Mr. Sinister vs. Grendel (White House): Trump Debate


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a capitalism-protest involving Mister Sinister (Marvel Comics), Grendel (from Beowulf), and the White House.

Signing off,



Americans were in awe of the luxury and prominence of the capitalism-baron Donald Trump (a true capitalism success-story!) being elected as U.S. President, and when he and his wife (First Lady Melania Trump) walked through the White House (their new 'address'), reporters commented that this was the real flowery of the age of commerce and consumerism. Gone would be jokes about Bill Clinton guzzling down cheeseburgers, as the media was now more interested to see how the new American President (Trump) would balance media scandals with commerce-oriented globalization concerns (e.g., World Bank, Olympics terrorism-security, etc.).


America is great for multiple reasons. It is a land of much varied terrain and hence great exploratory intrigue (e.g., Lewis and Clark, the Donner Party, the Gold Rush, Salem Witch Trials, Silicon Valley, etc.). It is also great because of its multicultural flavour created mostly by its open-door policies regarding immigration and the fostering of the 'American Dream' (capitalism-driven self-made success). America is also great because of efficient commerce (Wall Street, NASDAQ), computing (IBM, Intel, Apple, Microsoft), and consumerism (McDonald's, Wal-Mart, Duracell, RadioShack, Toys 'R Us, Super Bowl ads, MTV, Facebook, etc., etc.). However, America is also great because of incredible military mobilization and organizational capabilities. America leads the world in might, and it's proven this time and time again (despite the 'drama' of tragedy-tales such as the Vietnam War) --- e.g., War of 1812, World War II, Gulf War. Americans know better than anyone that "war is hell; but war is also intrigue."


Well, the mutant philosopher and evil genius Mr. Sinister knew all this about America, TrumpUSA, capitalism, democracy, and the White House(!). Mr. Sinister wanted to debate with the intelligent beast Grendel (who lived in the Andes Mountains) about the value and virtue(!) of capitalism in the modern world. If Mr. Sinister could outwit or outdo Grendel in this symbolic/iconic debate, Grendel would turn the evil-eyed Mr. Sinister into a handsome knightly-prince, so that he could finally win the affections of his secret-love, the mystical Lady of the Lake (whom Mr. Sinister theorized to be the parallax-universe muse known as 'Jane Royal'). Grendel took up Mr. Sinister on this challenge/dare, knowing that the evil genius would be desperate to turn into a 'prince' so he could win the love of his beloved magical 'princess' (Jane Royal --- the Lady of the Lake). Mr. Sinister was very excited...


MR. SINISTER: I am eager to engage in this debate with you, Grendel.
GRENDEL: Let's hope your pomp/ambition does not deter you from study, Sinister.
MR. SINISTER: I have every intention to remain professional...
GRENDEL: Yes, and should you 'win,' I'll grant you your 'special favour.'
MR. SINISTER: Yes, Jane Royal is very important/sacred to me...
GRENDEL: Let's begin!

MR. SINISTER: Is the White House a 'veil' for politicized commerce?
GRENDEL: It is if you concede that capitalism is merely 'federalized business.'
MR. SINISTER: What about the human appeal of consumerism (e.g., Starbucks)?
GRENDEL: Stockbrokers want coffee to spike their gambles; Wall Street is enterprise.
MR. SINSITER: Yet, Americans love dramatization-films such as Wall Street (Oliver Stone)!
GRENDEL: Americans will make movies about anything --- even math.
MR. SINISTER: True; Ron Howard's A Beautiful Mind was about Nobel-math genius John Nash.
GRENDEL: You can stream movies online now or rent them easily on Netflix.
MR. SINISTER: Consumerism is therefore a 'lifestyle-convenience system.'
GRENDEL: I agree; but is all this access to 'toys' indicative of gluttony?
MR. SINISTER: The Hindu goddess Kali (symbol of anarchy/rage) symbolizes militancy.
GRENDEL: Yes, Kali represents anti-governance and reminds us that gluttony is 'doom.'
MR. SINISTER: Perhaps we should compare Kali with Sara Lee (cupcakes) in a debate!
GRENDEL: Do you think Americans want to read about Kali while shopping at Acme?
MR. SINISTER: I think Facebook-culture creates a demand for 'low-brow entertainment.'
GRENDEL: Are you suggesting that capitalism/consumerism creates caffeine-imagination?
MR. SINISTER: Precisely; you must concede that even cops love Dunkin' Donuts!
GRENDEL: Alright, conceded. I will grant your wish (Jane Royal), so you can 'avoid' Kali.


Sinister realized he had effectively proven that capitalism (and consumerism), though flawed with the problems of cultural gluttony and convenience-based laziness (or even avarice!), could catalyse negotiations for global peace, since, after all, it created 'systems' of satisfaction/pleasure-delivery goods (e.g., Facebook) that were conducive to supply-and-demand 'spiritualism' (e.g., Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?). Mister Sinister was transformed (by Grendel) into a dashing knightly-prince and he then set about to find his true-love, the Lady of the Lake. Mister Sinister used a Ouija board to contact whom he believed to be the 'parallax alter-ego' of the Lady of the Lake --- Jane Royal (a Caucasian figurine with flowing blue hair, 'created' by a Japanese anime/manga artist). Mister Sinister and Jane Royal united, embraced, and married. Mister Sinister was now 'Prince Valiant.' Valiant was relieved he won the debate with the maddening Grendel, and he continued to contemplate how capitalism confounds democracy with its 'pseudo-fascist tentacles.'



{Mister Sinister & Grendel}


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