Most likely won't happen


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

even though the CCP owns a bunch of farmland and grandfathered dominion software so they have a chuck of our country already.


even though the CCP owns a bunch of farmland and grandfathered dominion software so they have a chuck of our country already.

God forbid there be a military conflict with China. Yet as tensions increase over Taiwan, spy balloons, and escalating rhetoric, the prospect of a skirmish or broader conflict with that massive nation is a daunting cloud over America. Traditionally, one would expect such a menace to unite Americans, yet today's far left despises the Constitution and the nation, and indeed tradition itself. More, the left ignores the human rights abuses of nations such as China in its derisive slanders against America. Bent on destroying the nation from within, will the left simply roll out the red carpet for Red China if it attacks America?

After all, the grand utopian fantasies of the America-haters is firmly grounded in Marxism — a power grab to create some new yet undefined authoritarian nirvana. Deconstructionists destroy — even themselves. The gullible cluelessness of today's postmodern truth-deniers extends to contempt for gender science, the family unit, heterosexual normativity, even math and economics. Ignorance of the universal failures of Marxism does not deter the would-be nihilists: those who wave rainbow flags professing love of liberty spout hatred for their neighbors and nation.

And so why would they not welcome China as liberators? As anarchy in the streets transforms more and more American neighborhoods into desolate Portlands, the plan appears to be to unleash chaos so that authoritarian domination can prevail. Those who elevate "personal identity" as the highest moral value are simultaneously statists who demand that an omnipotent federal government crush individual rights to free expression, faith, and assembly in order to impose the woke cult. This schizoid splintering of normalcy seeks to mutate America's "thousand points of light" into thousands of rabid Antifa thugs.
After all, the grand utopian fantasies of the America-haters is firmly grounded in Marxism — a power grab to create some new yet undefined authoritarian nirvana.
Meanwhile, in Florida, if you have a blog and you post about DeSantis, well a newly proposed bill says you have to register with the State. Sounds like China to me.

You flippin idiots wouldn't know Marxism if it jumped up and bit you in the ass. And China has a whole host of problems on their own, they sure can't be making any plans to invade America. The idea is laughable on its face.
Meanwhile, in Florida, if you have a blog and you post about DeSantis, well a newly proposed bill says you have to register with the State. Sounds like China to me.

You flippin idiots wouldn't know Marxism if it jumped up and bit you in the ass. And China has a whole host of problems on their own, they sure can't be making any plans to invade America. The idea is laughable on its face.
As I said not likely to happen but there are still elements on the left that have had political love affairs with the CCP not to mention ultra globalist money grubbers in DC.
Meanwhile, in Florida, if you have a blog and you post about DeSantis, well a newly proposed bill says you have to register with the State. Sounds like China to me.
DeSantis just wants to make sure Florida citizens get the truth and not the lies they usually get from liberals.

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