Most Young Americans See Trump As Illegitimate President

A new poll says that the majority of Americans between the ages of 18 and 30 view Donald Trump as an ā€œillegitimate president,ā€ according to

ā€œThe GenForward poll reported by The Associated Press found that 57 percent of young adults see Trumpā€™s presidency as illegitimate, including three-quarters of black respondents and large majorities of Latinos and Asians,ā€ wrote Brooke Seipel on Saturday.

The poll showed that 53 percent of white young American adults feel that Trump occupies the Oval Office legitimately, but 55 percent of those respondents rated his job performance negatively.

A meager 22 percent of young adults approve of the presidentā€™s job performance with 62 percent disapproving.

Majority of young adults in US view Trumpā€™s presidency as ā€˜illegitimateā€™: poll

Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!

They obviously went to the same type of junior college you did, or are illiterate inner city dwellers. In either case, there is a reason an age restriction is put on the Presidency; mainly because young people think they know everything, when they actually know nothing

Somehow I have a sneaking suspicion, you fit right in there too-)

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A new poll says that the majority of Americans between the ages of 18 and 30 view Donald Trump as an ā€œillegitimate president,ā€ according to

ā€œThe GenForward poll reported by The Associated Press found that 57 percent of young adults see Trumpā€™s presidency as illegitimate, including three-quarters of black respondents and large majorities of Latinos and Asians,ā€ wrote Brooke Seipel on Saturday.

The poll showed that 53 percent of white young American adults feel that Trump occupies the Oval Office legitimately, but 55 percent of those respondents rated his job performance negatively.

A meager 22 percent of young adults approve of the presidentā€™s job performance with 62 percent disapproving.

Majority of young adults in US view Trumpā€™s presidency as ā€˜illegitimateā€™: poll/QUOTE]

Nobody likes tough choices.

Bye bye stupid stuff the government has no business funding.
A new poll says that the majority of Americans between the ages of 18 and 30 view Donald Trump as an ā€œillegitimate president,ā€ according to

ā€œThe GenForward poll reported by The Associated Press found that 57 percent of young adults see Trumpā€™s presidency as illegitimate, including three-quarters of black respondents and large majorities of Latinos and Asians,ā€ wrote Brooke Seipel on Saturday.

The poll showed that 53 percent of white young American adults feel that Trump occupies the Oval Office legitimately, but 55 percent of those respondents rated his job performance negatively.

A meager 22 percent of young adults approve of the presidentā€™s job performance with 62 percent disapproving.

Majority of young adults in US view Trumpā€™s presidency as ā€˜illegitimateā€™: poll

Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!
Who cares? There are idiots who think we didn't land on the moon. They are wrong too.
Oh look, another poll saying how much people don't like Trump, conducted by the same pollsters who predicted a Clinton landslide a few months ago.
Now we know the percentage that failed high school civics...
A new poll says that the majority of Americans between the ages of 18 and 30 view Donald Trump as an ā€œillegitimate president,ā€ according to

ā€œThe GenForward poll reported by The Associated Press found that 57 percent of young adults see Trumpā€™s presidency as illegitimate, including three-quarters of black respondents and large majorities of Latinos and Asians,ā€ wrote Brooke Seipel on Saturday.

The poll showed that 53 percent of white young American adults feel that Trump occupies the Oval Office legitimately, but 55 percent of those respondents rated his job performance negatively.

A meager 22 percent of young adults approve of the presidentā€™s job performance with 62 percent disapproving.

Majority of young adults in US view Trumpā€™s presidency as ā€˜illegitimateā€™: poll

Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!
It takes a few years in the real world before the brainwashing wears off.

A few years in the real world is all it takes to convince anyone with a functioning brain to NEVER vote Republican under any circumstances.

Funny, it had exactly the opposite effect on me.

That's because you've never had a job that required anything more than flipping burgers.
what a moron.
Kids like SYTFE grew up getting "participation" trophies, they are emotionally stunted.

