Motor Trend Magazine to Rush: Lay off the Oxycontin & drive the Volt


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Aug 27, 2010
Interesting Rush has been criticizing a car that he has never driven. That is why they call Rush an entertainer!! LMAO!!

When you consider that Republicans in the Senate are set to kill the START treaty — which would, among other things, enable tracking down and securing of loose nukes and thus make the world a safer place — not on principle but solely for the partisan political purpose of denying a diplomatic success for Pres. Obama, it is not surprising that Rush Limbaugh went to great lengths to try to undercut an honor recently given GM’s new Chevrolet Volt.

What sticks in the craw of Republicans like Limbaugh is the fact that the Obama administration’s bailout of GM has been a resounding success. They can’t stand the fact that just this month, GM — which Limbaugh and his ilk sneered at as “Government Motors” after the bailout was announced — marketed its first IPO since the federal government saved it from extinction.

Motor Trend to Rush: “If you can stop shilling for your favorite political party long enough to go for a drive, you might really enjoy the Chevy Volt. I’m sure GM would be happy to lend you one for the weekend. Just remember: driving and Oxycontin don’t mix.”

Pensito Review Limbaugh Annihilated for Lying, Cluelessness, Being Un-American by an Unusual Source: Motor Trend Magazine
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Actually Rush was invited to the GM factory and had a chance to see the Volt before the public.

Of course when your a Marxist one must distort the facts, the Liberal/Marxist position has no basis in reality so they must constantly twist the truth to suit their needs.

One need to drive a Volt to understand the tremendous waste of energy used to create it.

Still, its the government that is buying all the Chevy Volts, as fast as they can make them Obama is buying them.

What was wrong with the old cars, we have the money to throw away at new cars for government employees. Must be awful nice to have job where the government decides to force you to drive a battery on wheels.

Not to mention the limited natural resource of Lithium.

This thread is in the wrong spot, should be technology, media, environment, or energy, not politics, but Liberal Marxist are not smart enough to see that.

Chomsky is the god to Liberals, everything Chomsky states has been proven lies. (just a thought because I know the Liberals love the hate-america-chomsky.
Actually Rush was invited to the GM factory and had a chance to see the Volt before the public.

Of course when your a Marxist one must distort the facts, the Liberal/Marxist position has no basis in reality so they must constantly twist the truth to suit their needs.

One need to drive a Volt to understand the tremendous waste of energy used to create it.

Still, its the government that is buying all the Chevy Volts, as fast as they can make them Obama is buying them.

What was wrong with the old cars, we have the money to throw away at new cars for government employees. Must be awful nice to have job where the government decides to force you to drive a battery on wheels.

Not to mention the limited natural resource of Lithium.

This thread is in the wrong spot, should be technology, media, environment, or energy, not politics, but Liberal Marxist are not smart enough to see that.

Chomsky is the god to Liberals, everything Chomsky states has been proven lies. (just a thought because I know the Liberals love the hate-america-chomsky.

Okay ya n00b douchebag.......tell us........have YOU ever driven a Volt? If so, where exactly is the "tremendous waste of energy used to create it" at? Is it more or less wasteful than a current automobile to create and run?

As far as government vehicles, you DO realize that the government keeps them for 1 or 2 years and then sells them to used car dealers, right? And you also know the reason they do that, right? I'll give you a hint.......having spent the last 2 years of my military career working in recruiting, they are replaced due to the extremely high mileage that they accrue.

C'mon Mostly Dumb Noob 2000..........admit're one of them lobotomized zombies known as a dittiohead, ain't ya?
Now Obama certainly has done things that leave one to scratch their head. But the supper narrowminded just attack Obama on everything and want whatever he touches to fail.
This is a perfect example. American automaker makes a great car but because A, Obama bailed out this American automaker, GM must fail and B, because it's assumed that the rebate is connected to Obama, well it's another reason to lust for failure.
I bet that Rush creamed in his jeans everytime a negative jobs report came out or a less than great economic report came out. That means, every job lost or every home lost was a victory for him. So what if real people lost out, their failure served Rush's purpose.
Again, this is another example of loving ideology over country and a smack down of the Americans who have suffered because of the Great Recession that started under GWB's watch and after 12 years of GOP rule on the Hill.
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Interesting Rush has been criticizing a car that he has never driven. That is why they call Rush an entertainer!! LMAO!!

