More Ukrainian War Crimes


Platinum Member
Jul 13, 2023
Lancashire England
Russian troops find body of a Russian POW that the Ukrainian Nazis tortured then beheaded, nothing new the animals have been doing this since day one, one of the worst was in the first week of the conflict when a Russian POW who was tied up had his eyes stabbed out with a bayonet, there have been many more all documented because the sick animals who carried them out posted their crimes on social media, the scumbags are actually proud of it, they will be hunted like rabid dogs and face justice.

I say let the Russians and Ukrainians should hash out their own problems. America has more than enough concerns of her own to deal with. If/when America becomes a moral nation, she can concern herself with the morals of others.
I looked at the Daily Mail link, what a horrific account, but the mail as a rightwing British newspaper could not help themselves having a dig at the Russians in the article, the level of depraved savagery against those jews reached a barbarism that was medieval, what must of gone through the minds of those Women and girls in their final moments i can only imagine, now we have the desciples of those butchers celebrated and made out to be heroes by the West who provide them with weapons to do it again, as for the mail they were big supporters of that nice Mr Hitler before the war, these days they support the Sons of Bandera.
I looked at the Daily Mail link, what a horrific account, but the mail as a rightwing British newspaper could not help themselves having a dig at the Russians in the article, the level of depraved savagery against those jews reached a barbarism that was medieval, what must of gone through the minds of those Women and girls in their final moments i can only imagine, now we have the desciples of those butchers celebrated and made out to be heroes by the West who provide them with weapons to do it again, as for the mail they were big supporters of that nice Mr Hitler before the war, these days they support the Sons of Bandera.
Violence and cruelty are horrible things, no matter who the perpetrators are. To be fair, the Bolshevik Jews were equally brutal towards the Russian Christians. They committed some equally atrocious acts towards Christian men, women, and children.

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