Mosque Killer: I'm A Socialist 'Eco-Fascist'
May 8, 2014 - Obama says Republicans have been obstructionist since even ... who used to work on construction but now has been laid off — they need us.
Wow! Great supporting citation, broham! Do you have one from a fox explaining how the chickens like being attacked and eaten?

Obama's mid term campaign speech for a bunch of Hollywood democrat party whores where he pulls a figure out of his ass to demonstrate how evil republicans are is less than meaningless. It is insulting.
Pardon moi I know you repubs are not used to hearing insults especially from your insulting excuse for a president
Wiki horseshit.
Wiki horseshit.

White Nationalist

"Adherents of white nationalist groups believe that white identity should be the organizing principle of the countries that make up Western civilization.

"White nationalists advocate for policies to reverse changing demographics and the loss of an absolute, white majority.

"Ending non-white immigration, both legal and illegal, is an urgent priority — frequently elevated over other racist projects, such as ending multiculturalism and miscegenation — for white nationalists seeking to preserve white, racial hegemony.

"White nationalists seek to return to an America that predates the implementation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.

"Both landmark pieces of legislation are cited as the harbingers of white dispossession and so-called 'white genocide' — the idea that whites in the United States are being systematically replaced and destroyed."

MAGA...was that before the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
The SPLC is a leftwing hate propaganda organ. Slander is it's stock in trade. No one cares how they define "white nationalist" because it's a term of propaganda, not fact.
The SPLC is a leftwing hate propaganda organ. Slander is it's stock in trade. No one cares how they define "white nationalist" because it's a term of propaganda, not fact.
Like the term KKK?

Southern Poverty Law Center - Wikipedia

"In 1979, the SPLC began a litigation strategy of filing civil suits for monetary damages on behalf of the victims of violence from the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist groups, with all damages recovered given to the victims or donated to other organizations.

"The SPLC also became involved in other civil rights causes, including cases to challenge what it sees as institutional racial segregation and discrimination, inhumane and unconstitutional conditions in prisons and detention centers, discrimination based on sexual orientation, mistreatment of illegal immigrants, and the unconstitutional mixing of church and state.

"The SPLC has provided information about hate groups to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other law enforcement agencies."

Hate Map

You Tards are so Full of SHIT....

The splc Is nothing but another corrupt wing of the libtarded

American Hating Party pushing for socialism.

Wikipedia is a joke slanted towards tardism………..

Every and now and then they are forced to get it right....

Morris Dees fired by Southern Poverty Law Center
You Tards are so Full of SHIT....

The splc Is nothing but another corrupt wing of the libtarded

American Hating Party pushing for socialism.

Wikipedia is a joke slanted towards tardism………..

Every and now and then they are forced to get it right..


White Nationalist

"Two favorite animating myths of white nationalists are the victimhood narrative of black-on-white crime — the idea that the dominant white majority is under assault by supposedly violent people of color — and the deceptively titled 'human biodiversity,' the pseudo-scientific ascription of human behaviors, in this case along racial lines, to 'non-negligible' genetic difference among humans.

"Appeals to the 'empirical science' of human biodiversity are frequently coupled with thinly veiled nods to white, racial superiority.

"In addition to their obsession with declining white birth rates, these themes comprise some of the most powerful propaganda that animates and drives the white nationalist movement.

"Adherents frequently cite Pat Buchanan’s 2001 book, The Death of the West, which argues that these declining white birth rates and an 'immigrant invasion' will transform the United States into a third world nation by 2050, as the text responsible for their awakening, or 'red pill.'"

Did you choke on your "red pill," Cracker?

Choke on this dip shit....

You are just another leftarded Racist.....
Pardon moi I know you repubs are not used to hearing insults especially from your insulting excuse for a president
Obama's remarks were pure campaign fodder for the sheep with big pocketbooks and for you to offer it as if it were proof of some valuable insight insults my intelligence because it treats me as if I were as dumb as you are.

And I am certainly not.

White Nationalist

"Adherents of white nationalist groups believe that white identity should be the organizing principle of the countries that make up Western civilization.

"White nationalists advocate for policies to reverse changing demographics and the loss of an absolute, white majority.

"Ending non-white immigration, both legal and illegal, is an urgent priority — frequently elevated over other racist projects, such as ending multiculturalism and miscegenation — for white nationalists seeking to preserve white, racial hegemony.

"White nationalists seek to return to an America that predates the implementation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.

"Both landmark pieces of legislation are cited as the harbingers of white dispossession and so-called 'white genocide' — the idea that whites in the United States are being systematically replaced and destroyed."

MAGA...was that before the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
The SPLC is a leftwing hate propaganda organ. Slander is it's stock in trade. No one cares how they define "white nationalist" because it's a term of propaganda, not fact.
The SPLC is a leftwing hate propaganda organ. Slander is it's stock in trade. No one cares how they define "white nationalist" because it's a term of propaganda, not fact.
Like the term KKK?

Southern Poverty Law Center - Wikipedia

"In 1979, the SPLC began a litigation strategy of filing civil suits for monetary damages on behalf of the victims of violence from the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist groups, with all damages recovered given to the victims or donated to other organizations.

"The SPLC also became involved in other civil rights causes, including cases to challenge what it sees as institutional racial segregation and discrimination, inhumane and unconstitutional conditions in prisons and detention centers, discrimination based on sexual orientation, mistreatment of illegal immigrants, and the unconstitutional mixing of church and state.

