Most of YOU really are either too lazy or stupid when you suggest..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
"just Let the TAX cuts expire for the wealthy that will take care of the problem!"

YoU know idiots like that should try to use the Internet before making those stupid comments!!!

Down load LIKE I did this document DIRECTLY from the IRS!!! SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income
It's IRS report for ALL taxpayers in 2009.

Then do a little work LIKE I DID and find that the above spreadsheet shows in 2009 the IRS reported that:
  • A) 227,202 tax returns had adjusted gross INCOMES over $1 million
  • B) These returns combined gross adjusted gross income was $486.7 BILLION
  • C) The taxes these returns ACTUALLY PAID PAID directly $123.7 BILLION or 25.4% of adjusted income paid in taxes--- HIGHER then any other group!
  • D) If the $486.7 Billion was TAXED at 39.6% which was what the rate before Bush cut to 35% just a 4.6% increase..
  • E) The total additional TAX REVENUE in 2009 at 39.6% would generate $69.7 Billion...

Obama's DEFICIT in 2009 was $1.4 TRILLION!!!

SO IDIOTS YOUR TAX THE RICH at 39.6% ADDS just $69 billion or less then 4% of the DEFICIT!
"just Let the TAX cuts expire for the wealthy that will take care of the problem!"

YoU know idiots like that should try to use the Internet before making those stupid comments!!!

Down load LIKE I did this document DIRECTLY from the IRS!!! SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income
It's IRS report for ALL taxpayers in 2009.

Then do a little work LIKE I DID and find that the above spreadsheet shows in 2009 the IRS reported that:
  • A) 227,202 tax returns had adjusted gross INCOMES over $1 million
  • B) These returns combined gross adjusted gross income was $486.7 BILLION
  • C) The taxes these returns ACTUALLY PAID PAID directly $123.7 BILLION or 25.4% of adjusted income paid in taxes--- HIGHER then any other group!
  • D) If the $486.7 Billion was TAXED at 39.6% which was what the rate before Bush cut to 35% just a 4.6% increase..
  • E) The total additional TAX REVENUE in 2009 at 39.6% would generate $69.7 Billion...

Obama's DEFICIT in 2009 was $1.4 TRILLION!!!

SO IDIOTS YOUR TAX THE RICH at 39.6% ADDS just $69 billion or less then 4% of the DEFICIT!

Give it up, they're too stupid to know how to turn on a calculator.
"just Let the TAX cuts expire for the wealthy that will take care of the problem!"

YoU know idiots like that should try to use the Internet before making those stupid comments!!!

Down load LIKE I did this document DIRECTLY from the IRS!!! SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income
It's IRS report for ALL taxpayers in 2009.

Then do a little work LIKE I DID and find that the above spreadsheet shows in 2009 the IRS reported that:
  • A) 227,202 tax returns had adjusted gross INCOMES over $1 million
  • B) These returns combined gross adjusted gross income was $486.7 BILLION
  • C) The taxes these returns ACTUALLY PAID PAID directly $123.7 BILLION or 25.4% of adjusted income paid in taxes--- HIGHER then any other group!
  • D) If the $486.7 Billion was TAXED at 39.6% which was what the rate before Bush cut to 35% just a 4.6% increase..
  • E) The total additional TAX REVENUE in 2009 at 39.6% would generate $69.7 Billion...

Obama's DEFICIT in 2009 was $1.4 TRILLION!!!

SO IDIOTS YOUR TAX THE RICH at 39.6% ADDS just $69 billion or less then 4% of the DEFICIT!

How is bringing in 69 billion in new revenue 4%? Using your numbers, restoring the tax rates on only those making a million a year would slash the deficit in half. That's pretty damn impressive,..:eusa_clap:
What Romney's plan all along WAS GDP growth at 5% because at that unemployment goes down, payroll taxes go up and income taxes go up!

5% of 15 trillion rate of growth for 5 years means $18 trillion GDP in 2017
In 2009 gross adjusted income for all taxpayers was: $7.6 Trillion and total taxes paid was $865 billion or 11% of gross income.
GDP in 2009 was $15 trillion or 62% in taxable income on which $865 billion was paid in taxes or of GDP - almost 6% of GDP Federal taxes.
So in 2017 if GDP allowed to grow @5% Tax revenue would be $1.08 trillion!

And that's why Romney could cut deficit WHILE NOT raising TAXES as he was counting on a POSITIVE PRO business attitude that would spur the 5% GDP growth!
What Romney's plan all along WAS GDP growth at 5% because at that unemployment goes down, payroll taxes go up and income taxes go up!

