Mr. President: Leave Mueller alone...or else!


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) and other Conservative lawmakers warned that there would be bipartisan backlash against President Trump if he fires special counsel Robert Mueller, who is leading the probe into Russia meddling in the 2016 presidential campaign. “If he fired Bob Mueller, I think he’d see a tremendous backlash response from both Democrats but also Republicans,” he said.

As Robert Mueller (a life long Republican) digs deeper into Donald Trump's business dealings, Trump has become more nervous and irritated, saying Mueller is going beyond the scope of his authority. Legal experts from both party's deny this, reminding Trump that Bill Clinton's Whitewater investigation started out as a probe into a Real Estate deal, and ended up with Clinton being impeached for having an extra martial affair. The bottom line is, a special counsel can investigate whatever and whoever they want.

President Trump would be well advised to let Mr. Mueller do his job, and I predict Donald Trump's tax returns and business records that he has tried so very hard to conceal will soon see the light of day. :bye1:

GOP lawmaker warns: Trump would face Republican backlash if he fires Mueller

Trump faces swift backlash after allies push Mueller firing
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If Trump gets Mueller fired (he would have to fire Sessions and Rosenstein as well), the end of Trump's presidency becomes visible.
The scope of Mueller's mission needs to be confined to the Russian hoax. Trump isn't on trial for every business deal he ever made. Leftists want to prosecute him nonstop. They have nothing positive for America so destroying their enemy is a must.
The scope of Mueller's mission needs to be confined to the Russian hoax. Trump isn't on trial for every business deal he ever made. Leftists want to prosecute him nonstop. They have nothing positive for America so destroying their enemy is a must.

If Trump broke the law in one of his business dealings, he should be held to account like anyone else.

Look, you guys are the ones who nominated him despite his hiding his business dealings. Don't get upset when it blows up in your face.
The scope of Mueller's mission needs to be confined to the Russian hoax. Trump isn't on trial for every business deal he ever made. Leftists want to prosecute him nonstop. They have nothing positive for America so destroying their enemy is a must.
If Mueller finds illegal activity other than on the Russian electioneering, he is just supposed to ignore it?
The scope of Mueller's mission needs to be confined to the Russian hoax. Trump isn't on trial for every business deal he ever made. Leftists want to prosecute him nonstop. They have nothing positive for America so destroying their enemy is a must.
If Mueller finds illegal activity other than on the Russian electioneering, he is just supposed to ignore it?
Is that his purpose? When did we find men guilty until proven innocent? Why are leftists so corrupt?
The scope of Mueller's mission needs to be confined to the Russian hoax. Trump isn't on trial for every business deal he ever made. Leftists want to prosecute him nonstop. They have nothing positive for America so destroying their enemy is a must.

That's your opinion. Meanwhile, back in the real world, If Robert Mueller wants to investigate Trump's business dealings, he has the legal authority to do so, and I would remind you this law was passed overwhelmingly by both Republicans and Democrats a very long time ago.

Nice try!
The scope of Mueller's mission needs to be confined to the Russian hoax. Trump isn't on trial for every business deal he ever made. Leftists want to prosecute him nonstop. They have nothing positive for America so destroying their enemy is a must.

one needs to follow the money, and one crime leads to another. To think Clinton only got a blow job.
The scope of Mueller's mission needs to be confined to the Russian hoax. Trump isn't on trial for every business deal he ever made. Leftists want to prosecute him nonstop. They have nothing positive for America so destroying their enemy is a must.

one needs to follow the money, and one crime leads to another. To think Clinton only got a blow job.
Yes only a BJ, since nothing else was ever found.
The scope of Mueller's mission needs to be confined to the Russian hoax. Trump isn't on trial for every business deal he ever made. Leftists want to prosecute him nonstop. They have nothing positive for America so destroying their enemy is a must.

one needs to follow the money, and one crime leads to another. To think Clinton only got a blow job.
Wrong (as always). Bill perjured himself to deny a woman justice in a court of law. Liberals didn't give a shit about her and lie to this day. But like I said you lefties hold your political enemies guilty until proven innocent. And they are never proven innocent. You are the most corrupt people on Earth.
The scope of Mueller's mission needs to be confined to the Russian hoax. Trump isn't on trial for every business deal he ever made. Leftists want to prosecute him nonstop. They have nothing positive for America so destroying their enemy is a must.