"The SPLC has provided information about hate groups to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other law enforcement agencies."

Hate Map

You Tards are so Full of SHIT....

The splc Is nothing but another corrupt wing of the libtarded

American Hating Party pushing for socialism.

Wikipedia is a joke slanted towards tardism………..

Every and now and then they are forced to get it right....

Morris Dees fired by Southern Poverty Law Center
You Tards are so Full of SHIT....

The splc Is nothing but another corrupt wing of the libtarded

American Hating Party pushing for socialism.

Wikipedia is a joke slanted towards tardism………..

Every and now and then they are forced to get it right..


White Nationalist

"Two favorite animating myths of white nationalists are the victimhood narrative of black-on-white crime — the idea that the dominant white majority is under assault by supposedly violent people of color — and the deceptively titled 'human biodiversity,' the pseudo-scientific ascription of human behaviors, in this case along racial lines, to 'non-negligible' genetic difference among humans.

"Appeals to the 'empirical science' of human biodiversity are frequently coupled with thinly veiled nods to white, racial superiority.

"In addition to their obsession with declining white birth rates, these themes comprise some of the most powerful propaganda that animates and drives the white nationalist movement.

"Adherents frequently cite Pat Buchanan’s 2001 book, The Death of the West, which argues that these declining white birth rates and an 'immigrant invasion' will transform the United States into a third world nation by 2050, as the text responsible for their awakening, or 'red pill.'"

Did you choke on your "red pill," Cracker?

Choke on this dip shit....

You are just another leftarded Racist.....
I'm gonna write a country song Call it Rednecks racists and crackers Maybe get Hank jr to sing it
The SPLC is a leftwing hate propaganda organ. Slander is it's stock in trade. No one cares how they define "white nationalist" because it's a term of propaganda, not fact.
The SPLC is a leftwing hate propaganda organ. Slander is it's stock in trade. No one cares how they define "white nationalist" because it's a term of propaganda, not fact.
Like the term KKK?

Southern Poverty Law Center - Wikipedia

"In 1979, the SPLC began a litigation strategy of filing civil suits for monetary damages on behalf of the victims of violence from the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist groups, with all damages recovered given to the victims or donated to other organizations.

"The SPLC also became involved in other civil rights causes, including cases to challenge what it sees as institutional racial segregation and discrimination, inhumane and unconstitutional conditions in prisons and detention centers, discrimination based on sexual orientation, mistreatment of illegal immigrants, and the unconstitutional mixing of church and state.

"The SPLC has provided information about hate groups to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other law enforcement agencies."

Hate Map

You Tards are so Full of SHIT....

The splc Is nothing but another corrupt wing of the libtarded

American Hating Party pushing for socialism.

Wikipedia is a joke slanted towards tardism………..

Every and now and then they are forced to get it right....

Morris Dees fired by Southern Poverty Law Center
You Tards are so Full of SHIT....

The splc Is nothing but another corrupt wing of the libtarded

American Hating Party pushing for socialism.

Wikipedia is a joke slanted towards tardism………..

Every and now and then they are forced to get it right..


White Nationalist

"Two favorite animating myths of white nationalists are the victimhood narrative of black-on-white crime — the idea that the dominant white majority is under assault by supposedly violent people of color — and the deceptively titled 'human biodiversity,' the pseudo-scientific ascription of human behaviors, in this case along racial lines, to 'non-negligible' genetic difference among humans.

"Appeals to the 'empirical science' of human biodiversity are frequently coupled with thinly veiled nods to white, racial superiority.

"In addition to their obsession with declining white birth rates, these themes comprise some of the most powerful propaganda that animates and drives the white nationalist movement.

"Adherents frequently cite Pat Buchanan’s 2001 book, The Death of the West, which argues that these declining white birth rates and an 'immigrant invasion' will transform the United States into a third world nation by 2050, as the text responsible for their awakening, or 'red pill.'"

Did you choke on your "red pill," Cracker?

Choke on this dip shit....

You are just another leftarded Racist.....
I'm gonna write a country song Call it Rednecks racists and crackers Maybe get Hank jr to sing it
You could always try resorting to facts and logic instead.

White Nationalist

"Adherents of white nationalist groups believe that white identity should be the organizing principle of the countries that make up Western civilization.

"White nationalists advocate for policies to reverse changing demographics and the loss of an absolute, white majority.

"Ending non-white immigration, both legal and illegal, is an urgent priority — frequently elevated over other racist projects, such as ending multiculturalism and miscegenation — for white nationalists seeking to preserve white, racial hegemony.

"White nationalists seek to return to an America that predates the implementation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.

"Both landmark pieces of legislation are cited as the harbingers of white dispossession and so-called 'white genocide' — the idea that whites in the United States are being systematically replaced and destroyed."

MAGA...was that before the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
The SPLC is a leftwing hate propaganda organ. Slander is it's stock in trade. No one cares how they define "white nationalist" because it's a term of propaganda, not fact.
The SPLC is a leftwing hate propaganda organ. Slander is it's stock in trade. No one cares how they define "white nationalist" because it's a term of propaganda, not fact.
Like the term KKK?

Southern Poverty Law Center - Wikipedia

"In 1979, the SPLC began a litigation strategy of filing civil suits for monetary damages on behalf of the victims of violence from the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist groups, with all damages recovered given to the victims or donated to other organizations.

