MSNBC managed to get even worse- FCC where are you?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
AM I in a time warp? MSNBC is reporting like they did a few weeks ago before they found out Trump was right all along. In fact worse, because it was their news interview which admitted Trump was accurate when he said he was being Spied on. The same lady who was so upset and worried about Trump's claim that Obamas administration was involved, now we know the true fear was for her job as she's the one exposing MSNBC as fake news for denying what they themselves broadcasted. Yet they went right back to that narative and make illegal charges and defamation of character to Nunes who they purposely miss pronounce his name in disrespect.
To make matters worse now they are using my own arguments about these fake news being propaganda liken to Baghdad Bob's nonsense and reversing the argument like some childish Peewee Herman
"I know you are but what am I " routine.
Plagiarize much?
Instead of addressing the severity of abuse of power violations of privacy for political motives they along with Pelosi would
rather demonize the whistle blower to distract and try and make the issue less relevant or true. If it was outting Hillary the whistle blower would mysteriously be killed like the tons that have already, but media death is the next best thing.

Let's review who is behind this propaganda network; Comcast.. which has the politicians in their pockets (just look up their donations and other reports about their lining pockets of politicians =pay to play.
Their track record=bullying customers who leave them or exercise their rights to file reports on them to the FCC or goes to the FCC for protection.
Comcast is a monopoly and the level which it acts like rackateers bullying it's customers.
LAST year Comcast was voted worst company by consumer advocates.
I found new horror stories posted from over a year ago that tell a common practice:
Comcast’s brilliant new way to retain subscribers: Refuse to let them cancel • r/technology

Just do a google search on Comcast Complaints and notice the number of people who had money drained from their bank accounts through direct pay.
They have people within Comcast that even send virus and scams within the Comcast email system that ISP back to Comcast headquarters in Philly, nobody can fake that because non header email would not be deliverable, but from Comcast itself and nobody can forge within the system the headquarter ISP origin especially to recipients who donct use the email online or handed out to anyone. Whether they do these things against customers who get them in trouble? Do them as rogue? Do them as disgruntled sabotage to their own company? Who knows why a company allows this to happen, but then this shows up exactly the same behavior from their broadcast interests in MSNBC.
There's rules and laws to broadcasting, but MSNBC thinks it's beyond those laws and rules and thinks since it owns our swamp that it can do anything it wants.
This is also why they demonized & sabotaged Sessions, as someone who would clean up their corupt behavior, not affraid to prosecute this syndicate behaving corporation.
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Well, now that you've reported it on a silly discussion board, I'm sure the authorities will get right on it and straighten them out. Good for you. You're a HERO!!!!
Ummm you assume to much.
I had many files complaints to the FCC and advocacy web sites, but not before I allowed them to do the right thing and fix the list of issues I graciously submitted to them.
My being a good person that way only made them "admittedly" be at war with me.
Problem is big corps don't allow their higher ups to be reached to find out what their lower levels are messing up on, they don't like getting their ears chewed or outted as failed & useless by their bosses.
Workers also have no loyalty to their company and their rep.
I was the one the Major broadcast news called "the consumer advocate" who assisted Al Franken's case against Comcast Time Warner merger as the one who gathered the advocacy material complaints and commentary on why Comcast was to big to run and police itself to be merging with Time Warner as even bigger harder to manage monopoly.

Time Warner owns CNN tabloid style fake news, if they merged with MSNBC under Comcast who finances the paid swamp then it would be worse then it is now, and everybody knows what kind of circus it is now including you. So yeah that makes me a hero, and thus that makes you a hero basher who gets this trait from propaganda from corrupt monopolizing corporations.
Irony is all the protesters and online agitators fighting the proverbial "the man" are actually puppets for "the man".
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Sure, I believe you. Nobody here would lie about a thing like that.
It can be researched, but you'd rather believe known propagandist telling lies then believing a known counter propagandist telling truths.
My Point Proven.
If you had allowed one corp with politicians in it's pockets control 2 mahore network propagandist media outlets then you'd be even more agitated and confused then you are now.

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