Mr hopey changey..same shit different pile ?


no fly list
Jan 6, 2007

Obama seeking loopholes to continue bombing Libya

The confirmation sounds final, but the legal basis for the Libyan war in the United States is about to become far more dubious than it already was. The War Powers Resolution of 1973 sets a 60 day limit for wars that weren't authorized. This would require President Obama to end the war next Friday

PressTV - Obama seeking loopholes to continue bombing Libya
Launching missiles at a country that poses us no threat, that we can't afford financially, why does that sound so familiar.................................?
Launching missiles at a country that poses us no threat, that we can't afford financially, why does that sound so familiar.................................?

I thought Obama ran on ending the failed policies of GW Bush.
Why don't you focus on Obama, since you helped elect the idiot. Take some responsibility.
Launching missiles at a country that poses us no threat, that we can't afford financially, why does that sound so familiar.................................?

I thought Obama ran on ending the failed policies of GW Bush.
Why don't you focus on Obama, since you helped elect the idiot. Take some responsibility.

LOL god you suck at assumption making.

I can assure you, there's more you agree with Obama than me and I've never voted for a single democrat in my entire life.

Just because someone isn't a partisan republican, doesn't mean they're automatically a partisan democrat.
Launching missiles at a country that poses us no threat, that we can't afford financially, why does that sound so familiar.................................?

I thought Obama ran on ending the failed policies of GW Bush.
Why don't you focus on Obama, since you helped elect the idiot. Take some responsibility.

LOL god you suck at assumption making.

I can assure you, there's more you agree with Obama than me and I've never voted for a single democrat in my entire life.

Just because someone isn't a partisan republican, doesn't mean they're automatically a partisan democrat.

You obviously agree with attacking countries that have done nothing to us and doing so without Congressional approval.
Libya never attacked us!

And Obama killed Osama

So is Obama just a cold blooded murderer? Too bad Murthas in Hell or Im sure he'd say it

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