More examples of just how the delusional left are systematically destroying America.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Here is how they are lowering standards in order for women to be able to get jobs. Either in the military or as cops.

The tough tests that they could not pass, but men could, were sexist.

Get that?
When you look at the economy Bush left Obama and the economy Obama left Trump it’s clear who is destroying America.

Here is how they are lowering standards in order for women to be able to get jobs. Either in the military or as cops.

The tough tests that they could not pass, but men could, were sexist.

Get that?

I agree with that, I have seen weights of dummys lowered so the girls can carry them. Classes setup so that the girls can learn how to arrest a crack head who has lost it. Yes there is many test that have been reduced that allows the girls and skinny little peeps to past. I really can not see a 244 lbs drug runner being subdued by a 122 lbs girls. My old Sgt said "If you are going to arrest a person and you are pretty sure you are going to have you ass handed by to you, think about it. I have allways felt that entry levels do not have to be "street" level to be a Cop. This is where they have made a mistake. Girls in Police work perform better in other positions than street duty and they should not have to began there. "Just my opinion".
When you look at the economy Bush left Obama and the economy Obama left Trump it’s clear who is destroying America.
Outstanding obfuscation all while displaying your pathetic ignorance of how the economy tanked and what or who was to blame. Not only was the average annual growth rate of just 1.48% during Obama's business cycle the weakest of any expansion since at least 1949, he became the only President to have not had even one year of 3% GDP growth.

why don't you keep ignoring the fact that the economy only tanked AFTER the democrats won the midterms in 2006 and had power of congress (House and Senate) from 2007 to 2010. All while you ignore who rewrote the Community Reinvestment Act which put significant pressure on banks to lend to low income neighborhoods. Any person with any experience in business or investments know this. Only ignorant trust fund losers like you don't get it. Also, why don't you tell all of us who passed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act. Let us all know how that effected the economy. You won't know, cause you are an ignorant ass.

You loser.
When you look at the economy Bush left Obama and the economy Obama left Trump it’s clear who is destroying America.

Barrypuppet's admin borrowed their way (with the blessing of the central bankers) out of a shitty situation that the bankers and Wall Street had put us into to begin with. No one went to jail due to this orchestrated crisis and trillions of dollars in assets made their way into the coffers of Barrypuppet's string pullers. His reward was the QE program where the Fed dumped billions in an extension of credit per month with the bill put on the tab of the serfs.

All Barrypuppet had to do ( had he not been a puppet) was remove strangleholds in the form of regulations, high taxes, high cost of licenses to even start a business. Barrypuppet was following the Cloward -Piven strategy to the letter.

The majority of Americans don't want any part of your communist vision that you hope for.

Hope this helps!

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