"The SPLC also became involved in other civil rights causes, including cases to challenge what it sees as institutional racial segregation and discrimination, inhumane and unconstitutional conditions in prisons and detention centers, discrimination based on sexual orientation, mistreatment of illegal immigrants, and the unconstitutional mixing of church and state.

"The SPLC has provided information about hate groups to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other law enforcement agencies."

Hate Map

You Tards are so Full of SHIT....

The splc Is nothing but another corrupt wing of the libtarded

American Hating Party pushing for socialism.

Wikipedia is a joke slanted towards tardism………..

Every and now and then they are forced to get it right....

Morris Dees fired by Southern Poverty Law Center
You Tards are so Full of SHIT....

The splc Is nothing but another corrupt wing of the libtarded

American Hating Party pushing for socialism.

Wikipedia is a joke slanted towards tardism………..

Every and now and then they are forced to get it right..


White Nationalist

"Two favorite animating myths of white nationalists are the victimhood narrative of black-on-white crime — the idea that the dominant white majority is under assault by supposedly violent people of color — and the deceptively titled 'human biodiversity,' the pseudo-scientific ascription of human behaviors, in this case along racial lines, to 'non-negligible' genetic difference among humans.

"Appeals to the 'empirical science' of human biodiversity are frequently coupled with thinly veiled nods to white, racial superiority.

"In addition to their obsession with declining white birth rates, these themes comprise some of the most powerful propaganda that animates and drives the white nationalist movement.

"Adherents frequently cite Pat Buchanan’s 2001 book, The Death of the West, which argues that these declining white birth rates and an 'immigrant invasion' will transform the United States into a third world nation by 2050, as the text responsible for their awakening, or 'red pill.'"

Did you choke on your "red pill," Cracker?

All you commie assholes can do is smear your opposition. You have nothing to offer Americans. No American wants your Green New Deal.
All you commie assholes can do is smear your opposition. You have nothing to offer Americans. No American wants your Green New Deal.
No American wants white supremacist gun pussies.

"After an initial pledge by Prime Minister Ardern to update the country’s gun control laws, New Zealand Attorney General David Parker said at a vigil Saturday that semiautomatic weapons would be banned.

"Officials later demurred, saying more debate and analysis would be needed before new laws were adopted.

"Neighboring Australia dramatically tightened its gun laws following a massacre at Port Arthur in 1996, making it illegal to have an unregistered firearm, severely restricting automatic and semiautomatic weapons and carrying out a mandatory buyback of hundreds of thousands of weapons."
Pardon moi I know you repubs are not used to hearing insults especially from your insulting excuse for a president
Obama's remarks were pure campaign fodder for the sheep with big pocketbooks and for you to offer it as if it were proof of some valuable insight insults my intelligence because it treats me as if I were as dumb as you are.

And I am certainly not.
LOL I'll give you a pass and say you're just not up to your game Maybe tomorrow ?
The SPLC is a leftwing hate propaganda organ. Slander is it's stock in trade. No one cares how they define "white nationalist" because it's a term of propaganda, not fact.
The SPLC is a leftwing hate propaganda organ. Slander is it's stock in trade. No one cares how they define "white nationalist" because it's a term of propaganda, not fact.
Like the term KKK?

Southern Poverty Law Center - Wikipedia

"In 1979, the SPLC began a litigation strategy of filing civil suits for monetary damages on behalf of the victims of violence from the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist groups, with all damages recovered given to the victims or donated to other organizations.

"The SPLC also became involved in other civil rights causes, including cases to challenge what it sees as institutional racial segregation and discrimination, inhumane and unconstitutional conditions in prisons and detention centers, discrimination based on sexual orientation, mistreatment of illegal immigrants, and the unconstitutional mixing of church and state.

"The SPLC has provided information about hate groups to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other law enforcement agencies."

Hate Map

You Tards are so Full of SHIT....

The splc Is nothing but another corrupt wing of the libtarded

American Hating Party pushing for socialism.

Wikipedia is a joke slanted towards tardism………..

Every and now and then they are forced to get it right....

Morris Dees fired by Southern Poverty Law Center
You Tards are so Full of SHIT....

The splc Is nothing but another corrupt wing of the libtarded

American Hating Party pushing for socialism.

Wikipedia is a joke slanted towards tardism………..

Every and now and then they are forced to get it right..


White Nationalist

"Two favorite animating myths of white nationalists are the victimhood narrative of black-on-white crime — the idea that the dominant white majority is under assault by supposedly violent people of color — and the deceptively titled 'human biodiversity,' the pseudo-scientific ascription of human behaviors, in this case along racial lines, to 'non-negligible' genetic difference among humans.

"Appeals to the 'empirical science' of human biodiversity are frequently coupled with thinly veiled nods to white, racial superiority.

"In addition to their obsession with declining white birth rates, these themes comprise some of the most powerful propaganda that animates and drives the white nationalist movement.

"Adherents frequently cite Pat Buchanan’s 2001 book, The Death of the West, which argues that these declining white birth rates and an 'immigrant invasion' will transform the United States into a third world nation by 2050, as the text responsible for their awakening, or 'red pill.'"

Did you choke on your "red pill," Cracker?

Choke on this dip shit....

You are just another leftarded Racist.....
I'm gonna write a country song Call it Rednecks racists and crackers Maybe get Hank jr to sing it

Rave on you idiot....

