Most Young Americans See Trump As Illegitimate President

A new poll says that the majority of Americans between the ages of 18 and 30 view Donald Trump as an ā€œillegitimate president,ā€ according to

ā€œThe GenForward poll reported by The Associated Press found that 57 percent of young adults see Trumpā€™s presidency as illegitimate, including three-quarters of black respondents and large majorities of Latinos and Asians,ā€ wrote Brooke Seipel on Saturday.

The poll showed that 53 percent of white young American adults feel that Trump occupies the Oval Office legitimately, but 55 percent of those respondents rated his job performance negatively.

A meager 22 percent of young adults approve of the presidentā€™s job performance with 62 percent disapproving.

Majority of young adults in US view Trumpā€™s presidency as ā€˜illegitimateā€™: poll

Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!

He won the Electoral College, so he is the President and polls and California slanted vote count don't matter...
It won't matter after the wetbacks are sent packing back down to Zacatecas.

Zackly what I was talking about in 36. This crapola, and Steve McRacist's crapola, and ShitSpitters' crapola, and the various Nazis and "racialists" here --- a dying breed, and we're happy to hold the exit door for them.


I guess I didn't realize S.J. was so OLD. :eek:
Go ahead and "hold the exit door". You won't see anybody but Mexicans walking through it. Feel free to go with them, the less anti-Americans sucking up my good air the better.

There are many El Salvadorians, Central Americans, South Americans, Asians and Africans that are illegally here or overstated their visa, it is not only Mexicans.

Ask yourself how many of those Filipino nurses came here on a visitor visa and married some SOB so they could get a change of status so they could stay here!?!

It happen daily, but at least they are not Mexican, right!?!
They must all go home.
A new poll says that the majority of Americans between the ages of 18 and 30 view Donald Trump as an ā€œillegitimate president,ā€ according to

ā€œThe GenForward poll reported by The Associated Press found that 57 percent of young adults see Trumpā€™s presidency as illegitimate, including three-quarters of black respondents and large majorities of Latinos and Asians,ā€ wrote Brooke Seipel on Saturday.

The poll showed that 53 percent of white young American adults feel that Trump occupies the Oval Office legitimately, but 55 percent of those respondents rated his job performance negatively.

A meager 22 percent of young adults approve of the presidentā€™s job performance with 62 percent disapproving.

Majority of young adults in US view Trumpā€™s presidency as ā€˜illegitimateā€™: poll

Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!

He won the Electoral College, so he is the President and polls and California slanted vote count don't matter...
It won't matter after the wetbacks are sent packing back down to Zacatecas.

Zackly what I was talking about in 36. This crapola, and Steve McRacist's crapola, and ShitSpitters' crapola, and the various Nazis and "racialists" here --- a dying breed, and we're happy to hold the exit door for them.


I guess I didn't realize S.J. was so OLD. :eek:
Go ahead and "hold the exit door". You won't see anybody but Mexicans walking through it. Feel free to go with them, the less anti-Americans sucking up my good air the better.

Who? "Mexicans"?

Zat the same as what you call "wetbacks"?

A new poll says that the majority of Americans between the ages of 18 and 30 view Donald Trump as an ā€œillegitimate president,ā€ according to

ā€œThe GenForward poll reported by The Associated Press found that 57 percent of young adults see Trumpā€™s presidency as illegitimate, including three-quarters of black respondents and large majorities of Latinos and Asians,ā€ wrote Brooke Seipel on Saturday.

The poll showed that 53 percent of white young American adults feel that Trump occupies the Oval Office legitimately, but 55 percent of those respondents rated his job performance negatively.

A meager 22 percent of young adults approve of the presidentā€™s job performance with 62 percent disapproving.

Majority of young adults in US view Trumpā€™s presidency as ā€˜illegitimateā€™: poll

Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!


He won the Electoral College, so he is the President and polls and California slanted vote count don't matter...
It won't matter after the wetbacks are sent packing back down to Zacatecas.

Zackly what I was talking about in 36. This crapola, and Steve McRacist's crapola, and ShitSpitters' crapola, and the various Nazis and "racialists" here --- a dying breed, and we're happy to hold the exit door for them.


