More glaring evidence that government IS the problem


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
I absolutely love the endless stories of big, bad government - with their near endless resources thanks to the Communist policies of liberals - failing flat on their faces while the free market entrepreneur with very limited resources, solves the problem. Just more glaring evidence that the left's belief in Communism is severely misplaced. Here is an excerpt from this article that is just awesome...

Bridge: You have an iPhone app where you can see where the bus you’re waiting on is, in real time. How is this raggedy little start-up like yours able to do this, and not the regular transit company?

A: Because we think about it. Did you hear that (the city's Transportation Department) is now working on a tracking app? We feel we pushed them out of the nest a little bit on that.

25-year-old entrepreneur drives Detroit Bus Company toward building mass transit in the Motor City |
Epic trying to bash the left fail. Obama's hometown of chicago and many others have had tracking apps on their public transportation vehicles for years.
Epic trying to bash the left fail. Obama's hometown of chicago and many others have had tracking apps on their public transportation vehicles for years.

And that has anything to do with this story on any level, how?

The only "epic fail" is you commenting on a story you didn't read. At the end of the day, this entreprenuer with very limited resources is doing things the city of Detroit wasn't doing. That is the story and it's yet more evidence of how the private sector is exponentially more successful and more resourceful than government. You just exposed yourself as a moron to the entire world for commenting on something you did not read (typical liberal).

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