Most Americans Don't Believe The Official Tale Of 9/11...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Brother of 9/11 victim claims the US orchestrated the atrocity, as new study shows it was impossible that the third tower collapsed from fire.

Next Monday afternoon, Matt Campbell will stand outside BBC Broadcasting House in London’s Portland Place, protesting about the killing of his brother, Geoff, and 66 other Britons, in the 9/11 terror attack at the New York World Trade Center.

After the horror on September 11, 2001, there was no trace of Geoff. The 31-year-old risk analyst had been attending a conference on the 106th floor in the North Tower, a short stroll from the Manhattan apartment where he lived with his American fiancée, Caroline.

At first, his family clung to the hope he was alive, until one year later fragments of a shoulder blade bearing Geoff’s DNA were found among Trade Centre rubble at a landfill site.

Matt began asking questions. He has not stopped since. He, and others who will be at the BBC protest, refuse to accept the official story about 9/11: that four U.S. airliners were hijacked by Islamist terror chief Osama Bin Laden’s pilots. Two were flown into New York’s famous Twin Towers, which collapsed. A third rammed into the U.S. Defense Headquarters at the Pentagon.

Seven hours later, a third tower at the World Trade Center, WTC7, fell to the ground over seven seconds, even though no plane had hit it...

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Most Americans Don’t Believe the Official Tale - LewRockwell
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I tend to be 50/50 on these issues. I don't believe everything they told us. I don't live far from Shanksville and I know what many people saw doesn't match what we were told to believe.
Flight 93 did not crash land based on the footage. Maybe it was blown up in the air? Very strange.

Hold on..... what if.......... WE'RE ALL LIVING A 21st CENTURY GAME OF THRONES!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Did North Korea just get a DRAGON??? :eek:

Was 9/11 the beheading of Ned Stark???

Was the Iraq War fought over a fake pretenses like Robert's rebellion???

Is ISIS the Bolton army????

Is Cersei the ALT-RIGHT?!!

Is Daenerys whoever the Dems run in 2020???

Duplicate thread. All of this conspiracy crap has already been disproven.

Only idiot claim left not used is that Mohammad Atta was George W Bush's third cousin.
Brother of 9/11 victim claims the US orchestrated the atrocity, as new study shows it was impossible that the third tower collapsed from fire.

Next Monday afternoon, Matt Campbell will stand outside BBC Broadcasting House in London’s Portland Place, protesting about the killing of his brother, Geoff, and 66 other Britons, in the 9/11 terror attack at the New York World Trade Center.

After the horror on September 11, 2001, there was no trace of Geoff. The 31-year-old risk analyst had been attending a conference on the 106th floor in the North Tower, a short stroll from the Manhattan apartment where he lived with his American fiancée, Caroline.

At first, his family clung to the hope he was alive, until one year later fragments of a shoulder blade bearing Geoff’s DNA were found among Trade Centre rubble at a landfill site.

Matt began asking questions. He has not stopped since. He, and others who will be at the BBC protest, refuse to accept the official story about 9/11: that four U.S. airliners were hijacked by Islamist terror chief Osama Bin Laden’s pilots. Two were flown into New York’s famous Twin Towers, which collapsed. A third rammed into the U.S. Defense Headquarters at the Pentagon.

Seven hours later, a third tower at the World Trade Center, WTC7, fell to the ground over seven seconds, even though no plane had hit it...

Read More:
Most Americans Don’t Believe the Official Tale - LewRockwell
Polls again.

Look, how you ask a poll question is very important. I'll bet if you asked the question; Do you think the US Government orchestrated the attacks on 9-11, you get a much different result.

9-11 Conspiracy buffs like to poke holes in the official accounting of events, but they can never come up with a better explanation. Never havevthey come up with a version of what happened that wasn't completely absurd or easily discredited.

Personally I believe the official version. Why? Because there are unanswered questions. Since the only ones who had anything to do with the attack are dead, we can only investigate and deduce what happened. Naturally, we wouldn't be able to answer all questions. There will be things we cannot explain and questions we will never know the answers to.

Now, is the government was in on it, we would be more likely to see an official version that answered all questions, dotted all "Is" and crossed all "Ts" which would be impossible in real life.

In summary, the fact that the official version is incomplete, makes it more likely to be the truth.
Hold on..... what if.......... WE'RE ALL LIVING A 21st CENTURY GAME OF THRONES!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Did North Korea just get a DRAGON??? :eek:

Was 9/11 the beheading of Ned Stark???

Was the Iraq War fought over a fake pretenses like Robert's rebellion???

Is ISIS the Bolton army????

Is Cersei the ALT-RIGHT?!!

Is Daenerys whoever the Dems run in 2020???

Jon Snow is the libertarian.
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