You are such a chicken shit...….
The SPLC is a leftwing hate propaganda organ. Slander is it's stock in trade. No one cares how they define "white nationalist" because it's a term of propaganda, not fact.
The SPLC is a leftwing hate propaganda organ. Slander is it's stock in trade. No one cares how they define "white nationalist" because it's a term of propaganda, not fact.
Like the term KKK?

Southern Poverty Law Center - Wikipedia

"In 1979, the SPLC began a litigation strategy of filing civil suits for monetary damages on behalf of the victims of violence from the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist groups, with all damages recovered given to the victims or donated to other organizations.

"The SPLC also became involved in other civil rights causes, including cases to challenge what it sees as institutional racial segregation and discrimination, inhumane and unconstitutional conditions in prisons and detention centers, discrimination based on sexual orientation, mistreatment of illegal immigrants, and the unconstitutional mixing of church and state.

"The SPLC has provided information about hate groups to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other law enforcement agencies."

Hate Map

You Tards are so Full of SHIT....

The splc Is nothing but another corrupt wing of the libtarded

American Hating Party pushing for socialism.

Wikipedia is a joke slanted towards tardism………..

Every and now and then they are forced to get it right....

Morris Dees fired by Southern Poverty Law Center
You Tards are so Full of SHIT....

The splc Is nothing but another corrupt wing of the libtarded

American Hating Party pushing for socialism.

Wikipedia is a joke slanted towards tardism………..

Every and now and then they are forced to get it right..


White Nationalist

"Two favorite animating myths of white nationalists are the victimhood narrative of black-on-white crime — the idea that the dominant white majority is under assault by supposedly violent people of color — and the deceptively titled 'human biodiversity,' the pseudo-scientific ascription of human behaviors, in this case along racial lines, to 'non-negligible' genetic difference among humans.

"Appeals to the 'empirical science' of human biodiversity are frequently coupled with thinly veiled nods to white, racial superiority.

"In addition to their obsession with declining white birth rates, these themes comprise some of the most powerful propaganda that animates and drives the white nationalist movement.

"Adherents frequently cite Pat Buchanan’s 2001 book, The Death of the West, which argues that these declining white birth rates and an 'immigrant invasion' will transform the United States into a third world nation by 2050, as the text responsible for their awakening, or 'red pill.'"

Did you choke on your "red pill," Cracker?

All you commie assholes can do is smear your opposition. You have nothing to offer Americans. No American wants your Green New Deal.
All you commie assholes can do is smear your opposition. You have nothing to offer Americans. No American wants your Green New Deal.
No American wants white supremacist gun pussies.

"After an initial pledge by Prime Minister Ardern to update the country’s gun control laws, New Zealand Attorney General David Parker said at a vigil Saturday that semiautomatic weapons would be banned.

"Officials later demurred, saying more debate and analysis would be needed before new laws were adopted.

"Neighboring Australia dramatically tightened its gun laws following a massacre at Port Arthur in 1996, making it illegal to have an unregistered firearm, severely restricting automatic and semiautomatic weapons and carrying out a mandatory buyback of hundreds of thousands of weapons."

You Tards are ate up with stupid....

Stupid is all you got....

Fake Racism and the Russians did it....:fu:
Like the term KKK?

Southern Poverty Law Center - Wikipedia

"In 1979, the SPLC began a litigation strategy of filing civil suits for monetary damages on behalf of the victims of violence from the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist groups, with all damages recovered given to the victims or donated to other organizations.

"The SPLC also became involved in other civil rights causes, including cases to challenge what it sees as institutional racial segregation and discrimination, inhumane and unconstitutional conditions in prisons and detention centers, discrimination based on sexual orientation, mistreatment of illegal immigrants, and the unconstitutional mixing of church and state.

"The SPLC has provided information about hate groups to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other law enforcement agencies."

Hate Map

You Tards are so Full of SHIT....

The splc Is nothing but another corrupt wing of the libtarded

American Hating Party pushing for socialism.

Wikipedia is a joke slanted towards tardism………..

Every and now and then they are forced to get it right....

Morris Dees fired by Southern Poverty Law Center
You Tards are so Full of SHIT....

The splc Is nothing but another corrupt wing of the libtarded

American Hating Party pushing for socialism.

Wikipedia is a joke slanted towards tardism………..

Every and now and then they are forced to get it right..


White Nationalist

"Two favorite animating myths of white nationalists are the victimhood narrative of black-on-white crime — the idea that the dominant white majority is under assault by supposedly violent people of color — and the deceptively titled 'human biodiversity,' the pseudo-scientific ascription of human behaviors, in this case along racial lines, to 'non-negligible' genetic difference among humans.

"Appeals to the 'empirical science' of human biodiversity are frequently coupled with thinly veiled nods to white, racial superiority.

"In addition to their obsession with declining white birth rates, these themes comprise some of the most powerful propaganda that animates and drives the white nationalist movement.

"Adherents frequently cite Pat Buchanan’s 2001 book, The Death of the West, which argues that these declining white birth rates and an 'immigrant invasion' will transform the United States into a third world nation by 2050, as the text responsible for their awakening, or 'red pill.'"

Did you choke on your "red pill," Cracker?

All you commie assholes can do is smear your opposition. You have nothing to offer Americans. No American wants your Green New Deal.
All you commie assholes can do is smear your opposition. You have nothing to offer Americans. No American wants your Green New Deal.
No American wants white supremacist gun pussies.