I know you really, really, REALLY want to make this thread about me, internet tough guy, but I am not the goddamn topic of the thread. Discuss the OP -- or shut the fuck up.

Says the guy who posted "That's because you've never had a job that required anything more than flipping burgers."

What a douche bag.
Is that the same stupid poll who said Crooked Hillary would win by an EC landslide?

If you only poll Moon Bats then you only get Moon Bat opinions.

Trump is a doing a great job making progress on the things that he was elected to do. If you stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats don't like it then just put on your pink pussy hats and run to your safe safe and get the hell out of the way of those who want to make America great again.
Most 18-30 year olds don't or haven't known jack shit since the dawn of humanity. Some things just never change. The head pops out of the ass a little later in life these days.
A new poll says that the majority of Americans between the ages of 18 and 30 view Donald Trump as an ā€œillegitimate president,ā€ according to

ā€œThe GenForward poll reported by The Associated Press found that 57 percent of young adults see Trumpā€™s presidency as illegitimate, including three-quarters of black respondents and large majorities of Latinos and Asians,ā€ wrote Brooke Seipel on Saturday.

The poll showed that 53 percent of white young American adults feel that Trump occupies the Oval Office legitimately, but 55 percent of those respondents rated his job performance negatively.

A meager 22 percent of young adults approve of the presidentā€™s job performance with 62 percent disapproving.

Majority of young adults in US view Trumpā€™s presidency as ā€˜illegitimateā€™: poll

Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!

He won the Electoral College, so he is the President and polls and California slanted vote count don't matter...
Yes. We should listen to the little darlings. They are so smart and EXPERIENCED.
Here's a PSA to help us cope with these little snowflakes:

A new poll says that the majority of Americans between the ages of 18 and 30 view Donald Trump as an ā€œillegitimate president,ā€ according to

ā€œThe GenForward poll reported by The Associated Press found that 57 percent of young adults see Trumpā€™s presidency as illegitimate, including three-quarters of black respondents and large majorities of Latinos and Asians,ā€ wrote Brooke Seipel on Saturday.

The poll showed that 53 percent of white young American adults feel that Trump occupies the Oval Office legitimately, but 55 percent of those respondents rated his job performance negatively.

A meager 22 percent of young adults approve of the presidentā€™s job performance with 62 percent disapproving.

Majority of young adults in US view Trumpā€™s presidency as ā€˜illegitimateā€™: poll

Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!

One reason for that --- or perhaps a related indicator ---- I heard this from a language expert interview talking about the nature of profanity....

As generational mores change with the times, so does language. Young adults coming up now are not offended by the sexual- and bodily-function profanities of the past like shit and fuck. Those have become casual. What they are offended by ---- because every group in its time needs a separate set of powerful words --- is ethnic slurs. Words that attempt to divide and disempower those other races and colors and nationalities that they count among their peers as friends.

Given the nature of Rump's rhetoric, it's natural both that young adults would find it disgusting, and that Rump's audience is concentrated on old farts. All fits together.

Perfect example --- this thread where Rump refers to Sen. Elizabeth Warren as "Pocahontas" because she's got Native American heritage. It's always the Indian Senator, the Mexican Judge, this color, that religion, the other nationality, even the disabled and veterans. Rump is a one-man dividing machine. The younger set is not at all cool with that. They see right through it.
Last edited:
A new poll says that the majority of Americans between the ages of 18 and 30 view Donald Trump as an ā€œillegitimate president,ā€ according to

ā€œThe GenForward poll reported by The Associated Press found that 57 percent of young adults see Trumpā€™s presidency as illegitimate, including three-quarters of black respondents and large majorities of Latinos and Asians,ā€ wrote Brooke Seipel on Saturday.

The poll showed that 53 percent of white young American adults feel that Trump occupies the Oval Office legitimately, but 55 percent of those respondents rated his job performance negatively.

A meager 22 percent of young adults approve of the presidentā€™s job performance with 62 percent disapproving.