5% of 15 trillion rate of growth for 5 years means $18 trillion GDP in 2017
In 2009 gross adjusted income for all taxpayers was: $7.6 Trillion and total taxes paid was $865 billion or 11% of gross income.
GDP in 2009 was $15 trillion or 62% in taxable income on which $865 billion was paid in taxes or of GDP - almost 6% of GDP Federal taxes.
So in 2017 if GDP allowed to grow @5% Tax revenue would be $1.08 trillion!

And that's why Romney could cut deficit WHILE NOT raising TAXES as he was counting on a POSITIVE PRO business attitude that would spur the 5% GDP growth!
Yeah, well that lost.

Looks like America voted for an anti-business pro stagnation economic agenda on Tuesday.
Willard's plan is the same as every from the GOP, give massive handouts to the rich and bankroll the snot out of their military cronies. Willard wanted to bring 6 trillion in spending just walking in the door!

It didn't work under Reagan
It didn't work under Bush
and it really didn't work under W.

Pay your fair share was a monumental success under clinton. It only makes sense to go with what works, and what works is democratic fiscal policies.
"just Let the TAX cuts expire for the wealthy that will take care of the problem!"

YoU know idiots like that should try to use the Internet before making those stupid comments!!!

Down load LIKE I did this document DIRECTLY from the IRS!!! SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income
It's IRS report for ALL taxpayers in 2009.

Then do a little work LIKE I DID and find that the above spreadsheet shows in 2009 the IRS reported that:
  • A) 227,202 tax returns had adjusted gross INCOMES over $1 million
  • B) These returns combined gross adjusted gross income was $486.7 BILLION
  • C) The taxes these returns ACTUALLY PAID PAID directly $123.7 BILLION or 25.4% of adjusted income paid in taxes--- HIGHER then any other group!
  • D) If the $486.7 Billion was TAXED at 39.6% which was what the rate before Bush cut to 35% just a 4.6% increase..
  • E) The total additional TAX REVENUE in 2009 at 39.6% would generate $69.7 Billion...

Obama's DEFICIT in 2009 was $1.4 TRILLION!!!

SO IDIOTS YOUR TAX THE RICH at 39.6% ADDS just $69 billion or less then 4% of the DEFICIT!

How is bringing in 69 billion in new revenue 4%? Using your numbers, restoring the tax rates on only those making a million a year would slash the deficit in half. That's pretty damn impressive,..:eusa_clap:

Dumb f...K! Here are the last 4 years of DEFICITS!!!
Obama's deficits:
  • 2009 $1.4 Trillion -
  • 2010 $1.3 Trillion -
  • 2011 $1.3 Trillion -
  • 2012 $1.6 Trillion
NOW dummy tell me how $69 billion is 50% of $1.6 Trillion????
Wait... that's too complicated for you!
Deficit meaning Obama spending MORE then what is coming in... DEFICIT!
Deficit $1.6 trillion. When you cut something in half makes two parts equal or 50% RIGHT?
50% of $1.6 trillion is $800 billion!
Now which is the smaller number... $69 billion or $800 billion?
I know take your time and shoes off OK??

I pointed out adding $69 billion to Federal revenue by taxing million dollar incomes is less then 4% of the $1.6 trillion deficit!
NOW do you get it???
"just Let the TAX cuts expire for the wealthy that will take care of the problem!"

YoU know idiots like that should try to use the Internet before making those stupid comments!!!

Down load LIKE I did this document DIRECTLY from the IRS!!! SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income
It's IRS report for ALL taxpayers in 2009.

Then do a little work LIKE I DID and find that the above spreadsheet shows in 2009 the IRS reported that:
  • A) 227,202 tax returns had adjusted gross INCOMES over $1 million
  • B) These returns combined gross adjusted gross income was $486.7 BILLION
  • C) The taxes these returns ACTUALLY PAID PAID directly $123.7 BILLION or 25.4% of adjusted income paid in taxes--- HIGHER then any other group!
  • D) If the $486.7 Billion was TAXED at 39.6% which was what the rate before Bush cut to 35% just a 4.6% increase..
  • E) The total additional TAX REVENUE in 2009 at 39.6% would generate $69.7 Billion...

Obama's DEFICIT in 2009 was $1.4 TRILLION!!!

SO IDIOTS YOUR TAX THE RICH at 39.6% ADDS just $69 billion or less then 4% of the DEFICIT!

How is bringing in 69 billion in new revenue 4%? Using your numbers, restoring the tax rates on only those making a million a year would slash the deficit in half. That's pretty damn impressive,..:eusa_clap:

The deficit is $1.4 TRILLION. Half of that is $700 BILLION. $213 BILLION MORE that the TOTAL GROSS INCOME of those millionaires.