I guess I didn't realize S.J. was so OLD. :eek:
Go ahead and "hold the exit door". You won't see anybody but Mexicans walking through it. Feel free to go with them, the less anti-Americans sucking up my good air the better.

There are many El Salvadorians, Central Americans, South Americans, Asians and Africans that are illegally here or overstated their visa, it is not only Mexicans.

Ask yourself how many of those Filipino nurses came here on a visitor visa and married some SOB so they could get a change of status so they could stay here!?!

It happen daily, but at least they are not Mexican, right!?!
They must all go home.

That depends if they can find loopholes to jump through, then no they do not.

It might be unfair but I have seen too much of this nonsense to be naive to think they will go home...
It won't matter after the wetbacks are sent packing back down to Zacatecas.

Zackly what I was talking about in 36. This crapola, and Steve McRacist's crapola, and ShitSpitters' crapola, and the various Nazis and "racialists" here --- a dying breed, and we're happy to hold the exit door for them.


I guess I didn't realize S.J. was so OLD. :eek:
Go ahead and "hold the exit door". You won't see anybody but Mexicans walking through it. Feel free to go with them, the less anti-Americans sucking up my good air the better.

There are many El Salvadorians, Central Americans, South Americans, Asians and Africans that are illegally here or overstated their visa, it is not only Mexicans.

Ask yourself how many of those Filipino nurses came here on a visitor visa and married some SOB so they could get a change of status so they could stay here!?!

It happen daily, but at least they are not Mexican, right!?!
They must all go home.

That depends if they can find loopholes to jump through, then no they do not.

It might be unfair but I have seen too much of this nonsense to be naive to think they will go home...
I not expecting them to leave voluntarily.
Zackly what I was talking about in 36. This crapola, and Steve McRacist's crapola, and ShitSpitters' crapola, and the various Nazis and "racialists" here --- a dying breed, and we're happy to hold the exit door for them.


I guess I didn't realize S.J. was so OLD. :eek:
Go ahead and "hold the exit door". You won't see anybody but Mexicans walking through it. Feel free to go with them, the less anti-Americans sucking up my good air the better.

There are many El Salvadorians, Central Americans, South Americans, Asians and Africans that are illegally here or overstated their visa, it is not only Mexicans.

Ask yourself how many of those Filipino nurses came here on a visitor visa and married some SOB so they could get a change of status so they could stay here!?!

It happen daily, but at least they are not Mexican, right!?!
They must all go home.

That depends if they can find loopholes to jump through, then no they do not.

It might be unfair but I have seen too much of this nonsense to be naive to think they will go home...
I not expecting them to leave voluntarily.

Nor am I but this country is built on laws and you still have to obey the deportation laws no matter which side you are on.
Go ahead and "hold the exit door". You won't see anybody but Mexicans walking through it. Feel free to go with them, the less anti-Americans sucking up my good air the better.

There are many El Salvadorians, Central Americans, South Americans, Asians and Africans that are illegally here or overstated their visa, it is not only Mexicans.

Ask yourself how many of those Filipino nurses came here on a visitor visa and married some SOB so they could get a change of status so they could stay here!?!

It happen daily, but at least they are not Mexican, right!?!
They must all go home.

That depends if they can find loopholes to jump through, then no they do not.

It might be unfair but I have seen too much of this nonsense to be naive to think they will go home...
I not expecting them to leave voluntarily.

Nor am I but this country is built on laws and you still have to obey the deportation laws no matter which side you are on.
If you're a trespasser, you get kicked out.
Am I missing something in this conversation?
There are many El Salvadorians, Central Americans, South Americans, Asians and Africans that are illegally here or overstated their visa, it is not only Mexicans.

Ask yourself how many of those Filipino nurses came here on a visitor visa and married some SOB so they could get a change of status so they could stay here!?!

It happen daily, but at least they are not Mexican, right!?!
They must all go home.

That depends if they can find loopholes to jump through, then no they do not.

It might be unfair but I have seen too much of this nonsense to be naive to think they will go home...
I not expecting them to leave voluntarily.

Nor am I but this country is built on laws and you still have to obey the deportation laws no matter which side you are on.
If you're a trespasser, you get kicked out.
Am I missing something in this conversation?

Yep, there are still a process that has to be followed.
They must all go home.

That depends if they can find loopholes to jump through, then no they do not.