one needs to follow the money, and one crime leads to another. To think Clinton only got a blow job.
Yes only a BJ, since nothing else was ever found.
Yeah, here's another walking encyclopedia.
The scope of Mueller's mission needs to be confined to the Russian hoax. Trump isn't on trial for every business deal he ever made. Leftists want to prosecute him nonstop. They have nothing positive for America so destroying their enemy is a must.

one needs to follow the money, and one crime leads to another. To think Clinton only got a blow job.
Wrong (as always). Bill perjured himself to deny a woman justice in a court of law. Liberals didn't give a shit about her and lie to this day. But like I said you lefties hold your political enemies guilty until proven innocent. And they are never proven innocent. You are the most corrupt people on Earth.
You don't seem very concerned about Trump lying? Its just ok for him, but never a Democrat.
The scope of Mueller's mission needs to be confined to the Russian hoax. Trump isn't on trial for every business deal he ever made. Leftists want to prosecute him nonstop. They have nothing positive for America so destroying their enemy is a must.

one needs to follow the money, and one crime leads to another. To think Clinton only got a blow job.
Yes only a BJ, since nothing else was ever found.
Yeah, here's another walking encyclopedia.
Why do you always try to change the subject from Trump to anyone else. Its Trump who is being investigated today and no one else.
The scope of Mueller's mission needs to be confined to the Russian hoax. Trump isn't on trial for every business deal he ever made. Leftists want to prosecute him nonstop. They have nothing positive for America so destroying their enemy is a must.

one needs to follow the money, and one crime leads to another. To think Clinton only got a blow job.
Wrong (as always). Bill perjured himself to deny a woman justice in a court of law. Liberals didn't give a shit about her and lie to this day. But like I said you lefties hold your political enemies guilty until proven innocent. And they are never proven innocent. You are the most corrupt people on Earth.

What woman?
Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) and other Conservative lawmakers warned that there would be bipartisan backlash against President Trump if he fires special counsel Robert Mueller, who is leading the probe into Russia meddling in the 2016 presidential campaign. “If he fired Bob Mueller, I think he’d see a tremendous backlash response from both Democrats but also Republicans,” he said.

As Robert Mueller (a life long Republican) digs deeper into Donald Trump's business dealings, Trump has become more nervous and irritated, saying Mueller is going beyond the scope of his authority. Legal experts from both party's deny this, reminding Trump that Bill Clinton's Whitewater investigation started out as a probe into a Real Estate deal, and ended up with Clinton being impeached for having an extra martial affair. The bottom line is, a special counsel can investigate whatever and whoever they want.

President Trump would be well advised to let Mr. Mueller do his job, and I predict Donald Trump's tax returns and business records that he has tried so very hard to conceal will soon see the light of day. :bye1:

GOP lawmaker warns: Trump would face Republican backlash if he fires Mueller

Trump faces swift backlash after allies push Mueller firing

Any Republican who defends Mewler is placing his reelection at risk. Trump's supporters all know this is a witch hunt, and they aren't going to stand for it.
The scope of Mueller's mission needs to be confined to the Russian hoax. Trump isn't on trial for every business deal he ever made. Leftists want to prosecute him nonstop. They have nothing positive for America so destroying their enemy is a must.
If Mueller finds illegal activity other than on the Russian electioneering, he is just supposed to ignore it?
Is that his purpose? When did we find men guilty until proven innocent? Why are leftists so corrupt?

because they cannot get over the FACT that Trump won and that the corrupt media was not able to manipulate the outcome.
The scope of Mueller's mission needs to be confined to the Russian hoax. Trump isn't on trial for every business deal he ever made. Leftists want to prosecute him nonstop. They have nothing positive for America so destroying their enemy is a must.

one needs to follow the money, and one crime leads to another. To think Clinton only got a blow job.
Yes only a BJ, since nothing else was ever found.
Yeah, here's another walking encyclopedia.
Why do you always try to change the subject from Trump to anyone else. Its Trump who is being investigated today and no one else.
As Sean Hannity points out the Mewler is just a huge free opposition research operation for the Dims.
The scope of Mueller's mission needs to be confined to the Russian hoax. Trump isn't on trial for every business deal he ever made. Leftists want to prosecute him nonstop. They have nothing positive for America so destroying their enemy is a must.
If Mueller finds illegal activity other than on the Russian electioneering, he is just supposed to ignore it?
Is that his purpose? When did we find men guilty until proven innocent? Why are leftists so corrupt?

because they cannot get over the FACT that Trump won and that the corrupt media was not able to manipulate the outcome.
This had nothing to do with trump winning or the media, but all about potential crimes of this administration. You never saw anything like this during the 8 years of Obama.

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