"just Let the TAX cuts expire for the wealthy that will take care of the problem!"

YoU know idiots like that should try to use the Internet before making those stupid comments!!!

Down load LIKE I did this document DIRECTLY from the IRS!!! SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income
It's IRS report for ALL taxpayers in 2009.

Then do a little work LIKE I DID and find that the above spreadsheet shows in 2009 the IRS reported that:
  • A) 227,202 tax returns had adjusted gross INCOMES over $1 million
  • B) These returns combined gross adjusted gross income was $486.7 BILLION
  • C) The taxes these returns ACTUALLY PAID PAID directly $123.7 BILLION or 25.4% of adjusted income paid in taxes--- HIGHER then any other group!
  • D) If the $486.7 Billion was TAXED at 39.6% which was what the rate before Bush cut to 35% just a 4.6% increase..
  • E) The total additional TAX REVENUE in 2009 at 39.6% would generate $69.7 Billion...

Obama's DEFICIT in 2009 was $1.4 TRILLION!!!

SO IDIOTS YOUR TAX THE RICH at 39.6% ADDS just $69 billion or less then 4% of the DEFICIT!

It shows we're addressing the problem rationally, restoring faith in the economy and thereby allowing the free market system to flourish. A lot of capitalism is about perceptions of whether things are going well or badly. Why do I have to be teaching you these things? It's something any defender of our system should already know!!! :eusa_eh:
Willard's plan is the same as every from the GOP, give massive handouts to the rich and bankroll the snot out of their military cronies. Willard wanted to bring 6 trillion in spending just walking in the door!

It didn't work under Reagan
It didn't work under Bush
and it really didn't work under W.

Pay your fair share was a monumental success under clinton. It only makes sense to go with what works, and what works is democratic fiscal policies.

Put down your Obama phone for a second and take your shoes off to count OK???

DO you know what GDP stands for much less what the 2012 value is?

I know it goes beyond your toes! $15,775.7 billion
NOW you idiot.. simply by APPROVING all the Federal leases Obama cancelled added $400 billion to the GDP.
A president THAT YES WAS friendly to businesses that create jobs that pay payroll taxes IS a lot more conducive to GROWTH of the GDP then someone who has as of today spurred businesses to LAY of 1,000s of more people! MORE unemployment checks going OUT!

As a result for every dollar increase in GDP means a 6 cents increase in FEDERAL TAXES!
If with a positive attitude for BUSINESSES rather then hating businesses GDP grows at 5% Tax revenues would increase EVEN without any tax increases!

AGAIN IDIOTS like you that have to take your shoes off to count don't seem to comprehend the concept of the expanding pie!
YOU are like most neanderthal ape likes only see what you have in your hand or your fellow ape's hand and that is it!
NO vision, no construction... ONLY HATRED. Animal like tearing at the meat! Rather then growing you kill!
"just Let the TAX cuts expire for the wealthy that will take care of the problem!"

YoU know idiots like that should try to use the Internet before making those stupid comments!!!

Down load LIKE I did this document DIRECTLY from the IRS!!! SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income
It's IRS report for ALL taxpayers in 2009.

Then do a little work LIKE I DID and find that the above spreadsheet shows in 2009 the IRS reported that:
  • A) 227,202 tax returns had adjusted gross INCOMES over $1 million
  • B) These returns combined gross adjusted gross income was $486.7 BILLION
  • C) The taxes these returns ACTUALLY PAID PAID directly $123.7 BILLION or 25.4% of adjusted income paid in taxes--- HIGHER then any other group!
  • D) If the $486.7 Billion was TAXED at 39.6% which was what the rate before Bush cut to 35% just a 4.6% increase..
  • E) The total additional TAX REVENUE in 2009 at 39.6% would generate $69.7 Billion...

Obama's DEFICIT in 2009 was $1.4 TRILLION!!!

SO IDIOTS YOUR TAX THE RICH at 39.6% ADDS just $69 billion or less then 4% of the DEFICIT!
it won't be the end all but its a great starting point. Agree?
Willard's plan is the same as every from the GOP, give massive handouts to the rich and bankroll the snot out of their military cronies. Willard wanted to bring 6 trillion in spending just walking in the door!

It didn't work under Reagan
It didn't work under Bush
and it really didn't work under W.

Pay your fair share was a monumental success under clinton. It only makes sense to go with what works, and what works is democratic fiscal policies.

How was the Republican House constraining Clinton "democratic fiscal policies?"

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