It might be unfair but I have seen too much of this nonsense to be naive to think they will go home...
I not expecting them to leave voluntarily.

Nor am I but this country is built on laws and you still have to obey the deportation laws no matter which side you are on.
If you're a trespasser, you get kicked out.
Am I missing something in this conversation?

Yep, there are still a process that has to be followed.
Processes and procedures conjured up by corrupt politicians in the name of cheap labor.
These "laws" need to be eliminated.
Kids like SYTFE grew up getting "participation" trophies, they are emotionally stunted.

Everyone knows that the goal posts were moved on HIllary Clinton's side of the field. By Vladimir Putin & FBI Director James Comey unprecendented interference into this election.

Comey who was warned by the DOJ to NOT release a letter to congress 11 days before an election, did it anyway. Millions of people voted during those 7 days believeing that charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton. 7 days later Comey gave birth to his nothing burger. Comey is also under DOJ investigation for his malefeasance, and his failure to follow long standing DOJ protocol of not releasing information within 60 days on an election.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comeyā€™s ā€˜breach of protocolā€™
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election
Meet Donald Trumpā€™s Top FBI Fanboy


Then we have the Russians hacking into DNC databases to help Trump win. Not only did they do that but they are responsible for most of the FAKE news that was spread around on social media outlets. All negative against Hillary Clinton of course. Social Media outlets are the main source of information where the youth get their news.


Add to all of this that Hillary Clinton beat Trump by 3 million popular votes, makes Trump the most illegitimate President ever to be sworn into the Oval office. It's not just the youth that KNOW this. I imagine the overwhelming majority knows it, albeit a Trump supporter like you would never admit it.
Last edited:
A new poll says that the majority of Americans between the ages of 18 and 30 view Donald Trump as an ā€œillegitimate president,ā€ according to

ā€œThe GenForward poll reported by The Associated Press found that 57 percent of young adults see Trumpā€™s presidency as illegitimate, including three-quarters of black respondents and large majorities of Latinos and Asians,ā€ wrote Brooke Seipel on Saturday.

The poll showed that 53 percent of white young American adults feel that Trump occupies the Oval Office legitimately, but 55 percent of those respondents rated his job performance negatively.

A meager 22 percent of young adults approve of the presidentā€™s job performance with 62 percent disapproving.

Majority of young adults in US view Trumpā€™s presidency as ā€˜illegitimateā€™: poll

Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!

It is a popularity contest isnt it? especially with people who don't know shit.

Fuck Your Poll

Anything else worthless on the docket today?
It takes a few years in the real world before the brainwashing wears off.

A few years in the real world is all it takes to convince anyone with a functioning brain to NEVER vote Republican under any circumstances.

real world, you?

Functioning brain?


Same thing goes for you, creepy Will. Discuss the OP -- or go skydive without a parachute.

When are YOU going to address the OP with some facts?

The facts are already within the OP. For example, it's a fact that most young adults see the president as illegitimate according to the poll.
Yes, we know how brainwashed they are. Did you have a point?
A new poll says that the majority of Americans between the ages of 18 and 30 view Donald Trump as an ā€œillegitimate president,ā€ according to

ā€œThe GenForward poll reported by The Associated Press found that 57 percent of young adults see Trumpā€™s presidency as illegitimate, including three-quarters of black respondents and large majorities of Latinos and Asians,ā€ wrote Brooke Seipel on Saturday.

The poll showed that 53 percent of white young American adults feel that Trump occupies the Oval Office legitimately, but 55 percent of those respondents rated his job performance negatively.

A meager 22 percent of young adults approve of the presidentā€™s job performance with 62 percent disapproving.

Majority of young adults in US view Trumpā€™s presidency as ā€˜illegitimateā€™: poll

Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!

He won the Electoral College, so he is the President and polls and California slanted vote count don't matter...
It won't matter after the wetbacks are sent packing back down to Zacatecas.

Zackly what I was talking about in 36. This crapola, and Steve McRacist's crapola, and ShitSpitters' crapola, and the various Nazis and "racialists" here --- a dying breed, and we're happy to hold the exit door for them.


I guess I didn't realize S.J. was so OLD. :eek:
Your kind are the ones who just got shown the exit door, moron.
Kids like SYTFE grew up getting "participation" trophies, they are emotionally stunted.

