More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Let me know in NYC, as of Monday, thousands of fire/ambulance/police set to walk. NYC is already a dumpster fire since Covid hit.

Nobody goes into Manhattan anymore. Its a ghost town. Its about to become a scene right out of "Escape from New York". Im fucking giddy about it........ :spinner: :spinner:

"I heard you were dead"
they had no update as of last night's news. I'm loving it as well. fk these nazi commies.

Here's what I found on the internet,

lol.......never knew.......


I don't know for sure, but I always envision Mammoth Mammaries looking like this...

skookerasbil, Judge paused the vaccine mandate here in Chitown. Mini victory so far for the cops. Told the city to arbitrate their issue.

Winning........good to hear JC. In the end, the people will end this mandate madness. We got 90 million never rolling up their sleeves......ever. The progressives call the "anti-vaxers". :abgg2q.jpg:

90,000,000...........when I count those zero's, I laugh my balls off!
Winning........good to hear JC. In the end, the people will end this mandate madness. We got 90 million never rolling up their sleeves......ever. The progressives call the "anti-vaxers". :abgg2q.jpg:

90,000,000...........when I count those zero's, I laugh my balls off!

Coincidentally, the 203o population of the USA is expected to be 90 million.......
Winning........good to hear JC. In the end, the people will end this mandate madness. We got 90 million never rolling up their sleeves......ever. The progressives call the "anti-vaxers". :abgg2q.jpg:

90,000,000...........when I count those zero's, I laugh my balls off!
Some of them had a protest and march in Chicago this week. Pilot unions included.

I also see one in NY

Some of them had a protest and march in Chicago this week. Pilot unions included.

I also see one in NY

Yeah JC.....mandates about to get serious. They are going to force people soon........which Im fine with. It wont end well.
I have already determined that life for all is going to be changing dramatically for all of us over the next year. Alot of shit going to go sideways. The jabbed think they got their shot and are immune.......yuk.....yuk. Its going to be a fcukfest. Things will start to devolve Christmas, oh boy! :abgg2q.jpg: . NWO assholes have picked now to turn the screws......lets see how it plays out. I like my sides chances.
Yeah JC.....mandates about to get serious. They are going to force people soon........which Im fine with. It wont end well.
I have already determined that life for all is going to be changing dramatically for all of us over the next year. Alot of shit going to go sideways. The jabbed think they got their shot and are immune.......yuk.....yuk. Its going to be a fcukfest. Things will start to devolve Christmas, oh boy! :abgg2q.jpg: . NWO assholes have picked now to turn the screws......lets see how it plays out. I like my sides chances.
I’d take it if it worked, it doesn’t, history has told us now! Not clear why any sane person would say anything about it being the right thing to do, when it offers no better resistance than my own immune system! I’m still waiting for the explanation
Yo Skooks, snow today, 17 days earlier than last year! Arctic clipper coming tomorrow!
Climate alarmism isn't even in the top 20 problems Americans want dealt with... Demonazis are sooooo screwed in 2022.. Time to put many of these lies to rest... Americans are not buying the left wing crap anymore...
Dang JC....tough weeks ahead for you man.

Hey JC....Tommy....heard something about a big ass polar vortex coming soon. Got anything on that?
We had tropical storm winds and weather, tornadoes out the ass.. 60 and less than 8 hrs 35. We get some crazy climate change I tell you!!

magic CO2 that likes the Great Lakes Region only
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