More public union employees busted


Gold Member
May 31, 2009
Strafing Iranian RGs with my .50 Cal
Can we just end public employee unions already? Enough is enough!!!

10 Arrested in $1 Billion L.I.R.R. Disability Scheme

Published: October 27, 2011

Eleven people, including two doctors and a former union president, were charged on Thursday in a “massive fraud scheme” in which hundreds of Long Island Rail Road workers made false disability pension claims that could have cost a federal pension agency about $1 billion, according to court papers.

The disability claims made by the seven people who are accused of obtaining their pensions fraudulently were in stark contrast to their lifestyles, according to the complaint. One of the defendants, Gregory Noone, who receives $105,000 in pension and disability payments each year, plays tennis several times a week and played golf more than 100 times in less than a year despite supposedly suffering severe pain when gripping objects with his hands, bending or crouching, the complaint said.

Another defendant, Regina Walsh, an office worker for the railroad, who collects $108,000 a year in pension and disability payments and complained of significant neck, shoulder, hand and leg pain when standing for more than five minutes, was seen under surveillance shoveling heavy snow and walking with a stroller for a long period of time, the complaint said.
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You mean these all American Union members were defrauding the taxpayers.

Color me shocked!!!
Yeap there are scum bags everywhere in society.

Im glad these scum were caught and are going to jail.

Im also glad unions and union workers throughout history have ended child labor, and given us things like the 40 hour workweek, vaction time, overtime pay and many of the other things that made a middle class possible in this country.

The real question is why do the right wing nutters hate the advances unions have given us?
Yeap there are scum bags everywhere in society.

Im glad these scum were caught and are going to jail.

Im also glad unions and union workers throughout history have ended child labor, and given us things like the 40 hour workweek, vaction time, overtime pay and many of the other things that made a middle class possible in this country.

The real question is why do the right wing nutters hate the advances unions have given us?

Because we'd all be a lot better off if we made less money.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"
Its really getting to the point where they have NO LEG to stand on in their arguments.

The right wing base has lost its mind.
Yeap there are scum bags everywhere in society.

Im glad these scum were caught and are going to jail.

Im also glad unions and union workers throughout history have ended child labor, and given us things like the 40 hour workweek, vaction time, overtime pay and many of the other things that made a middle class possible in this country.

The real question is why do the right wing nutters hate the advances unions have given us?

Always stealing from the rich.....
Yeap there are scum bags everywhere in society.

Im glad these scum were caught and are going to jail.

Im also glad unions and union workers throughout history have ended child labor, and given us things like the 40 hour workweek, vaction time, overtime pay and many of the other things that made a middle class possible in this country.

The real question is why do the right wing nutters hate the advances unions have given us?

Always stealing from the rich.....

So workers should work for free?
Yeap there are scum bags everywhere in society.

Im glad these scum were caught and are going to jail.

Im also glad unions and union workers throughout history have ended child labor, and given us things like the 40 hour workweek, vaction time, overtime pay and many of the other things that made a middle class possible in this country.

The real question is why do the right wing nutters hate the advances unions have given us?

we dont hate the advances at all.

But we recognize that we now have laws to ensure all of the things unions advocated years ago.

But you are a hack so I cant figure out why I even read your childish gibberish.
Yeap there are scum bags everywhere in society.

Im glad these scum were caught and are going to jail.

Im also glad unions and union workers throughout history have ended child labor, and given us things like the 40 hour workweek, vaction time, overtime pay and many of the other things that made a middle class possible in this country.

The real question is why do the right wing nutters hate the advances unions have given us?

Always stealing from the rich.....

So workers should work for free?


They should work where they want to work.

Please tell me of a NON UNION company where the employees are forced to work for free.
Yeap there are scum bags everywhere in society.

Im glad these scum were caught and are going to jail.

Im also glad unions and union workers throughout history have ended child labor, and given us things like the 40 hour workweek, vaction time, overtime pay and many of the other things that made a middle class possible in this country.

The real question is why do the right wing nutters hate the advances unions have given us?

Because we'd all be a lot better off if we made less money.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"
the issue isnot the wages...and never was.

The two issues I experience frequently...

1) Pension contributions...never enough contributed by the employer according to the unions.

2) As I have shown before...the work ethic of the employees in general trend toward the lowest acceptable where in a company without a union...the desire for promotion and recognition allows for a trend toward the most possible in terms of work ethic.
Yeap there are scum bags everywhere in society.

Im glad these scum were caught and are going to jail.

Im also glad unions and union workers throughout history have ended child labor, and given us things like the 40 hour workweek, vaction time, overtime pay and many of the other things that made a middle class possible in this country.

The real question is why do the right wing nutters hate the advances unions have given us?

Because we'd all be a lot better off if we made less money.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

The COWS really meant it when they demanded a living wage for doing nothing didn't they?? wonder where you libtards get this "gimmmie gimmmie gimmmie" bullshit from?
Unions have turned out to be the protection for substandard workers and a bounty for Democrats. Don't tell me their evolution has been anything beneficial.
Unions have turned out to be the protection for substandard workers and a bounty for Democrats. Don't tell me their evolution has been anything beneficial.

Not only protection for sub standard workers....but actually set the tone for sub standard work ethics...

Example (Ive done this before but union supporters ignore it)..

