MSNBC reporter blames Trump for preventable and predictable death of migrannt


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
His policy is to not allow illegals from smuggling children into the country and putting their lives at risk.

Dems are the ones that support human trafficking and child endangerment.
If you take them into custody, you are responsible for their health
So a criminal endangers the life of a child by bringing the child to the scene of a crime and it is Trump's fault?

MSNBC is beacoup dinky dau.
If they weren't here there wouldn't be a problem

Kick em all back to whatever shithole they came from. End of problem.
How many migrant children died or ended up in the Pedophile sex trade as a result of Obama's unlawful "Dreamer" Executive Order? Did we ever hear a single Gerbalist hold Obama accountable? Of course not.

Of course the truth being kept from us about the poor little brown boy.

Take some guesses why that is.
If you take them into custody, you are responsible for their health
I see the black gave your ignorant post a winner.

Does the black or your dumb useless ignorant ass know this?

I expect ignorance from the black, since they cannot accomplish shit without white people's help.
MSNBC reporter blames Trump for 'preventable and predictable' death of migrant - The American Mirror
The media now claims that President Donald Trump’s policies are responsible for the deaths of migrants.


The leftist Trump haters are such big bullshitters all around , this kid had it's life endangered by the fact this mother dragged the kid thousands of miles, even the father said the mother shouldn't have taken his kid. She endangered the child not BP. like whadaya expect? If there was anything to be gained by the lefty stooges, they’d blame Trump for the sun rising.
The leftist Trump haters are such big bullshitters all around , this kid had it's life endangered by the fact this mother dragged the kid thousands of miles, even the father said the mother shouldn't have taken his kid. She endangered the child not BP.

trump-immigration-child abuse_2.jpg

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