"After an initial pledge by Prime Minister Ardern to update the country’s gun control laws, New Zealand Attorney General David Parker said at a vigil Saturday that semiautomatic weapons would be banned.

"Officials later demurred, saying more debate and analysis would be needed before new laws were adopted.

"Neighboring Australia dramatically tightened its gun laws following a massacre at Port Arthur in 1996, making it illegal to have an unregistered firearm, severely restricting automatic and semiautomatic weapons and carrying out a mandatory buyback of hundreds of thousands of weapons."

You Tards are ate up with stupid....

Stupid is all you got....

Fake Racism and the Russians did it....:fu:
How many repub connections to the Russians do you need before you take your blinders off ?
The SPLC is a leftwing hate propaganda organ. Slander is it's stock in trade. No one cares how they define "white nationalist" because it's a term of propaganda, not fact.
The SPLC is a leftwing hate propaganda organ. Slander is it's stock in trade. No one cares how they define "white nationalist" because it's a term of propaganda, not fact.
Like the term KKK?

Southern Poverty Law Center - Wikipedia

"In 1979, the SPLC began a litigation strategy of filing civil suits for monetary damages on behalf of the victims of violence from the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist groups, with all damages recovered given to the victims or donated to other organizations.

"The SPLC also became involved in other civil rights causes, including cases to challenge what it sees as institutional racial segregation and discrimination, inhumane and unconstitutional conditions in prisons and detention centers, discrimination based on sexual orientation, mistreatment of illegal immigrants, and the unconstitutional mixing of church and state.

"The SPLC has provided information about hate groups to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other law enforcement agencies."

Hate Map

You Tards are so Full of SHIT....

The splc Is nothing but another corrupt wing of the libtarded

American Hating Party pushing for socialism.

Wikipedia is a joke slanted towards tardism………..

Every and now and then they are forced to get it right....

Morris Dees fired by Southern Poverty Law Center
You Tards are so Full of SHIT....

The splc Is nothing but another corrupt wing of the libtarded

American Hating Party pushing for socialism.

Wikipedia is a joke slanted towards tardism………..

Every and now and then they are forced to get it right..


White Nationalist

"Two favorite animating myths of white nationalists are the victimhood narrative of black-on-white crime — the idea that the dominant white majority is under assault by supposedly violent people of color — and the deceptively titled 'human biodiversity,' the pseudo-scientific ascription of human behaviors, in this case along racial lines, to 'non-negligible' genetic difference among humans.

"Appeals to the 'empirical science' of human biodiversity are frequently coupled with thinly veiled nods to white, racial superiority.

"In addition to their obsession with declining white birth rates, these themes comprise some of the most powerful propaganda that animates and drives the white nationalist movement.

"Adherents frequently cite Pat Buchanan’s 2001 book, The Death of the West, which argues that these declining white birth rates and an 'immigrant invasion' will transform the United States into a third world nation by 2050, as the text responsible for their awakening, or 'red pill.'"

Did you choke on your "red pill," Cracker?

All you commie assholes can do is smear your opposition. You have nothing to offer Americans. No American wants your Green New Deal.
All you commie assholes can do is smear your opposition. You have nothing to offer Americans. No American wants your Green New Deal.
No American wants white supremacist gun pussies.

"After an initial pledge by Prime Minister Ardern to update the country’s gun control laws, New Zealand Attorney General David Parker said at a vigil Saturday that semiautomatic weapons would be banned.

"Officials later demurred, saying more debate and analysis would be needed before new laws were adopted.

"Neighboring Australia dramatically tightened its gun laws following a massacre at Port Arthur in 1996, making it illegal to have an unregistered firearm, severely restricting automatic and semiautomatic weapons and carrying out a mandatory buyback of hundreds of thousands of weapons."
Liberal Dictionary:
White Supremacist - anyone who wants the border controlled.
You Tards are so Full of SHIT....

The splc Is nothing but another corrupt wing of the libtarded

American Hating Party pushing for socialism.

Wikipedia is a joke slanted towards tardism………..

Every and now and then they are forced to get it right....

Morris Dees fired by Southern Poverty Law Center
You Tards are so Full of SHIT....

The splc Is nothing but another corrupt wing of the libtarded

American Hating Party pushing for socialism.

Wikipedia is a joke slanted towards tardism………..

Every and now and then they are forced to get it right..


White Nationalist

"Two favorite animating myths of white nationalists are the victimhood narrative of black-on-white crime — the idea that the dominant white majority is under assault by supposedly violent people of color — and the deceptively titled 'human biodiversity,' the pseudo-scientific ascription of human behaviors, in this case along racial lines, to 'non-negligible' genetic difference among humans.

"Appeals to the 'empirical science' of human biodiversity are frequently coupled with thinly veiled nods to white, racial superiority.

"In addition to their obsession with declining white birth rates, these themes comprise some of the most powerful propaganda that animates and drives the white nationalist movement.

"Adherents frequently cite Pat Buchanan’s 2001 book, The Death of the West, which argues that these declining white birth rates and an 'immigrant invasion' will transform the United States into a third world nation by 2050, as the text responsible for their awakening, or 'red pill.'"

Did you choke on your "red pill," Cracker?

All you commie assholes can do is smear your opposition. You have nothing to offer Americans. No American wants your Green New Deal.
All you commie assholes can do is smear your opposition. You have nothing to offer Americans. No American wants your Green New Deal.
No American wants white supremacist gun pussies.

