More Globaloney from NOAA


Diamond Member
Jan 19, 2010
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Make up your mind. Do past temperature records get adjusted up or down?

You deniers need to settle on a single kook conspiracy theory, instead of wildly bouncing back and forth between contradicting kook conspiracy theories.
Im laughing.......I said almost 15 years ago that all this global warming crap was a gigantic hoax. History will end up seeing this whole period as a fad in the annals of science. I will admit though......the whole scheme was as brilliant as it gets. Whoever were the architects of this load of shit really were as bright as it gets.......of course, they are sitting on some island someplace sipping pina colada's or are otherwise dead. I gotta tip my cap to them......we all do.
Get the headline. Bury the retraction.. Works for Unemployment figures and GDP announcements. Why not Global temperatures?? It's government folks.. We live in the American Pravda Era..
Get the headline. Bury the retraction.. Works for Unemployment figures and GDP announcements. Why not Global temperatures?? It's government folks.. We live in the American Pravda Era..

Did you read the article Mammoth posted? Any comments?
Get the headline. Bury the retraction.. Works for Unemployment figures and GDP announcements. Why not Global temperatures?? It's government folks.. We live in the American Pravda Era..

Did you read the article Mammoth posted? Any comments?

Politifact is Pravda Central.. They attack what leftist journalists are SUPPOSED to attack..
They blow off those corrections to the US Data as an anomaly rather that explaining how that happens in Holy Hallways of NOAA..

That's as far as I got with that turd.. Willing to blow off evidence like that and RIDICULE it rather than address it deserves to be "on ignore"..

I've got the same historical corrections for Copenhagen and various places around the world. Did PolitiFart find those? No -- they really only care about what "polls well"..
Who did they ridicule? Hell, they were polite to Doocy. You didn't read it.
Get the headline. Bury the retraction.. Works for Unemployment figures and GDP announcements. Why not Global temperatures?? It's government folks.. We live in the American Pravda Era..

Did you read the article Mammoth posted? Any comments?

So you want people to believe a political hack writer over empirical data.

More proof that AGW is a religion..
Yet no climate scientist - not even Judith Curry or Anthony Watts - could be found to back up Goddard's accusations. So, once again, we have all the world's climate scientists - including several big name deniers - in an evil conspiracy.

Can you people not hear yourself?
Yet no climate scientist - not even Judith Curry or Anthony Watts - could be found to back up Goddard's accusations. So, once again, we have all the world's climate scientists - including several big name deniers - in an evil conspiracy.

Can you people not hear yourself?

Im afraid that you simply havent been following this story.

the skeptical side may still think Goddard is a bit of a crank but in the recent story.......

Sometimes, you can believe you are entirely right while simultaneously believing that you’ve done due diligence. That’s what confirmation bias is all about. In this case, a whole bunch of people, including me, got a severe case of it.

I’m talking about the claim made by Steve Goddard that 40% of the USHCN data is “fabricated”. which I and few other people thought was clearly wrong.

Dr. Judith Curry and I have been conversing a lot via email over the past two days, and she has written an illuminating essay that explores the issue raised by Goddard and the sociology going on. See her essay:

Skeptical of skeptics: is Steve Goddard right? | Climate Etc.

Steve Goddard aka Tony Heller deserves the credit for the initial finding, Paul Homewood deserves the credit for taking the finding and establishing it in a more comprehensible
way that opened closed eyes, including mine, in this post entitled Massive Temperature Adjustments At Luling, Texas. Along with that is his latest followup, showing the problem isn’t limited to Texas, but also in Kansas. And there’s more about this below.
The scientific method is at work on the USHCN temperature data set | Watts Up With That?

even funnier perhaps is NOAA's response-

Are the examples in Texas and Kansas prompting a deeper look at how the algorithms change the raw data?
No – our algorithm is working as designed. NCDC provides estimates for temperature values when:
1) data were originally missing, and
2) when a shift (error) is detected for a period that is too short to reliably correct. These estimates are used in applications that require a complete set of data values.

hahahahaha. yes, it is working as designed. they may regret saying that.

I like facts and figures so Paul Homewood's site is where I would send people to understand what the actual problem is. here is one of his latest articles on NOAA adjustments, mostly TOBS, in Alabama-

Temperature Adjustments In Alabama | NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT


the odd part is that the outlier, Brewton, the adjustments go the wrong way!

The metadata also tells us that Time of Observation was 6pm until 1983, after which it changed to 7am. This is the usual pattern, which is corrected by a warming adjustment, and not the cooling one we see here.

