Morgan/Hobgoblin: American Dad


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a TrumpUSA vignette about consumerism-patriotism, which I wrote to encourage President Trump to think more idealistically about 'pedestrian voices.'

It was inspired by Brewster's Millions, and I didn't want to put it in the Writing section of USMB (because of its political tones). However, I won't be writing more of these type stories.

Signing off (cheers),



A powerful knight from Medieval times named Morgan traveled to modern-day America (using a time-machine) and realized that 'TrumpUSA' was a symbol of commerce and diplomacy as well as general democracy-cynicism. Countless anti-TrumpUSA street-protests suggested to Americans that the consumerism-focused Trump Administration was considered myopic in terms of pluralism-relevant issues such as immigration policy. Morgan decided to attend a lecture at Yale University about the value of military mobilization in the age of diplomacy and networking (e.g., European Union).


Morgan met a very fancy socialite named Bruce Wayne who was busy investigating the new age psycho-sociological impact of comic book art and how pedestrianism-friendly storytelling (e.g., Dark City) reflected a general modern interest in justice and vigilantism. Bruce Wayne was the head of Archangel Comics, a new enterprise co-owned by super-celebrity Tom Cruise. Archangel Comics was invested in stories about women involved in vigilantism and was comprised of multiple creators/writers from the daring TV series The Bionic Woman.


Morgan then investigated the Munich Massacre involving terrorists killing Israeli athletes during the Summer Olympics of 1972 and how international diplomacy was shattered because of terrorism. Morgan appreciated how the timeless conflict between Israel and Palestine had confounded new age TrumpUSA negotiations regarding OPEC and Western petroleum companies (e.g., BP). Morgan wondered if Bruce Wayne's Archangel Comics would address how modern women addressed the social problems of conflict-driven customs disarray (e.g., 9/11).


Morgan decided to start reading comic books voraciously and purchased a Ouija board to play some incantation games involving the spectres/ghouls/villains in Marvel Comics. Morgan used his Ouija board to invoke the spirits of the Green Goblin (Norman Osborn) and Gray Goblin (Gabriel Stacy). To his surprise, Morgan discovered that the spirits that actually did take shape in the real world were Hobgoblin (Roderick Kingsley) and Venom (Eddie Brock). Hobgoblin and Venom leaped out of the pages of Morgan's Marvel books and became roaming American spectres, nevertheless resembling the Green/Gray Goblin in all aspects of mischief and criminality. These two spectres reminded Morgan of the eeriness of the Green/Gray Goblin and why humans in modern times were oddly hypnotized by avatars symbolizing pure evil.


Morgan purchased a water-gun and then made a homemade liquid nitrogen gun (or 'ice-gun') which he intended to use to tackle the Marvel spectres. Morgan walked up to the spectres one Sunday morning, when they were both sitting on the roof of the Empire State Building and showed them his water-gun before yanking out his ice-gun to zap them. Morgan referred to the Hobgoblin/Venom pair as simply 'the Goblins.'

MORGAN: Depart from Earth!
GOBLINS: You brought us here, you fool.
MORGAN: I merely wanted to embrace comics-art.
GOBLINS: No, you wanted to 'dissect' modern America.
MORGAN: I had no conception of the realism of evil in the age of commerce.
GOBLINS: You naively believed shopping cured the ills of political betrayal.


Morgan realized that Hobgoblin and Venom (whom he referred to simply as 'the Goblins') must be countered with serious focus on the aesthetics of crime and anarchy, since commerce had not effectively created enough diplomacy religiosity to ward off the demons of anarchy. Morgan decided to make collections of Marvel characters into collages which he embossed with gold and then marketed on the Internet as clear billboards symbolizing new age pedestrian-friendly customs and etiquette and vigilantism-daydreams. "Comics-art," Morgan blogged, "is like low-brow political theater!" U.S. President Donald Trump read Morgan's blog on USMB and tweeted, "Perhaps comics-art is the new opera."


Morgan prayed steadily to God, asking for a miracle so the spectres of Hobgoblin/Venom would disappear, so God sent the mystical spirit of Pegasus (the mighty winged angelic horse) who dispelled the evil presence of Hobgoblin/Venom. Morgan thanked God for helping him brush away such a bad influence on modern civilization. God explained that Hobgoblin/Venom reminded modern America of the 'reality' of political prejudice and that Pegasus simply reinforced the spiritual notion that fair-play is more enlightening than narcissism.


Morgan began watching fantasy-horror films such as The Gate and Gremlins and noted how new age (post-Industrialization) conceptions of courage represented a mythical/mystical idealization of democracy itself. Such films presented stories about courageous humans dealing with supernatural forces challenging their notions about trust and balance. Morgan wondered what President Trump thought of such films.


Morgan decided to make two stick-figure doodles of Hobgoblin and Venom, very crude and child-like, and blog about them on the Internet. Morgan suggested that Hobgoblin/Venom, given their maniacal proportions, reminded people of the general tangibility of terrorism in pop-culture and street-folklore. Morgan wanted people to feel that comics-art reflected America's overall confidence regarding the discussion of populism ideas (e.g., the American Dream).


Morgan's blogs became popular, and one fan purchased model-replicas ('action-figures') of Hobgoblin and Venom from a novelty-store online. Suddenly, Hobgoblin and Venom had become a pair of 'consumerism diplomats.' Morgan was grateful to God/Pegasus for dispelling the 'real' evil spectres of the 'actual' Hobgoblin/Venom, so kids could once again enjoy the imaginarium-features of the two anarchy-meditative Marvel super-villains. Morgan concluded that if TrumpUSA was to capture the modern 'glory' of capitalism, it would have to embrace all the 'complications' of sociopolitical superstition (e.g., 9/11).


MORGAN: Thanks for this televised interview!
CNN: This program is about pedestrian politics...
MORGAN: I'm certainly a pedestrianism/media 'diplomat.'
CNN: Yes, your Hobgoblin/Venom posts have become popular!
MORGAN: I'm a big fan of Marvel Comics...
CNN: What's so special about Marvel in terms of terrorism?
MORGAN: Hobgoblin/Venom remind people of 9/11.
CNN: Is that good or bad?
MORGAN: I believe notions about law presented in art encourage patriotism.
CNN: Now, you blogged about patriotism in the Medieval ages...
MORGAN: Well, I was a gold-armored knight in the time of Arthur (hehe).
CNN: Ha! That's sounded eerily serious, like you weren't joking.
MORGAN: Regardless of my background, what counts is 'real diplomacy.'
CNN: I suppose we need more pedestrians who care about 'consumerism diplomacy.'
MORGAN: Oh, yes! I'm a big fan of American Dad!.




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