.
Honestly man who do you think you are fooling with this crap? You post a year old blog article by Shirley reporting on the inspector generals investigation that we’ve already heard about?! McCabe was dishonest and was fired. Also a couple were reassigned for conflict of interest. No Crimes. Nothing against Obama, Clinton or Comey. You’re full of shit and your fake talking points are old, stale, and proven wrong. Go take a nap.
but don't you lie to the FBI. Do you know how fking immature you sound?

I wish one of you fks had some actual morals.

Hillary Clinton lied to THE FBI multiple times and that is a fact. Comey even testified to that fact in front of Congress.

Comey: There was classified material emailed

Gowdy: Good morning, Director Comey. Secretary Clinton said she never sent or received any classified information over her private e-mail, was that true?

Comey: Our investigation found that there was classified information sent.

Gowdy: It was not true?

Comey: That's what I said.

Gowdy: OK. Well, I'm looking for a shorter answer so you and I are not here quite as long. Secretary Clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her e-mails sent or received. Was that true?

Comey: That's not true.

Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said "I did not e-mail any classified information to anyone on my e-mail there was no classified material." That is true?

Comey: There was classified information emailed.

Gowdy: Secretary Clinton used one device, was that true?

Comey: She used multiple devices during the four years of her term as Secretary of State.

Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said all work related emails were returned to the State Department. Was that true?

Comey: No. We found work related email, thousands, that were not returned.

Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said neither she or anyone else deleted work related emails from her personal account.

Comey: That's a harder one to answer. We found traces of work related emails in — on devices or in space. Whether they were deleted or when a server was changed out something happened to them, there's no doubt that the work related emails that were removed electronically from the email system.

Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said her lawyers read every one of the emails and were overly inclusive. Did her lawyers read the email content individually?

Comey: No.

Gowdy: Well, in the interest of time and because I have a plane to catch tomorrow afternoon, I'm not going to go through any more of the false statements but I am going to ask you to put on your old hat. Faults exculpatory statements are used for what?

Comey: Well, either for a substantive prosecution or evidence of intent in a criminal prosecution.

Gowdy: Exactly. Intent and consciousness of guilt, right?

Comey: That is right?
Why doesn’t Trump indict her then? Is he that incompetent? You said it, the evidence is there. What’s going on?
They have to reopen the Investigation because Comey Intentionally Botched it, broke several procedural regulations and policies, and also overstepped his authority and granted all the witnesses in her campaign immunity, refused to record any interviews, allowed other suspects to be present during questioning, then abused his power, and made the decision himself based on a non existent legal standard NOT TO PROSECUTE HER, and he pretty much broke every rule in the book to do this including allowing Hillary Clinton to destroy evidence in violation of two Federal Preservation Orders.

Even after there was rock solid proof SHE LIED TO THE FBI AGAIN for the 100th time when they found evidence on Weiner's laptop, HE STILL DID NOT CHARGE HER with "Lying To THE FBI!"

He could have been and should have been fired for that. He even transmitted privileged and classified information in violation of several US Codes which was a felony as retaliation for his being fired.

He also failed to report Loretta Lynch's successful attempt at Obstruction of Justice when she ordered Comey to squash The Clinton Investigation.

It doesn't get any clearer than that. Comey was corrupt to the core and so is Mueller.

Comey did not botch it. You cannot accept the decision he made. He did not break anything. You want a politically driven prosecution of Hillary Clinton. The fact is that it was his decision to make. Loretta Lynch said she would abide by his decision so he had the authority. There is indeed a legal standard. Prosecutors do not always prosecute a case for various reasons. She had the right to destroy her personal e-mails,.

There was absolutely no reason to fire Comey. He produced several sanitized versions of the memos blowing the whistle on Trump's attempt to obstruct justice by interfering in a FBI investigation. Trump is the one who broke the law.

