More Manufactured Racism!!


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2009
Los Angeles CA
This shit is rampant!! Yet another fake racism case.....What the fuck is wrong with these clowns?

Black US Air Force cadet 'wrote race slurs' on dorm doors

The US Air Force Academy has said racial slurs scrawled on dormitory doors of five black cadets were by one of the supposedly targeted students.

An inquiry into the September incident found that one of the cadets admitted to writing "go home" with an epithet on dorm doors, the school told US media.

The vandalism shook the campus and drew a stern rebuke from commanders.

The head of the academy drew national attention in a speech condemning the culprit's "horrible language".

Video of Lt Gen Jay Silveria scolding 1,500 students and staff was posted online after the incident and quickly went viral, drawing praise from former Vice-President Joe Biden and Senator John McCain.

"If you can't treat someone with dignity and respect," Silveria said at the time, "then get out."


On Tuesday, the Colorado school made the shocking announcement that the individual responsible for the messages was one of the students claiming to be victimised by them.

"We can confirm that one of the cadet candidates who was allegedly targeted by racist remarks written outside of their dorm room was actually responsible for the act," academy spokesman Lt Col Allen Herritage said in a statement.​

Black US Air Force cadet behind race slurs
There seems to be an increased number of fake hate crimes nowadays.
Liberals have an intense desire to be victims.
There seems to be an increased number of fake hate crimes nowadays.
Liberals have an intense desire to be victims.
A black Air force cadet probably wouldn't be a liberal. But if the brother really did write that
scurrilous inscription on those dorm doors what made him confess to it? Anyway..he is no longer enrolled at the school..good riddance. But now the other black cadets
will be tainted by that fool's actions.
A black Air force cadet probably wouldn't be a liberal.
Don't agree with this bit, but his actions in this case definitely appear mean or illiberal.
Look up the term liberal. Nothing there to describe what that cadet did.
  1. .
    open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.
    "they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people"
    (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.
    synonyms: wide-ranging, broad-based.
  1. holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.
    synonyms: traditionalist · 
  1. a person who is averse to change and holds to traditional values and attitudes, typically in relation to politics.
Given the actions taken by the black cadet he certainly exhibited traditional conservative extremist values. And having been qualified to be admitted to an AF Academy he would certainly
have impeccable credentials and would have exhibited some degree of traditionalism necessary to satisfy
the brass.
having been qualified to be admitted to an AF Academy he would certainly
have impeccable credentials and would have exhibited some degree of traditionalism necessary to satisfy
the brass.
He was smart enough to play the game as required in order to reap the rewards,.. until now. Something set him off.
he certainly exhibited traditional conservative extremist values
Traditional | extremist : bit oxymoronic there, lol.

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