When you consider that Republicans in the Senate are set to kill the START treaty — which would, among other things, enable tracking down and securing of loose nukes and thus make the world a safer place — not on principle but solely for the partisan political purpose of denying a diplomatic success for Pres. Obama, it is not surprising that Rush Limbaugh went to great lengths to try to undercut an honor recently given GM’s new Chevrolet Volt.

What sticks in the craw of Republicans like Limbaugh is the fact that the Obama administration’s bailout of GM has been a resounding success. They can’t stand the fact that just this month, GM — which Limbaugh and his ilk sneered at as “Government Motors” after the bailout was announced — marketed its first IPO since the federal government saved it from extinction.

Motor Trend to Rush: “If you can stop shilling for your favorite political party long enough to go for a drive, you might really enjoy the Chevy Volt. I’m sure GM would be happy to lend you one for the weekend. Just remember: driving and Oxycontin don’t mix.”

Pensito Review Limbaugh Annihilated for Lying, Cluelessness, Being Un-American by an Unusual Source: Motor Trend Magazine
I thought the writers last sentence was the best one. About busted a gut when I saw this on the news last night!

Just remember. Oxycontin is so much different than heroin.

A.) It's legal (well, it can at least be obtained legally).

B.) It's in pill form.

That's about it.

That makes all the middle class and rich junkies so much better than your run-of-the mill street junkies.
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Interesting Rush has been criticizing a car that he has never driven. That is why they call Rush an entertainer!! LMAO!!

When you consider that Republicans in the Senate are set to kill the START treaty — which would, among other things, enable tracking down and securing of loose nukes and thus make the world a safer place — not on principle but solely for the partisan political purpose of denying a diplomatic success for Pres. Obama, it is not surprising that Rush Limbaugh went to great lengths to try to undercut an honor recently given GM’s new Chevrolet Volt.

What sticks in the craw of Republicans like Limbaugh is the fact that the Obama administration’s bailout of GM has been a resounding success. They can’t stand the fact that just this month, GM — which Limbaugh and his ilk sneered at as “Government Motors” after the bailout was announced — marketed its first IPO since the federal government saved it from extinction.

Motor Trend to Rush: “If you can stop shilling for your favorite political party long enough to go for a drive, you might really enjoy the Chevy Volt. I’m sure GM would be happy to lend you one for the weekend. Just remember: driving and Oxycontin don’t mix.”

Pensito Review Limbaugh Annihilated for Lying, Cluelessness, Being Un-American by an Unusual Source: Motor Trend Magazine

so Motor trend told Limbaugh to lay off the Oxy? can you link to that please? :eusa_eh:
The problem with partisans like Rush, Oberman, Hannity and Bayhart is they might make decent points that they other side would consider, but they are so partisan that they critize and many times defame what the other side is doing that they get discounted!

Rush for example might make sense at times, but no matter what the Democrats or Obama does its wrong and an injustice. It might be the same thing the previous Republicans did, but since its the D's doing it, its wrong.

I hate that SHIT! Looking pointing out the bad is NECESSARY, but give credit where credit is DUE! I see few from either side doing this.

One example of a HONEST personality is Michael Medved! Yes he leans right and is a Republican supporter, but he gives credit where credit is due. He isn't a blind hater!
How do we know that Motor Trens was not paid/compelled by the Feds to produce the Volt puff piece?

Volt looks to be an OK car but about $15K too costly to be a rational consumer purchase. Gasoline will have to rise $15/gal and stay there permanently for the Volt to make consumer sense.
Rush is slamming the Volt, and Hannity has it as one of his sponsors. lol, the great Schism.

Yeah..and it would be better if he actually drove the car before bitching about it.

Years ago Rush's old spew used to be how great gas guzzling SUV's were, and he used to mock fuel efficient cars.

I guess when you're a billionaire you don't quite get what 12 miles to the gallon means to a regular person when gas is over 3 bucks a gallon.

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