Trump is the one who is corrupt and obstructing justice. That is why he is holding out pardons to prevent Manafort and Corsi to lie.
Seriously WTF is wrong with Bob Mueller and his so called Investigation?

It is not Illegal to do business with Russia. If it were, then everyone involved in the Uranium One Deal would be going to jail.

It's not illegal to build a building in Russia or plan it or have discussions about it, or cancel plans to build such a building.

It's not illegal for a Russian to pay you a fee for consultation on any topic, or accept money for making speeches there. If it were, Bill Clinton would be in jail.

It's not illegal to have a meeting at a building with anyone of Russian origin.

It's not illegal to have Russian Nationals making up the majority of your Board of Directors at any Corporation or Organization in America. Otherwise everyone working at The Podesta Group would be in Jail.

It's not illegal to accept a donation to a "charity" from Russian Businessmen, even if it is $145 Million Dollars and its The Clinton Foundation. Otherwise Hillary Clinton would be in jail.

It's not illegal for Fusion GPS to send a Russian to Trump Tower to try to make it look like something seedy was going on.

It's not illegal to get drunk and talk with a Clinton Supporter in a bar about potentially getting dirt on Hillary Clinton.

If it were illegal to talk about Russians, meet with Russians, or accept documents from Russians, everyone involved in creating and disseminating The Dirty Russian Dossier would go to jail.

It's not Illegal to pay Russians or other Foreign Agents even laundering money through COIE Lawfirm. and Fusion GPS for Russian Propaganda, and LIES. Otherwise Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton would be in jail.

It is Illegal to file False Affidavits in a FISA court based on Russian Propaganda you know is false especially when you conceal who paid for it and where it came from. Mueller isn't interested in THAT CRIME!

It is also illegal to plot to use propaganda to undermine and damage a sitting president and it's illegal to use false information that you know is false to launch unrestricted broad and far reaching investigations in search of a crime that no one can name.

I never liked The Idea of a Special Counsel, but I was willing to give Bob Mueller a chance.

After researching him and his team, they are really just a bunch of political criminals covering for another set of political criminals and doing what they can to put a leash on President Trump.

How do you justify launching a Criminal Investigation without having a crime to investigate based on Russian Propaganda and a joke made on The Campaign Trail?

Add in the COUP etc. and The Insurance Policy and this entire thing stinks to heaven.

Add in Mueller completely ignoring Russian Collusion and The FISA scandal...and it gets worse.

Then looking at the staff he assembled, and half of them had to be fired they were that corrupt and biased, and others including Mueller have been charged with prosecutorial misconduct, tampering with witness statements, and manufacturing evidence and committing perjury themselves.

It's Disgusting.

But Democrats Love it. So that tells you all you need to know about them and their sense of justice, due process, and Civil Rights.

You wouldn't know justice if it hit you in the head.

Worth noting that Clinton spoke in Russia AFTER he left office.

The Russia dossier was not concocted by Russia. Russia wanted Trump to win. The idea that they would help Clinton is ludicrous.

You gave Mueller a chance because you thought he would wallpaper over the investigation. Your problem is that you realize Mueller is running a real investigation. None of the lawyers on his team has been fired. Nor are heavy Democrat donors.

The fact is that doing business with Russia is doing business with Putin. It represents a prime opportunity for Putin to pay off Trump. In this case, if you follow the money, it makes sense to examine Trump's business dealings with Trump.

The trouble is that they went into a meeting with a Russian National to get dirt on Clinton. Especially after they were briefed on potential Russian interference in our elections. The fact is that none of this is Russia propaganda. Russia wanted Trump not Clinton.

There is no COUP except in your crazy head. You should be in a looney bin somewhere. Mueller has not been charged with anything except desperate attempts by stupid Trump and his crazy supporters.

Russians and Clinton’s have been in bed together for decades...

Trump and Russia have been in bed together for a long time as well. Donald Trump Jr bragged about all the business they are doing with Russia.

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