Everyone knows that the goal posts were moved on HIllary Clinton's side of the field. By Vladimir Putin & FBI Director James Comey unprecendented interference into this election.

Comey who was warned by the DOJ to NOT release a letter to congress 11 days before an election, did it anyway. Millions of people voted during those 7 days believeing that charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton. 7 days later Comey gave birth to his nothing burger. Comey is also under DOJ investigation for his malefeasance, and his failure to follow long standing DOJ protocol of not releasing information within 60 days on an election.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comeyā€™s ā€˜breach of protocolā€™
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election
Meet Donald Trumpā€™s Top FBI Fanboy


Then we have the Russians hacking into DNC databases to help Trump win. Not only did they do that but they are responsible for most of the FAKE news that was spread around on social media outlets. All negative against Hillary Clinton of course. Social Media outlets are the main source of information where the youth get their news.


Add to all of this that Hillary Clinton beat Trump by 3 million popular votes, makes Trump the most illegitimate President ever to be sworn into the Oval office. It's not just the youth that KNOW this. I imagine the overwhelming majority knows it, albeit a Trump supporter like you would never admit it.

Kids like SYTFE grew up getting "participation" trophies, they are emotionally stunted.

I know you really, really, REALLY want to make this thread about me, internet tough guy, but I am not the goddamn topic of the thread. Discuss the OP -- or shut the fuck up.

You poor kid, I told you, nobody gives a shit that a bunch of snot nosed kids doesn't like how the Constitution stipulates the election of the President.
A new poll says that the majority of Americans between the ages of 18 and 30 view Donald Trump as an ā€œillegitimate president,ā€ according to

ā€œThe GenForward poll reported by The Associated Press found that 57 percent of young adults see Trumpā€™s presidency as illegitimate, including three-quarters of black respondents and large majorities of Latinos and Asians,ā€ wrote Brooke Seipel on Saturday.

The poll showed that 53 percent of white young American adults feel that Trump occupies the Oval Office legitimately, but 55 percent of those respondents rated his job performance negatively.

A meager 22 percent of young adults approve of the presidentā€™s job performance with 62 percent disapproving.

Majority of young adults in US view Trumpā€™s presidency as ā€˜illegitimateā€™: poll

Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!
It takes a few years in the real world before the brainwashing wears off.

A few years in the real world is all it takes to convince anyone with a functioning brain to NEVER vote Republican under any circumstances.

Funny, it had exactly the opposite effect on me.
Well....that's not surprising.
A new poll says that the majority of Americans between the ages of 18 and 30 view Donald Trump as an ā€œillegitimate president,ā€ according to

ā€œThe GenForward poll reported by The Associated Press found that 57 percent of young adults see Trumpā€™s presidency as illegitimate, including three-quarters of black respondents and large majorities of Latinos and Asians,ā€ wrote Brooke Seipel on Saturday.

The poll showed that 53 percent of white young American adults feel that Trump occupies the Oval Office legitimately, but 55 percent of those respondents rated his job performance negatively.

A meager 22 percent of young adults approve of the presidentā€™s job performance with 62 percent disapproving.

Majority of young adults in US view Trumpā€™s presidency as ā€˜illegitimateā€™: poll

Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!

Funny, so the polls predicting Hillary's Landslide Victory were something you relied on as well, get a job...
A new poll says that the majority of Americans between the ages of 18 and 30 view Donald Trump as an ā€œillegitimate president,ā€ according to

ā€œThe GenForward poll reported by The Associated Press found that 57 percent of young adults see Trumpā€™s presidency as illegitimate, including three-quarters of black respondents and large majorities of Latinos and Asians,ā€ wrote Brooke Seipel on Saturday.

The poll showed that 53 percent of white young American adults feel that Trump occupies the Oval Office legitimately, but 55 percent of those respondents rated his job performance negatively.

A meager 22 percent of young adults approve of the presidentā€™s job performance with 62 percent disapproving.

Majority of young adults in US view Trumpā€™s presidency as ā€˜illegitimateā€™: poll

Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!

Meh, I was young and stupid once too. I cast my first ever vote for Jimmy Carter. Life happened, I got older and smarter. Most of them will too.

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