Move over George Bush- The Weather Myth- Poor Economic Reports


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
LMAO... Even Mr Yellen is trumpeting the mean ole weather excuse for everything wrong about our poor economic reports. So now GWB has a partner in crime.

The weather is to blame


Blame it on the Weather? Not so Fast
By BlackRock, February 28, 2014, 01:43:22 PM EDT

Blaming the weather seems like a weak excuse for poor performance. Yet, that is what many economists have been doing lately , as they try to explain a slew of weaker - than - expected reports about the U.S. economy.

U.S. economic data has been coming in soft since the start of the year, and a measure of how well economic data is performing relative to forecasts recently hit its lowest level since last summer. Most economists seem to be attributing the soft patch to the lingering effects of the Polar Vortex , a weather pattern responsible for frigid temperatures and unusually heavy snow throughout much of the United States.

Read more: Blame it on the Weather? Not so Fast -
One would think that the weather is actually helping some business while hurting others. I know my fuel bills are much higher this year then in the last 5 easily. The road salt business must be doing very well. And all the fuel to plow?

The weather is a pain put for most of us it is only a pain a day or two at a time life doesn't stop.
LMAO... Even Mr Yellen is trumpeting the mean ole weather excuse for everything wrong about our poor economic reports. So now GWB has a partner in crime.

The weather is to blame


Blame it on the Weather? Not so Fast
By BlackRock, February 28, 2014, 01:43:22 PM EDT

Blaming the weather seems like a weak excuse for poor performance. Yet, that is what many economists have been doing lately , as they try to explain a slew of weaker - than - expected reports about the U.S. economy.

U.S. economic data has been coming in soft since the start of the year, and a measure of how well economic data is performing relative to forecasts recently hit its lowest level since last summer. Most economists seem to be attributing the soft patch to the lingering effects of the Polar Vortex , a weather pattern responsible for frigid temperatures and unusually heavy snow throughout much of the United States.

Read more: Blame it on the Weather? Not so Fast -

Of COURSE a serious winter like the one 2/3'ds of this nation is having is impacting the economy.

Couple obvious (obvious to those without ODS, at least) reasons

1. Building typically comes to a halt in really bad winters
2. The cost of HEATING eats up much of most people's disposable incomes
3. People do NOT like to go out in this weather ergo SHOPPING is curtailed.

Seriously, dude..this is too hard for you to understand?

That's because you have ODS.

Whenever winters are really really bad, the economy takes a hit.

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