"After an initial pledge by Prime Minister Ardern to update the country’s gun control laws, New Zealand Attorney General David Parker said at a vigil Saturday that semiautomatic weapons would be banned.

"Officials later demurred, saying more debate and analysis would be needed before new laws were adopted.

"Neighboring Australia dramatically tightened its gun laws following a massacre at Port Arthur in 1996, making it illegal to have an unregistered firearm, severely restricting automatic and semiautomatic weapons and carrying out a mandatory buyback of hundreds of thousands of weapons."

You Tards are ate up with stupid....

Stupid is all you got....

Fake Racism and the Russians did it....:fu:
How many repub connections to the Russians do you need before you take your blinders off ?
How about at least one?
Like the term KKK?

Southern Poverty Law Center - Wikipedia

"In 1979, the SPLC began a litigation strategy of filing civil suits for monetary damages on behalf of the victims of violence from the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist groups, with all damages recovered given to the victims or donated to other organizations.

"The SPLC also became involved in other civil rights causes, including cases to challenge what it sees as institutional racial segregation and discrimination, inhumane and unconstitutional conditions in prisons and detention centers, discrimination based on sexual orientation, mistreatment of illegal immigrants, and the unconstitutional mixing of church and state.

"The SPLC has provided information about hate groups to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other law enforcement agencies."

Hate Map

You Tards are so Full of SHIT....

The splc Is nothing but another corrupt wing of the libtarded

American Hating Party pushing for socialism.

Wikipedia is a joke slanted towards tardism………..

Every and now and then they are forced to get it right....

Morris Dees fired by Southern Poverty Law Center
You Tards are so Full of SHIT....

The splc Is nothing but another corrupt wing of the libtarded

American Hating Party pushing for socialism.

Wikipedia is a joke slanted towards tardism………..

Every and now and then they are forced to get it right..


White Nationalist

"Two favorite animating myths of white nationalists are the victimhood narrative of black-on-white crime — the idea that the dominant white majority is under assault by supposedly violent people of color — and the deceptively titled 'human biodiversity,' the pseudo-scientific ascription of human behaviors, in this case along racial lines, to 'non-negligible' genetic difference among humans.

"Appeals to the 'empirical science' of human biodiversity are frequently coupled with thinly veiled nods to white, racial superiority.

"In addition to their obsession with declining white birth rates, these themes comprise some of the most powerful propaganda that animates and drives the white nationalist movement.

"Adherents frequently cite Pat Buchanan’s 2001 book, The Death of the West, which argues that these declining white birth rates and an 'immigrant invasion' will transform the United States into a third world nation by 2050, as the text responsible for their awakening, or 'red pill.'"

Did you choke on your "red pill," Cracker?

All you commie assholes can do is smear your opposition. You have nothing to offer Americans. No American wants your Green New Deal.
All you commie assholes can do is smear your opposition. You have nothing to offer Americans. No American wants your Green New Deal.
No American wants white supremacist gun pussies.

"After an initial pledge by Prime Minister Ardern to update the country’s gun control laws, New Zealand Attorney General David Parker said at a vigil Saturday that semiautomatic weapons would be banned.

"Officials later demurred, saying more debate and analysis would be needed before new laws were adopted.

"Neighboring Australia dramatically tightened its gun laws following a massacre at Port Arthur in 1996, making it illegal to have an unregistered firearm, severely restricting automatic and semiautomatic weapons and carrying out a mandatory buyback of hundreds of thousands of weapons."
Liberal Dictionary:
White Supremacist - anyone who wants the border controlled.
I'd like it controlled just not with a bs wall
You Tards are so Full of SHIT....

The splc Is nothing but another corrupt wing of the libtarded

American Hating Party pushing for socialism.

Wikipedia is a joke slanted towards tardism………..

Every and now and then they are forced to get it right....

Morris Dees fired by Southern Poverty Law Center
You Tards are so Full of SHIT....

The splc Is nothing but another corrupt wing of the libtarded

American Hating Party pushing for socialism.

Wikipedia is a joke slanted towards tardism………..

Every and now and then they are forced to get it right..


White Nationalist

"Two favorite animating myths of white nationalists are the victimhood narrative of black-on-white crime — the idea that the dominant white majority is under assault by supposedly violent people of color — and the deceptively titled 'human biodiversity,' the pseudo-scientific ascription of human behaviors, in this case along racial lines, to 'non-negligible' genetic difference among humans.

"Appeals to the 'empirical science' of human biodiversity are frequently coupled with thinly veiled nods to white, racial superiority.

"In addition to their obsession with declining white birth rates, these themes comprise some of the most powerful propaganda that animates and drives the white nationalist movement.

"Adherents frequently cite Pat Buchanan’s 2001 book, The Death of the West, which argues that these declining white birth rates and an 'immigrant invasion' will transform the United States into a third world nation by 2050, as the text responsible for their awakening, or 'red pill.'"

Did you choke on your "red pill," Cracker?

All you commie assholes can do is smear your opposition. You have nothing to offer Americans. No American wants your Green New Deal.
All you commie assholes can do is smear your opposition. You have nothing to offer Americans. No American wants your Green New Deal.
No American wants white supremacist gun pussies.

"After an initial pledge by Prime Minister Ardern to update the country’s gun control laws, New Zealand Attorney General David Parker said at a vigil Saturday that semiautomatic weapons would be banned.

