MSNBC Reaches New Low.Averaging 55,000 Viewers.Can Anyone Explain This Liberal Dilemma?

I don't like Scarborough only because I don't think he's very smart. And I resent dumb people being put in positions of power where they can lecture America. Every network has their share, and FOX has more than their share.
Found this earlier today:

Crowd of 54 347 makes case for Allen-Pearland to be national record for high school football attendance Dallas Morning News

A single high school football game nearly outdrew the average evening veiw of that crappy network.

MSNBC doesn't even run real news and just sucks up to the government:

Nearly 7 in 10 reporters and journalist say that the Obama Administration has been spying or collected data on them, according to a Pew Research Center survey. Some are saying that the fear and threat of spying has effected how they write stories, handle sensitive information or pursue a source, with some leaving the field of investigative journalism, says RT’s Lindsay France.
What use is MSNBC if it won't hold the government to account, and we have to rely on a Russian funded media organization that spins propaganda to get decent news stories. :(

Yes let's make a point about MSNBC by posting a video from RT lol.
Pointing out that their content is more interesting and often more intelligent in discussion than on MSNBC. Trashy celebrity gossip and making big stories over superbowl equipment, doesn't stimulate the mind.

Two different things. MSNBC is uninteresting. RT insults peoples' intelligence.

What's RT? Russia Today?

Check out Abby Martin. :thup:
Further, he's definitely what they would call a RINO, and he criticizes his own party regularly.
What stance of his makes him a RINO? Rationality?

Are you looking for someone who never criticizes their own Party? You've got that already on FOX.
I'm not "looking for" anything. I don't have a dog in this hunt.

I'm just making an observation.

You made allegations. Have those allegations been proven?

Yes or no, you sniveling weasel.

Oh, shut your pie hole. BW was just suspended six months for being a liar.
IOW, you lied. Ironic.
NBC could burn Williams in a cage in lieu of a nightly newscast and the ratings might recover. But only if they promoted it heavily for a week and bought ad time on FOX to let people know it was coming.

Great rating potential!

For the single night.
you lied. Ironic.

You deny that BW lied. Ironic.

Other news agency reporters have been saying BW has been doing this for years, and that there is no way NBC didn't know.
Now we know as a fact of at least one other time, where he lied about being attacked by gangs while reporting on Katrina. Eye witnesses, the hotel owner and GM, and other news reporters all say the same thing - it never happened.
:slap: And remember when we were all laughing at MSNBC when their average share of nightly viewers were around 300,000 while Fox was always over 2 Million? You have to wonder what it costs to air a 30 second ad by this point. Then again, who would want to advertise on MSNBC when no one with any real intelligence is watching. Maybe it's because they have the most bigoted/imbecilic/doltish band of democrats working the evening shift spewing lies about conservatives. And to think they haven't fired Al Sharpton and Ed Schultz by now. MSNBC: Night Of The Living Turkeys.:argue::cuckoo:

Unlike most Republicans, most Democrats have a mind of their own. They are not sheep who need the constant reinforcement of views they already hold (reference Fox News Republicans). That's why Democratic talk radio has never been a big success.

I am not saying that MSNBC is anything close to "talk radio." I'm just saying that, in my opinion, most Democrats do not care anywhere near as much about the media as do Republicans.
Can anyone explain why anyone would watch a network getting sued for lying

...Fox getting sued LOL that is what I call lying ..Sweet ...........nobody is suing Brian Williams

Paris Votes To Sue Fox News
Huffington Post‎-14 hours ago
PARIS(AP) —Paris City Council authorized Mayor Anne Hidalgo on Wednesday to sue Fox news ...

But they do, what network hasn't been sued??

MSNBC's ratings were less in an average night then the number of people that showed up to several college football team practice games.

Truly pathetic!
sure gramps whatever you say wooo hooo

The numbers are linked in an earlier post. Hell, MSNBC sponsors must be kicking themselves in the ass for not just buying a couple hundred dollar banner at the scrimmage game. Woulda had a far better impact!
:slap: And remember when we were all laughing at MSNBC when their average share of nightly viewers were around 300,000 while Fox was always over 2 Million? You have to wonder what it costs to air a 30 second ad by this point. Then again, who would want to advertise on MSNBC when no one with any real intelligence is watching. Maybe it's because they have the most bigoted/imbecilic/doltish band of democrats working the evening shift spewing lies about conservatives. And to think they haven't fired Al Sharpton and Ed Schultz by now. MSNBC: Night Of The Living Turkeys.:argue::cuckoo:

Unlike most Republicans, most Democrats have a mind of their own. They are not sheep who need the constant reinforcement of views they already hold (reference Fox News Republicans). That's why Democratic talk radio has never been a big success.

I am not saying that MSNBC is anything close to "talk radio." I'm just saying that, in my opinion, most Democrats do not care anywhere near as much about the media as do Republicans.

There's definitely a psychological study to be made there George. I've observed this for a long time: Lash Rimblob has created huge followings (and so have his imitators) through the device of attack-dog polarizing and ad hominem. That sells. When AirAmerica came on trying to do the same thing from the left, it fell flat. Audiences weren't interested. Or if they tried to be interested they came out of it feeling dirty.

On the other hand nobody on the Right can come up with anything like a Jon Stewart or Steven Colbert. Again, they don't even seem to even understand it, let alone find a way to mimic it. Doesn't work.

