More FAKE Polls...

So they poll people in LA, SanFranqueerco and NYC, and they think they really have something here. Reuters democrat propaganda wing is just salivating over this... the truth is IF president Trump has lost a few voters that normally don't vote anyway, he's picked UP voters that he's put back to work already, like the coal miners and their families, the factory workers with his "Made in America" push, and those who wanted to see a crack down on illegal aliens... so these POLLS are truly a FARCE when all they sample are prog cess pool cities...

One in eight people who voted for Trump having second thoughts - Reuters/Ipsos poll

how is that "fake", wackjob:?
Drudge made that poll a headline. Is he a RINO now?
Drudge links to EVERYTHING, so a great portion of his links are to PROG websites.
Drudge typically only links to articles that benefit Trump or stories irrelevant to politics. I think he's getting annoyed with Trump these days.
Bull shit... he's been linking to the huff'n puff, the washpo, CNN, reuters, yahoo and the like for years.

Rasmussen is hard right and they have Trump sucking as bad as anyone else ...

Trump sucks.


everyone knows that except for his 36% or so...
Political polls are no longer reliable.

Why? Cell phones destroyed them. Cell phone numbers are not publicly-listed, making it harder and harder to find representative samples.

Also, people do not answer their telephones. So the polls suffer from "participation bias" and "non-response bias", where the polls themselves become skewed by the kinds of people who tend to answer.

Bottom line- almost all polls have become unreliable propaganda.

EDIT- even the ones I agree with!!
So they poll people in LA, SanFranqueerco and NYC, and they think they really have something here. Reuters democrat propaganda wing is just salivating over this... the truth is IF president Trump has lost a few voters that normally don't vote anyway, he's picked UP voters that he's put back to work already, like the coal miners and their families, the factory workers with his "Made in America" push, and those who wanted to see a crack down on illegal aliens... so these POLLS are truly a FARCE when all they sample are prog cess pool cities...

One in eight people who voted for Trump having second thoughts - Reuters/Ipsos poll

how is that "fake", wackjob:?
Wake up out of your TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME STUPOR... moron.
Drudge made that poll a headline. Is he a RINO now?
Drudge links to EVERYTHING, so a great portion of his links are to PROG websites.
Drudge typically only links to articles that benefit Trump or stories irrelevant to politics. I think he's getting annoyed with Trump these days.
Bull shit... he's been linking to the huff'n puff, the washpo, CNN, reuters, yahoo and the like for years.

Rasmussen is hard right and they have Trump sucking as bad as anyone else ...

Trump sucks.


everyone knows that except for his 36% or so...
At this point, Trump might as well go ahead and shoot someone on 5th Avenue just so we can see if he was right that it wouldn't hurt him among the rubes.
Who benefits from these "cess polls"? The funny thing is that the left wing pollsters tried the same thing before the election and lefties fell for it the same way.
Who benefits from these "cess polls"? The funny thing is that the left wing pollsters tried the same thing before the election and lefties fell for it the same way.
Bonehead; All polls are by lefties

Trump: I love my uneducated base.
He must really love YOU.

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