Majority of young adults in US view Trumpā€™s presidency as ā€˜illegitimateā€™: poll

Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!

One reason for that --- or perhaps a related indicator ---- I heard this from a language expert interview talking about the nature of profanity...:

As generational mores change with the times, so does language. Young adults coming up now are not offended by the sexual- and bodily-function profanities of the past like shit and fuck. Those have become casual. What they are offended by ---- because every group in its time needs a separate set of powerful words --- is ethnic slurs. Words that attempt to divide and disempower those other races and colors and nationalities that they count among their peers as friends.

Given the nature of Rump's rhetoric, it's natural both that young adults would find it disgusting, and that Rump's audience is concentrated on old farts. All fits together.

Can you post examples of Trump using ethnic slurs? . . . . . .

Didn't think so.
A new poll says that the majority of Americans between the ages of 18 and 30 view Donald Trump as an ā€œillegitimate president,ā€ according to

ā€œThe GenForward poll reported by The Associated Press found that 57 percent of young adults see Trumpā€™s presidency as illegitimate, including three-quarters of black respondents and large majorities of Latinos and Asians,ā€ wrote Brooke Seipel on Saturday.

The poll showed that 53 percent of white young American adults feel that Trump occupies the Oval Office legitimately, but 55 percent of those respondents rated his job performance negatively.

A meager 22 percent of young adults approve of the presidentā€™s job performance with 62 percent disapproving.

Majority of young adults in US view Trumpā€™s presidency as ā€˜illegitimateā€™: poll

Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!
It takes a few years in the real world before the brainwashing wears off.

A few years in the real world is all it takes to convince anyone with a functioning brain to NEVER vote Republican under any circumstances.

real world, you?

Functioning brain?


Same thing goes for you, creepy Will. Discuss the OP -- or go skydive without a parachute.

Yuri Bezmenov was a KGB defector back in the mid 80's that explained how the educational system was infiltrated by communists which are nothing but "useful idiots" of the very globalists that they claim to be against. Do some research about the findings of Norman Dodd and the Reece Committee hearings that were investigating the tax-free foundations that later formed the Department of Education...check out Charlotte Iserbyte. There is also a great documentary called "The Enemy Within". I did and what we have are at least 70 politicians in D.C with serious ties to commie front groups. The youth has been indoctrinated and the males have been emasculated that need "safe spaces" because anyone that attacks the cultural marxist doctrine throws these candy-ass SJWs for a loop. You may think that communism is the answer...but tell me how that has worked for other countries that have allowed it. BTW, you don't get to tell posters what they can or cannot post. Don't like what they say? Use the ignore feature.
Who gives a shit what a bunch of snot noses "think"? What matters is the Constitution , you know that right?

Actually, facts are what matter, Doc. And it's a fact that he's an illegitimate president.

By what measure? Think carefully before answering simply because there is no answer other that your claim is bullshit!
A new poll says that the majority of Americans between the ages of 18 and 30 view Donald Trump as an ā€œillegitimate president,ā€ according to

ā€œThe GenForward poll reported by The Associated Press found that 57 percent of young adults see Trumpā€™s presidency as illegitimate, including three-quarters of black respondents and large majorities of Latinos and Asians,ā€ wrote Brooke Seipel on Saturday.

The poll showed that 53 percent of white young American adults feel that Trump occupies the Oval Office legitimately, but 55 percent of those respondents rated his job performance negatively.

A meager 22 percent of young adults approve of the presidentā€™s job performance with 62 percent disapproving.

Majority of young adults in US view Trumpā€™s presidency as ā€˜illegitimateā€™: poll

Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!
It takes a few years in the real world before the brainwashing wears off.

A few years in the real world is all it takes to convince anyone with a functioning brain to NEVER vote Republican under any circumstances.

real world, you?

Functioning brain?


Same thing goes for you, creepy Will. Discuss the OP -- or go skydive without a parachute.

When are YOU going to address the OP with some facts?

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