*More Muslim Murdering Going Un-Checked In Syria*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Its been awhile since I came out and spoke about the genocide going on in the middle east hell holes, but seeing its happening again , last time I spoke about it was the other recent mass murderers going on over there.
2. After I spoke out last times, the UN and Obamabutt finally did do something about the genocide.
3. I expect after I start this thread, they will get their ass' in gear.
4. LINK:Syrian forces pound Homs, block aid convoy | Reuters


(Reuters) - Syrian forces renewed their bombardment of parts of the shattered city of Homs on Saturday and for a second day blocked Red Cross aid meant for civilians stranded without food and fuel in the former rebel stronghold, activists and aid workers said.

The government assault came a day after U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said he had received "grisly reports" that President Bashar al-Assad's troops were executing and torturing people in the city after rebels abandoned their positions there."

5. Watch how fast the world leaders get off their ass' now!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQWskXeeuf0&sns=em]WW2 Heroes - Graves desecrated by Muslim mob in libya. - YouTube[/ame]
Sorry bout that,

1. The hate is so big in islam towards Christians and Jews, these muslims who were breaking tomb stones would if they could reach down into the graves themselves and drag the bones around Lybia, just to spite the memory of these good peoples.
2. But these dead can't die again, and what they do is just idiotic, which explains islam, you have to be a fool to follow it, a small minded idjit, which we have one here at this site as well.
3. The world will never run out of idjits.


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