"Officials later demurred, saying more debate and analysis would be needed before new laws were adopted.

"Neighboring Australia dramatically tightened its gun laws following a massacre at Port Arthur in 1996, making it illegal to have an unregistered firearm, severely restricting automatic and semiautomatic weapons and carrying out a mandatory buyback of hundreds of thousands of weapons."
Liberal Dictionary:
White Supremacist - anyone who wants the border controlled.
I'd like it controlled just not with a bs wall
Yeah, right. Every leftwinger denies they are for open borders, yet they oppose every measure proposed to prevent it.
Why do you suppose so many white people find it easy to blame the victims of their counties' vi$cou$, raci$t war$ acro$$ the Middle East and Africa?
Maybe because things aren't as black and white (pun fully intended) as you make them out to be.
But propagandists and polemicists speak in broad generalized terms the better to achieve their desired goals with.
Maybe because things aren't as black and white (pun fully intended) as you make them out to be.
But propagandists and polemicists speak in broad generalized terms the better to achieve their desired goals with.
There's nothing subtle about why the US has launched one attempt at regime change after another over the past 18 years:

Apologists for the status quo understand how essential eternal war is to perpetuating the US Empire and could not care less about the role its played in creating the greatest refugee crisis since the end of WWII.

Wesley Clark - Wikipedia

"In Clark's book, Winning Modern Wars, published in 2003, he describes his conversation with a military officer in the Pentagon shortly after 9/11 regarding a plan to attack seven Middle Eastern countries in five years: 'As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finishing off Iran.' [149] Wesley regards the 2003 invasion of Iraq as 'a huge mistake'".


White Nationalist

"Two favorite animating myths of white nationalists are the victimhood narrative of black-on-white crime — the idea that the dominant white majority is under assault by supposedly violent people of color — and the deceptively titled 'human biodiversity,' the pseudo-scientific ascription of human behaviors, in this case along racial lines, to 'non-negligible' genetic difference among humans.

"Appeals to the 'empirical science' of human biodiversity are frequently coupled with thinly veiled nods to white, racial superiority.

"In addition to their obsession with declining white birth rates, these themes comprise some of the most powerful propaganda that animates and drives the white nationalist movement.

"Adherents frequently cite Pat Buchanan’s 2001 book, The Death of the West, which argues that these declining white birth rates and an 'immigrant invasion' will transform the United States into a third world nation by 2050, as the text responsible for their awakening, or 'red pill.'"

Did you choke on your "red pill," Cracker?

All you commie assholes can do is smear your opposition. You have nothing to offer Americans. No American wants your Green New Deal.
All you commie assholes can do is smear your opposition. You have nothing to offer Americans. No American wants your Green New Deal.
No American wants white supremacist gun pussies.

"After an initial pledge by Prime Minister Ardern to update the country’s gun control laws, New Zealand Attorney General David Parker said at a vigil Saturday that semiautomatic weapons would be banned.

"Officials later demurred, saying more debate and analysis would be needed before new laws were adopted.

"Neighboring Australia dramatically tightened its gun laws following a massacre at Port Arthur in 1996, making it illegal to have an unregistered firearm, severely restricting automatic and semiautomatic weapons and carrying out a mandatory buyback of hundreds of thousands of weapons."
Liberal Dictionary:
White Supremacist - anyone who wants the border controlled.
I'd like it controlled just not with a bs wall
Yeah, right. Every leftwinger denies they are for open borders, yet they oppose every measure proposed to prevent it.
What measures other than the wall ??
All you commie assholes can do is smear your opposition. You have nothing to offer Americans. No American wants your Green New Deal.
All you commie assholes can do is smear your opposition. You have nothing to offer Americans. No American wants your Green New Deal.
No American wants white supremacist gun pussies.

"After an initial pledge by Prime Minister Ardern to update the country’s gun control laws, New Zealand Attorney General David Parker said at a vigil Saturday that semiautomatic weapons would be banned.

"Officials later demurred, saying more debate and analysis would be needed before new laws were adopted.

"Neighboring Australia dramatically tightened its gun laws following a massacre at Port Arthur in 1996, making it illegal to have an unregistered firearm, severely restricting automatic and semiautomatic weapons and carrying out a mandatory buyback of hundreds of thousands of weapons."
Liberal Dictionary:
White Supremacist - anyone who wants the border controlled.
I'd like it controlled just not with a bs wall
Yeah, right. Every leftwinger denies they are for open borders, yet they oppose every measure proposed to prevent it.
What measures other than the wall ??
More border patrol, more immigration judges, more detention facilities and changes in the law to make "catch and release" illegal.

White Nationalist

"Adherents of white nationalist groups believe that white identity should be the organizing principle of the countries that make up Western civilization.

"White nationalists advocate for policies to reverse changing demographics and the loss of an absolute, white majority.

"Ending non-white immigration, both legal and illegal, is an urgent priority — frequently elevated over other racist projects, such as ending multiculturalism and miscegenation — for white nationalists seeking to preserve white, racial hegemony.

"White nationalists seek to return to an America that predates the implementation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.

"Both landmark pieces of legislation are cited as the harbingers of white dispossession and so-called 'white genocide' — the idea that whites in the United States are being systematically replaced and destroyed."

