MORE WINNING! Trump effect: Food stamp usage down for EIGHT straight months

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Now why did the obomanation do that....come on you have to have them DEPENDENT upon DemonRATS so a talking point for the election is your FREE FOOD STAMPS!
Big deal...they have generally been falling steadily since 2015.


Food Stamps Charts | Matt Trivisonno

BTW - they are still almost 50% higher than they were before the Great Recession.

So I would not brag too much about this - if you are a Trumpbot (or an Obamabot, for that matter).
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Big deal...they have generally been falling steadily since 2015.


Food Stamps Charts | Matt Trivisonno

BTW - they are still almost 50% higher than they were before the Great Recession.

So I would not brag too much about this - if you are a Trumpbot.
The Dems caused the Great Recession with their mortgage policies, and then blamed it on Bush.
Obama basically looted the taxpayers for 8 years.
Now why did the obomanation do that....come on you have to have them DEPENDENT upon DemonRATS so a talking point for the election is your FREE FOOD STAMPS!

The fact is that Obama admitted there was more need and that is why food stamp use was higher. That need has not gone away. Republicans have made it more difficult for people in need to get help. While the economy under Obama and Trump has improved, many people are still struggling.


If you look at the states that have a degree of blue in it, they have one thing in common. In nearly every state, the GOP controls everything. California and NY have a better record than Texas and Florida. Even in these states, they are in the double digits.

Despite stronger economy, many Americans still need help with food
Now why did the obomanation do that....come on you have to have them DEPENDENT upon DemonRATS so a talking point for the election is your FREE FOOD STAMPS!

The fact is that Obama admitted there was more need and that is why food stamp use was higher. That need has not gone away. Republicans have made it more difficult for people in need to get help. While the economy under Obama and Trump has improved, many people are still struggling.


If you look at the states that have a degree of blue in it, they have one thing in common. In nearly every state, the GOP controls everything. California and NY have a better record than Texas and Florida. Even in these states, they are in the double digits.

Despite stronger economy, many Americans still need help with food
Seems to me that if your theory was true, people wouldn't be eating. We would be hearing of many starvation deaths.

After all, they still need food stamps they aren't getting. But no one is found starved to death. Strange.
Big deal...they have generally been falling steadily since 2015.


Food Stamps Charts | Matt Trivisonno

BTW - they are still almost 50% higher than they were before the Great Recession.

So I would not brag too much about this - if you are a Trumpbot (or an Obamabot, for that matter).
Obama'fault!....Just like everything BAD was Bush's fault....only thing different is that Bush didn't give a shit what the Manchurian Muslim said.... Trump cares!
Now why did the obomanation do that....come on you have to have them DEPENDENT upon DemonRATS so a talking point for the election is your FREE FOOD STAMPS!

The fact is that Obama admitted there was more need and that is why food stamp use was higher. That need has not gone away. Republicans have made it more difficult for people in need to get help. While the economy under Obama and Trump has improved, many people are still struggling.


If you look at the states that have a degree of blue in it, they have one thing in common. In nearly every state, the GOP controls everything. California and NY have a better record than Texas and Florida. Even in these states, they are in the double digits.

Despite stronger economy, many Americans still need help with food

Had nothing to do with Obama. It was all about the federal program started under Bill Clinton that put a work requirement on food stamps and took away the 3 month window when states had an unemployment rate over a certain number.
Now why did the obomanation do that....come on you have to have them DEPENDENT upon DemonRATS so a talking point for the election is your FREE FOOD STAMPS!

The fact is that Obama admitted there was more need and that is why food stamp use was higher. That need has not gone away. Republicans have made it more difficult for people in need to get help. While the economy under Obama and Trump has improved, many people are still struggling.


If you look at the states that have a degree of blue in it, they have one thing in common. In nearly every state, the GOP controls everything. California and NY have a better record than Texas and Florida. Even in these states, they are in the double digits.

Despite stronger economy, many Americans still need help with food
When you IMPORT INVADING SUPPOSED KIDS FROM SHITHOLES.of course food stamps go up....buying FUTURE VOTES...LOGIC the great divider between the right and subversives!

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