Jim and Tony both get a job at ABC manufacturing on the same day. They both get 20 an hour to run a CNC lathe.
Along with the 20 an hour, they each get 2 weeks vacation per year, 5 sick days, 2 personal days and 2 floating holidays.
Per their union contract, they are both due a raise on their 1 year anniversary of 6%.

Jim and Tony work hard, They are healthy. They dont get sicj. They are both Christian so no need to use the flaoting holiday as theiur union giuves them all christian holidays off. Neither used their personal days.

However, boith took a week vacation.

December rolls around and Jim asks Tony what he will be doing during his other week vacation that they hboth are taking the same time. Tony says "I am not just taking a week. I have not used my 5 sick days yet, not my 2 floating holidays nor my 2 personal days so I will be taking 2 1/2 weeks off.

Jim, who appreciates his employer and all he gets refuses to do the same. Sick days are a gift IF YOU ARE SICK....and floating holidays are a gift IF YOU NEED TO USE THEM.

SO Jim takes only his week while Tony takes his 2 1/2 weeks.

Raise time comes....

The Manager recognizing that Jim was diligent and did not max out his sick days wants to give Jim a raise higher than Tony, but he cant becuase the Union contract forbids unequal treatment. So Tony and Jim get the same raise...even though Tony took 9 more days off than Jim even though Tony was never sick.

What do you think Jim will do with his sick days next year?
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$105,000 pension, give me a break, I don't get anywhere near that and I am still working. Union suck big time and they are corrupt. Been to a post office lately and seen the overworked postal employees sweating. A private company would not stay in business a week with the work ethic of postal employees.
$105,000 pension, give me a break, I don't get anywhere near that and I am still working. Union suck big time and they are corrupt. Been to a post office lately and seen the overworked postal employees sweating. A private company would not stay in business a week with the work ethic of postal employees.

How about the union for the garbage collecters?

I can speak for my county...

First they were told that they no longer have to collect any garbage that is not at the curb. It used to be where we would leave it on the side of the house.
Fine...I understood that one.
But that wasnt enough.
Then they negotiated that the collecters did not have to take the extra 5 seconds to put the lid on.....of course, on windy days resulting in lids blowing all over the streets.
But that still wasnt enough.
Now they dont even need to return the can to the spot they got must be within 30 feet of the home.

I mean...really?
Yeap there are scum bags everywhere in society.

Im glad these scum were caught and are going to jail.

Im also glad unions and union workers throughout history have ended child labor, and given us things like the 40 hour workweek, vaction time, overtime pay and many of the other things that made a middle class possible in this country.

The real question is why do the right wing nutters hate the advances unions have given us?

Because we'd all be a lot better off if we made less money.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"


Unions have turned out to be the protection for substandard workers and a bounty for Democrats. Don't tell me their evolution has been anything beneficial.

Not only protection for sub standard workers....but actually set the tone for sub standard work ethics...

Example (Ive done this before but union supporters ignore it)..

Jim and Tony both get a job at ABC manufacturing on the same day. They both get 20 an hour to run a CNC lathe.
Along with the 20 an hour, they each get 2 weeks vacation per year, 5 sick days, 2 personal days and 2 floating holidays.
Per their union contract, they are both due a raise on their 1 year anniversary of 6%.

Jim and Tony work hard, They are healthy. They dont get sicj. They are both Christian so no need to use the flaoting holiday as theiur union giuves them all christian holidays off. Neither used their personal days.

However, boith took a week vacation.

December rolls around and Jim asks Tony what he will be doing during his other week vacation that they hboth are taking the same time. Tony says "I am not just taking a week. I have not used my 5 sick days yet, not my 2 floating holidays nor my 2 personal days so I will be taking 2 1/2 weeks off.

Jim, who appreciates his employer and all he gets refuses to do the same. Sick days are a gift IF YOU ARE SICK....and floating holidays are a gift IF YOU NEED TO USE THEM.

SO Jim takes only his week while Tony takes his 2 1/2 weeks.

Raise time comes....

The Manager recognizing that Jim was diligent and did not max out his sick days wants to give Jim a raise higher than Tony, but he cant becuase the Union contract forbids unequal treatment. So Tony and Jim get the same raise...even though Tony took 9 more days off than Jim even though Tony was never sick.

What do you think Jim will do with his sick days next year?

Please allow me to critique your assessment a little.

First off, where I work(Commonwealth of PA)... Holidays and Personal time must be used by the end of the year, or else you lose them. Where I work, it is a 24/7 facility, so we work most Holidays..including the biggies(Thanksgiving, Christmas, July 4th, etc). When we work a Holiday, we get a day of Holiday Time to use as we see fit. Our Personal Time(we get 4) is also ours to use. Remember, if we don't use them by Dec 31, we lose them..

Sick time accumulates from one year to the next. Most of us are very careful with our sick time for two reasons... first, we can be disciplined if we use too much, use it in a pattern(for example, using it in conjunction with breakdays). The second reason we tend to be frugal with our sick time is that we are all getting older and as we do, the potential for a serious health issue looms larger. It's awful nice to have 4 or so weeks accumulated so our families don't have to go without income.

Lastly... even if your scenario was correct.... who's time is it to use? The employees have earned that time off... it's their time.

Now... as to rewarding Jim vs. Tony.... there are other ways to reward Jim. When an opportunity for advancement comes up, or a preferred position that is more likely to lead to advancement, the supervisor can very much take that into account and the Union has no say in the matter... Management always has the right to manage.

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