MAGA...was that before the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
The SPLC is a leftwing hate propaganda organ. Slander is it's stock in trade. No one cares how they define "white nationalist" because it's a term of propaganda, not fact.
The SPLC is a leftwing hate propaganda organ. Slander is it's stock in trade. No one cares how they define "white nationalist" because it's a term of propaganda, not fact.
Like the term KKK?

Southern Poverty Law Center - Wikipedia

"In 1979, the SPLC began a litigation strategy of filing civil suits for monetary damages on behalf of the victims of violence from the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist groups, with all damages recovered given to the victims or donated to other organizations.

"The SPLC also became involved in other civil rights causes, including cases to challenge what it sees as institutional racial segregation and discrimination, inhumane and unconstitutional conditions in prisons and detention centers, discrimination based on sexual orientation, mistreatment of illegal immigrants, and the unconstitutional mixing of church and state.

"The SPLC has provided information about hate groups to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other law enforcement agencies."

Hate Map

You Tards are so Full of SHIT....

The splc Is nothing but another corrupt wing of the libtarded

American Hating Party pushing for socialism.

Wikipedia is a joke slanted towards tardism………..

Every and now and then they are forced to get it right....

Morris Dees fired by Southern Poverty Law Center
You Tards are so Full of SHIT....

The splc Is nothing but another corrupt wing of the libtarded

American Hating Party pushing for socialism.

Wikipedia is a joke slanted towards tardism………..

Every and now and then they are forced to get it right..


White Nationalist

"Two favorite animating myths of white nationalists are the victimhood narrative of black-on-white crime — the idea that the dominant white majority is under assault by supposedly violent people of color — and the deceptively titled 'human biodiversity,' the pseudo-scientific ascription of human behaviors, in this case along racial lines, to 'non-negligible' genetic difference among humans.

"Appeals to the 'empirical science' of human biodiversity are frequently coupled with thinly veiled nods to white, racial superiority.

"In addition to their obsession with declining white birth rates, these themes comprise some of the most powerful propaganda that animates and drives the white nationalist movement.

"Adherents frequently cite Pat Buchanan’s 2001 book, The Death of the West, which argues that these declining white birth rates and an 'immigrant invasion' will transform the United States into a third world nation by 2050, as the text responsible for their awakening, or 'red pill.'"

Did you choke on your "red pill," Cracker?

Choke on this dip shit....

You are just another leftarded Racist.....
Choke on this dip shit....

You are just another leftarded Racist.....
Follow in Roy's footsteps, Twink.

Donald Trump turned his back on his closest friend when he heard he had AIDS
Like the term KKK?

Southern Poverty Law Center - Wikipedia

"In 1979, the SPLC began a litigation strategy of filing civil suits for monetary damages on behalf of the victims of violence from the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist groups, with all damages recovered given to the victims or donated to other organizations.

"The SPLC also became involved in other civil rights causes, including cases to challenge what it sees as institutional racial segregation and discrimination, inhumane and unconstitutional conditions in prisons and detention centers, discrimination based on sexual orientation, mistreatment of illegal immigrants, and the unconstitutional mixing of church and state.

"The SPLC has provided information about hate groups to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other law enforcement agencies."

Hate Map

You Tards are so Full of SHIT....

The splc Is nothing but another corrupt wing of the libtarded

American Hating Party pushing for socialism.

Wikipedia is a joke slanted towards tardism………..

Every and now and then they are forced to get it right....

Morris Dees fired by Southern Poverty Law Center
You Tards are so Full of SHIT....

The splc Is nothing but another corrupt wing of the libtarded

American Hating Party pushing for socialism.

Wikipedia is a joke slanted towards tardism………..

Every and now and then they are forced to get it right..


White Nationalist

"Two favorite animating myths of white nationalists are the victimhood narrative of black-on-white crime — the idea that the dominant white majority is under assault by supposedly violent people of color — and the deceptively titled 'human biodiversity,' the pseudo-scientific ascription of human behaviors, in this case along racial lines, to 'non-negligible' genetic difference among humans.

"Appeals to the 'empirical science' of human biodiversity are frequently coupled with thinly veiled nods to white, racial superiority.

"In addition to their obsession with declining white birth rates, these themes comprise some of the most powerful propaganda that animates and drives the white nationalist movement.

"Adherents frequently cite Pat Buchanan’s 2001 book, The Death of the West, which argues that these declining white birth rates and an 'immigrant invasion' will transform the United States into a third world nation by 2050, as the text responsible for their awakening, or 'red pill.'"

Did you choke on your "red pill," Cracker?

All you commie assholes can do is smear your opposition. You have nothing to offer Americans. No American wants your Green New Deal.
All you commie assholes can do is smear your opposition. You have nothing to offer Americans. No American wants your Green New Deal.
No American wants white supremacist gun pussies.

"After an initial pledge by Prime Minister Ardern to update the country’s gun control laws, New Zealand Attorney General David Parker said at a vigil Saturday that semiautomatic weapons would be banned.

"Officials later demurred, saying more debate and analysis would be needed before new laws were adopted.

"Neighboring Australia dramatically tightened its gun laws following a massacre at Port Arthur in 1996, making it illegal to have an unregistered firearm, severely restricting automatic and semiautomatic weapons and carrying out a mandatory buyback of hundreds of thousands of weapons."
Liberal Dictionary:
White Supremacist - anyone who wants the border controlled.
Liberal Dictionary:
White Supremacist - anyone who wants the border controlled.
White Supremacists

Trump's 2020 campaign accepted contributions from neo-Nazis and white supremacists

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