It's two different personal psychologies speaking two different languages. It's a question perhaps for a neurologist.
:slap: And remember when we were all laughing at MSNBC when their average share of nightly viewers were around 300,000 while Fox was always over 2 Million? You have to wonder what it costs to air a 30 second ad by this point. Then again, who would want to advertise on MSNBC when no one with any real intelligence is watching. Maybe it's because they have the most bigoted/imbecilic/doltish band of democrats working the evening shift spewing lies about conservatives. And to think they haven't fired Al Sharpton and Ed Schultz by now. MSNBC: Night Of The Living Turkeys.:argue::cuckoo:

Unlike most Republicans, most Democrats have a mind of their own. They are not sheep who need the constant reinforcement of views they already hold (reference Fox News Republicans). That's why Democratic talk radio has never been a big success.

I am not saying that MSNBC is anything close to "talk radio." I'm just saying that, in my opinion, most Democrats do not care anywhere near as much about the media as do Republicans.

There's definitely a psychological study to be made there George. I've observed this for a long time: Lash Rimblob has created huge followings (and so have his imitators) through the device of attack-dog polarizing and ad hominem. That sells. When AirAmerica came on trying to do the same thing from the left, it fell flat. Audiences weren't interested. Or if they tried to be interested they came out of it feeling dirty.

On the other hand nobody on the Right can come up with anything like a Jon Stewart or Steven Colbert. Again, they don't even seem to even understand it, let alone find a way to mimic it. Doesn't work.

It's two different personal psychologies speaking two different languages. It's a question perhaps for a neurologist.

Plenty of lefties worship at the altar of Stewart; and they never challenge his assertions, which are often wrong or not on point. Colbert is not as left as you purport either. Frankly, many of his jokes are based upon more sympathetic right positions.

And maybe Air America failed b/c they were full of it.
:slap: And remember when we were all laughing at MSNBC when their average share of nightly viewers were around 300,000 while Fox was always over 2 Million? You have to wonder what it costs to air a 30 second ad by this point. Then again, who would want to advertise on MSNBC when no one with any real intelligence is watching. Maybe it's because they have the most bigoted/imbecilic/doltish band of democrats working the evening shift spewing lies about conservatives. And to think they haven't fired Al Sharpton and Ed Schultz by now. MSNBC: Night Of The Living Turkeys.:argue::cuckoo:

Unlike most Republicans, most Democrats have a mind of their own. They are not sheep who need the constant reinforcement of views they already hold (reference Fox News Republicans). That's why Democratic talk radio has never been a big success.

I am not saying that MSNBC is anything close to "talk radio." I'm just saying that, in my opinion, most Democrats do not care anywhere near as much about the media as do Republicans.

There's definitely a psychological study to be made there George. I've observed this for a long time: Lash Rimblob has created huge followings (and so have his imitators) through the device of attack-dog polarizing and ad hominem. That sells. When AirAmerica came on trying to do the same thing from the left, it fell flat. Audiences weren't interested. Or if they tried to be interested they came out of it feeling dirty.

On the other hand nobody on the Right can come up with anything like a Jon Stewart or Steven Colbert. Again, they don't even seem to even understand it, let alone find a way to mimic it. Doesn't work.

It's two different personal psychologies speaking two different languages. It's a question perhaps for a neurologist.

Plenty of lefties worship at the altar of Stewart; and they never challenge his assertions, which are often wrong or not on point. Colbert is not as left as you purport either. Frankly, many of his jokes are based upon more sympathetic right positions.

And maybe Air America failed b/c they were full of it.

Pretty much perfect illustration of what I'm saying right here --

"Plenty of lefties worship at the altar of Stewart"

Nobody does that; this is part of the self-delusion your ilk tells themselves as a rationalization. Stewart (and Colbert) are comedians and neither they nor their audience pretends differently. As such they don't deal in "assertions". They deal in the art of viewing events in different angles. The events themselves -- already exist.

This sort of fallacy seems to come from the worldview that's always looking for conflict, and expecting it, and when it's not found, generating it. To use a Stewart phrase, "that's the soup you swim in".

I think we're on to something here. Actually this is the same syndrome I get from partisan hacks calling me "Obama worshiper" even though I've never posted anything about him; it's not for a commission but rather the omission that I have failed to jump on the Bash-wagon. To the crowd that sees the world in terms of white/black good/evil eternal struggle, that's the only thing it can mean, so it becomes the default.

It's also part of the Limblovian "Eliminationist" mentality that decrees not only polarization into a good/evil dichotomy but that once identified the "evil" cannot be reasoned or discoursed with, rather it must be eliminated from existence altogether. Seems to be an all-or-nothing valuation. As such it allows no room either for nuance or alternates you hadn't thought of. In other words a kind of absolutism.

Colbert is not as left as you purport either. Frankly, many of his jokes are based upon more sympathetic right positions.

Again, as I said that side doesn't understand satire. What Colbert does, full time, is satire to the extreme. I think to this day there are those on the Right who still don't get what he's really saying.

And maybe Air America failed b/c they were full of it

--- doesn't follow; Lust Rimjob's been full of it since he began and he draws listeners. As do Hannity and the rest of his imitators. What else do they have in common? Attack style. So if you have A and B using the same element, and it works for A and doesn't work for B, the difference is in the audience. It's what A wants; it's not what B wants. You're not going to sell country music to an audience that wants classical.

That's what it's down to -- what the different audiences want. Because that's the variable.

After all what Limblob sells really isn't ideology -- the ideology was around long before him. What he sells that is his own invention is a style. The objective being, to use his description, "to make you mad". That's what we're talking about here. One audience likes being made mad; the other doesn't.

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