Movie reviews: in theater, rented, on TV, whatever


Jul 26, 2011
What have you seen lately and what did you think?

I recently saw "Big" for the first time in a long time; holds up really well. Just a well done movie IMO and Hanks at his best.

In theater I saw "Midnight in Paris" - eh. Liked the idea for the movie but was underwhelmed.
DiCaprio Frontiersman Hype

I am really excited about the upcoming Leo DiCaprio film "The Revenant" (2015) which co-stars Tom Hardy and tells the real-life retribution tale of 1800s frontiersman Hugh Glass.

This impressive film should at least be as entertaining as "Jeremiah Johnson" (Robert Redford).


The Revenant

DiCaprio Vehicle: Wintry Wow

Well, now that "The Revenant" (Leo DiCaprio) is finally out in theaters, people are more at liberty to talk about all the Oscar hype for DiCaprio and director Inarritu, who also directed the critically-acclaimed films Birdman and Babel.

I'm going to see in three weeks with my sister, maybe after a nice bottle of wine.

Since I'm a big fan of the similarly-themed (and equally critically-hyped) terrain-ruggedness films Jeremiah Johnson (1972) and Pathfinder (1987), The Revenant has me thinking about how this first real winter that global warming and climate change has attained a level of social 'prestige' for environment-art inspiration.

Isn't there something exhilarating about wintry films?

DiCaprio looks great in the trailers, and his portrayal of the brooding Hugh Glass with acting touches of rage and fear should merit the kind of Oscar accolades it is already garnering for the offbeat DiCaprio.

DiCaprio has already won the 2015 Chicago Film Critics Association award for Best Actor for The Revenant, his first acting award from this group since his award for Best Emerging Actor for his unusual work in the eccentric but brilliant film What's Eating Gilbert Grape? (1993).

DiCaprio has also won Golden Globes for Best Actor performances in The Aviator and The Wolf of Wall Street.

List of DiCaprio Nominations/Awards


The Revenant is a movie without a plot but with a not bad atmosphere. Seems like the director was inspired by The Skyrim game and wanted to film it.
DiCaprio Frontiersman Hype

I am really excited about the upcoming Leo DiCaprio film "The Revenant" (2015) which co-stars Tom Hardy and tells the real-life retribution tale of 1800s frontiersman Hugh Glass.

This impressive film should at least be as entertaining as "Jeremiah Johnson" (Robert Redford).


The Revenant

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I saw The Revenant...and it was really quite well done. Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy played their roles quite well, and the scenery/photography was quite fantastic. .
What have you seen lately and what did you think?

I recently saw "Big" for the first time in a long time; holds up really well. Just a well done movie IMO and Hanks at his best.

In theater I saw "Midnight in Paris" - eh. Liked the idea for the movie but was underwhelmed.
In the valley of violence with John travolta and Ethan hawke. It is a horrible Western. John travolta and Ethan hawke aren't bad in it but the supporting cast is ridiculous. They are over acting and acting like people in the 1900's not 1800's. The 2 women in the movie and the son of the sheriff are the worse! I've seen worse but

Whoever wrote the dialog should be embarrassed
What have you seen lately and what did you think?

I recently saw "Big" for the first time in a long time; holds up really well. Just a well done movie IMO and Hanks at his best.

In theater I saw "Midnight in Paris" - eh. Liked the idea for the movie but was underwhelmed.
Watching deep water horizon. So far a long slow buildup telling the details and getting to know the characters. You know something bass going to happen.
The Revenant is a movie without a plot but with a not bad atmosphere. Seems like the director was inspired by The Skyrim game and wanted to film it.
Some movies are all action and no plot, or all special effects and no plot, and others have deep inspiring plots but no action. I hate all of those.

I like action, plot, and meaning.

"Eye In The Sky" was great !!! It had everything.
What have you seen lately and what did you think?

I recently saw "Big" for the first time in a long time; holds up really well. Just a well done movie IMO and Hanks at his best.

In theater I saw "Midnight in Paris" - eh. Liked the idea for the movie but was underwhelmed.
American wrestler. Great true story about an Iranian kid who came to America during the Iran hostage 1980s. I have an Iranian friend who sort of went thru the same experience in the early 90s. He became a champion bodybuilder and jujitsu mma bad ass

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