More teenage mothers emerge in Texas polygamy probe

Which means an area code from Colorado remains one from Colorado. Now explain how and why the police would believe a girl that is supposedly being held against her will in a sect that does not take outsiders and does not live in Colorado would have a phone from Colorado? Further provide evidence the call center had anyway of knowing by area code whether it was a cell phone or a land line?

One can tell the difference between a land line and a cell phone. And yes cops can tell the difference as well.

My daughter has a cell phone with a Chicago area code yet she resides in Jacksonville. So NO an area code doesnt remain IN the state it was conceived in UNLESS you never travel around.
One can tell the difference between a land line and a cell phone. And yes cops can tell the difference as well.

My daughter has a cell phone with a Chicago area code yet she resides in Jacksonville. So NO an area code doesnt remain IN the state it was conceived in UNLESS you never travel around.

Once again, how does a girl trapped in a Texas compound with no contact to the outside world get a phone from Colorado? A girl forbidden to have contact with outsiders, one supposedly beaten and raped and forced to have children. Make all the excuses you want. You know as well as I do it is horse shit.
I like how you harp on a few little speculations like ,"How can a girl get ahold of a cell phone from Colorado" while ignorning FACTS that this sect beats their infants, marries off underage girls without giving parental consent to the state (not to mention polygamy is illegal in Texas---which means the state let them get away with a crime for a time), they force underage girls to have sex with older husbands.

You keep talking about everyone else's claims, but you're the one claiming it's all a sham and that the law enforcement is wrong. So you prove your position. You really do have poor debating skills....certainly not a master-debator.....but maybe a......:redface:
Once again, how does a girl trapped in a Texas compound with no contact to the outside world get a phone from Colorado? A girl forbidden to have contact with outsiders, one supposedly beaten and raped and forced to have children. Make all the excuses you want. You know as well as I do it is horse shit.

Stranger things have happened. You read about it all the time in the news. Who knows maybe she ran away? Perhaps she said she was going to visit a cousin who she said she was going to recruit back into their cult.

If there were NO ONE who ever got away from a cult how would we even know about these cults and what goes on inside them?

Dont you watch shows like 60 minutes and see the interviews with people who USED to be a part of cults but got away?
Maybe one of the sugar daddies left it lying around and she picked it up and used it?


Well I wouldnt call them sugar dadies...Scary looking old farts maybe....But yeah she could have swiped the cell phone from one of them when they weren't looking and used it. I would like to believe that most people, when they feel like they have been taken hostage, would AT LEAST do the same.
Because, of course, raping young girls is ok when it's done in the name of religion, right?

If that's rape, it's rape when 16 year olds who end up in abortion clinics get pregnant as well. We all know that only girls who choose to get abortions can make a rational choice to have sex.

If somebody's married before 18 and has sex, well then, it's rape.
Which means an area code from Colorado remains one from Colorado. Now explain how and why the police would believe a girl that is supposedly being held against her will in a sect that does not take outsiders and does not live in Colorado would have a phone from Colorado? Further provide evidence the call center had anyway of knowing by area code whether it was a cell phone or a land line?

Dude, she was supposedly calling for help. You aren't suggesting that we start grilling people when they call for emergency assistance, are you?

"Help 911, I'm being raped and abused!"
"m'am care to explain why you are calling from a colorado area number?"
Is it rape when any girl under legal age has sex, or only when they're married and have sex? You're ignoring the double standard.
it really is pretty fucking sick that RGS would defend to his last breath the freedom of a cult that mounts 16 year old girls on the dicks of 45 year old men. Pretty fucking sick, dude. In the name of religion, no less.

This is why you nutty bastards get no quarter from me. You'd rather perpetuate a cycle of child abuse than admit that your half-mormon bastard stepchild sect IS wrong. All in the name of deflecting a stain on your lame fucking mormon underwear fatigues.

sick, dude.
Not supporting the abuse of kids. Just pointing out that it's not any worse than the "freedom" of kids everywhere to have sex and get abortions.

People scream with their last breath that girls in middle school have a "right" to have sex and a "right" to privacy. But these girls are allowed no such right.

I'm for enforcing the law across the board. If girls who get married are looking at foster care and intense scrutiny, ANY girl who goes to a clinic for birth control pills and/or an abortion should be subject to the same scrutiny.

Honestly, I'm for it. But I'm not for scrutinizing these girls ONLY, because it's obvious the only reason they're being targeted is because they belong to a Christian sect. It's a bad and dangerous precendent.

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