Quite simply, it is a mystery, which underlines the vagaries of the USHCN system and hardly inspires confidence.

I recommend people who are interested in links to the actual NOAA data read this and some of his other recent articles. he has lots of other temperature dataset stuff as well, especially GISS and NOAA
The core of Goddard/Heller's charge was that NOAA had altered the data to make global warming look worse. ZERO evidence supports that charge. ZERO. That a clerical error was made for the readings in bum fuck Texas doesn't bother me in the least. That it's now your big deal tells me you're unwilling to admit that your original charges have fallen flat on their face.
The core of Goddard/Heller's charge was that NOAA had altered the data to make global warming look worse. ZERO evidence supports that charge. ZERO. That a clerical error was made for the readings in bum fuck Texas doesn't bother me in the least. That it's now your big deal tells me you're unwilling to admit that your original charges have fallen flat on their face.

it's all they have.
Yet no climate scientist - not even Judith Curry or Anthony Watts - could be found to back up Goddard's accusations. So, once again, we have all the world's climate scientists - including several big name deniers - in an evil conspiracy.

Can you people not hear yourself?

Im afraid that you simply havent been following this story.

the skeptical side may still think Goddard is a bit of a crank but in the recent story.......

Sometimes, you can believe you are entirely right while simultaneously believing that you’ve done due diligence. That’s what confirmation bias is all about. In this case, a whole bunch of people, including me, got a severe case of it.

I’m talking about the claim made by Steve Goddard that 40% of the USHCN data is “fabricated”. which I and few other people thought was clearly wrong.

Dr. Judith Curry and I have been conversing a lot via email over the past two days, and she has written an illuminating essay that explores the issue raised by Goddard and the sociology going on. See her essay:

Skeptical of skeptics: is Steve Goddard right? | Climate Etc.

Steve Goddard aka Tony Heller deserves the credit for the initial finding, Paul Homewood deserves the credit for taking the finding and establishing it in a more comprehensible
way that opened closed eyes, including mine, in this post entitled Massive Temperature Adjustments At Luling, Texas. Along with that is his latest followup, showing the problem isn’t limited to Texas, but also in Kansas. And there’s more about this below.
The scientific method is at work on the USHCN temperature data set | Watts Up With That?

even funnier perhaps is NOAA's response-

Are the examples in Texas and Kansas prompting a deeper look at how the algorithms change the raw data?
No – our algorithm is working as designed. NCDC provides estimates for temperature values when:
1) data were originally missing, and
2) when a shift (error) is detected for a period that is too short to reliably correct. These estimates are used in applications that require a complete set of data values.

hahahahaha. yes, it is working as designed. they may regret saying that.

I like facts and figures so Paul Homewood's site is where I would send people to understand what the actual problem is. here is one of his latest articles on NOAA adjustments, mostly TOBS, in Alabama-

Temperature Adjustments In Alabama | NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT


the odd part is that the outlier, Brewton, the adjustments go the wrong way!

The metadata also tells us that Time of Observation was 6pm until 1983, after which it changed to 7am. This is the usual pattern, which is corrected by a warming adjustment, and not the cooling one we see here.

Quite simply, it is a mystery, which underlines the vagaries of the USHCN system and hardly inspires confidence.

I recommend people who are interested in links to the actual NOAA data read this and some of his other recent articles. he has lots of other temperature dataset stuff as well, especially GISS and NOAA

Ian crack my ass up!!! You disappear for a few days and then swoop in and in a single post, school the AGW fascists with volumes of pwn.:D:D:D Still the k00ks return.......which is clearly the MO of social oddballs. People have made fun of these social invalids their whole life so it just rolls right past them............the dynamic fascinating to watch.

Back in my beach days of 30 years ago, had a real lefty guy who would hangout with a group of about 8 of us. Every weekend.....down at the ocean. This fruitcake would habitually return from the water and walk clear across the huge blanket with sand all over his feet. The entire group would scream at him and call him a loser asshole........but for him, the attention outweighed his embarrassment. He fit in with the group, but barely.........he was the misfit. That's the type of person that ends up being a AGW k00k later in life.......come to a forum like this where they can matter on some level even if it is fringe. These jarheads in here are made to look like fools on a daily basis, but like beach idiot described above.......will always be social invalids embracing a cause.....and if the world turns into a solid chunk of ice, they'll still be screaming in here..................because any cause will do!!:gay:
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