Moscow Deploys Commandos to Belarus as Migrant Crisis, Ukraine Tensions Spark Western Fears. time to return to US President We Must Fight doctrine!


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Obviously, a natural distraction for Ukrainian intervention that had been so much planned by tsar Putin, time to return to US President and The Liberal Order leader Ronald Reagan We Must Fight doctrine!

"A deployment of special operations forces appears tied to what Western leaders believe are Moscow’s horde latest provocations to challenge European powers and their U.S. partners....
Moscow has orchestrated the deployment of special operations troops to the northern border of Belarus to see how sudden surges of migrants to the area are straining neighboring NATO countries' ability to respond, a source familiar with local governments' assessments tells U.S. News – the latest development in Moscow's troubling campaign of destabilization against Europe."

The new method of warfare. Build up millions of invaders and have them overcome the nation's defenses.

This is like The Walking Dead where competing settlements would build up hordes of the dead to overcome the defenses of the other.

Start shooting these invaders.
Ronald Reagan was a puppet of anti-Christ Rich dude war crazies.
The Ukraine situation was caused by USA hijacking Ukraine and installing terrorists to run it.
The intent of USA taking Ukraine was to turn it into a weapon against Russia. ALL those whining about Russia and making threats are the problem, not Russia.

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