More Clinton Money Laundering

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
No, I am not talking about The Money She and Obama laundered through COIE Lawfirm to Fusion GPS, to Russian KGB Agents to pay for a Propaganda Smear Book on President Trump when they begged Putin to help them Preserve Obama's Legacy.

Not even close. And now we know that not only Did Obama and Clinton populate The IRS, DOJ, FBI, CIA and State Department with Political Mobsters at the heads of these organizations, they did the same with THE FEC!

Yes, they thought they had it rigged. From The Rigged Primaries, To a Complicit Media, to Stolen Debate Questions and right down to their hand picked Mobster Foot Soldiers in The FBI and DOJ and their "INSURANCE POLICY" and to try to CINCH it so they'd never get CAUGHT, they RIGGED THE FEC.

FEC hit with lawsuit over ignoring civil complaint accusing Clinton, DNC in election scheme

EXCLUSIVE: The Hillary Clinton Campaign and the Democratic National Committee allegedly used state chapters as strawmen to launder as much as $84 million in an effort to circumvent campaign donation limits, and the Federal Election Commission ignored complaints exposing the practice, a lawsuit filed Monday claims.

The Committee to Defend the President (CDP), a political action committee formally known as Stop Hillary PAC, filed its complaint with the FEC in December 2017 with the claims that the Hillary Victory Fund (HVF) solicited cash from big-name donors, and allegedly sent that money through state chapters and back to the DNC before ending up with the Clinton campaign.

As first reported by Fox News at the time, the CDP alleges in its complaint that about $84 million was funneled illegally from the DNC through state party chapters and back into the war chest of the Clinton campaign. The political action committee claims that even though the FEC acknowledged receipt of the complaint and claimed that an investigation would be conducted, the needle has barely moved.

“The Clinton machine has escaped accountability for its illegal practices for far too long,” Ted Harvey, CDP chairman, said to Fox News. “After months of review, the FEC has refused to address the Clintons’ $84 million money laundering scheme that violated several campaign finance laws.”

FEC hit with lawsuit over ignoring civil complaint accusing Clinton, DNC in election scheme
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Our nation has been corrupted by the left....

In my opinion, everything that is going on, is actually an attempt to cover up and distract. There never was Russian Collusion. That was a lie from The Beginning, and it was a Hail Mary by Obama and Clinton to try to pull out a doomed campaign at The Last Minute. And it was Last Minute, because They Thought they had it in The Bag until their late internal polling started indicating otherwise.

After The LOSS, it was full on Cover Up, Deflection, and an attempt to Obstruct, not only The President's Agenda, but to obstruct Investigations in to Campaign Irregularities, and Irregularities in The FBI & DOJ. The Clinton-Obama machine went on The Offensive as their best option for defense over what they had unethically and illegally done during the election.

Like Hillary Clinton said, "If Donald Trump is elected President, we will all hang together."

Only a guilty criminal who hasn't been caught yet would say something like that.

I also believe that they themselves believed they could actually manipulate Congress and The American People in to nullifying the Election. Everything else they are doing is simply a Misinformation Campaign to aide them in the 2018 mid terms and an attempt to discredit the president by any means necessary because The Democrat Party has not appealing platform for Tax Payers.
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That SOB has been skirting laws and accountability for decades. Is anyone going to hold her feet to the fire, or is she just the representation of where America is headed?

America cannot and MUST NOT let the Rule of Law slide into oblivion. You will become like lawless, feckless Canada, your individual liberty gone, your freedom replaced by compliance to your rulers.

seems like that should have a dynamic "bubble" around the word and would have been used in an early batman episode.
Our nation has been corrupted by the left....

In my opinion, everything that is going on, is actually an attempt to cover up and distract. There never was Russian Collusion. That was a lie from The Beginning, and it was a Hail Mary by Obama and Clinton to try to pull out a doomed campaign at The Last Minute. And it was Last Minute, because They Thought they had it in The Bag until their late internal polling started indicating otherwise.

After The LOSS, it was full on Cover Up, Deflection, and an attempt to Obstruct, not only The President's Agenda, but to obstruct Investigations in to Campaign Irregularities, and Irregularities in The FBI & DOJ.

I also believe that they themselves believed they could actually manipulate Congress and The American People in to nullifying the Election. Everything else they are doing is simply a Misinformation Campaign to aide them in the 2018 mid terms and an attempt to discredit the president by any means necessary because The Democrat Party has not appealing platform for Tax Payers.
Exactly right....I do think it will blow up in their face...their lying media holds little sway with the people after all of this so they don't have that arrow in their quiver will be very interesting to watch if the dems do try and impeach Trump...I think the shit would hit the fan...Trump's poll numbers on the economy continue to rise....
No, I am not talking about The Money She and Obama laundered through COIE Lawfirm to Fusion GPS, to Russian KGB Agents to pay for a Propaganda Smear Book on President Trump when they begged Putin to help them Preserve Obama's Legacy.

Not even close. And now we know that not only Did Obama and Clinton populate The IRS, DOJ, FBI, CIA and State Department with Political Mobsters at the heads of these organizations, they did the same with THE FEC!

Yes, they thought they had it rigged. From The Rigged Primaries, To a Complicit Media, to Stolen Debate Questions and right down to their hand picked Mobster Foot Soldiers in The FBI and DOJ and their "INSURANCE POLICY" and to try to CINCH it so they'd never get CAUGHT, they RIGGED THE FEC.

FEC hit with lawsuit over ignoring civil complaint accusing Clinton, DNC in election scheme

EXCLUSIVE: The Hillary Clinton Campaign and the Democratic National Committee allegedly used state chapters as strawmen to launder as much as $84 million in an effort to circumvent campaign donation limits, and the Federal Election Commission ignored complaints exposing the practice, a lawsuit filed Monday claims.

The Committee to Defend the President (CDP), a political action committee formally known as Stop Hillary PAC, filed its complaint with the FEC in December 2017 with the claims that the Hillary Victory Fund (HVF) solicited cash from big-name donors, and allegedly sent that money through state chapters and back to the DNC before ending up with the Clinton campaign.

As first reported by Fox News at the time, the CDP alleges in its complaint that about $84 million was funneled illegally from the DNC through state party chapters and back into the war chest of the Clinton campaign. The political action committee claims that even though the FEC acknowledged receipt of the complaint and claimed that an investigation would be conducted, the needle has barely moved.

“The Clinton machine has escaped accountability for its illegal practices for far too long,” Ted Harvey, CDP chairman, said to Fox News. “After months of review, the FEC has refused to address the Clintons’ $84 million money laundering scheme that violated several campaign finance laws.”

FEC hit with lawsuit over ignoring civil complaint accusing Clinton, DNC in election scheme

The Clintons like all Democrats are pure scum. And to think she is the best they got, their gold standard! She ought to be strung up with electric cord and whipped across the back with a cattle prod up her ass.
Clinton is not president, but your boy is, and, boy, he is under pressure.
The Clintons like all Democrats are pure scum. And to think she is the best they got, their gold standard! She ought to be strung up with electric cord and whipped across the back with a cattle prod up her ass

:desk:Can I volunteer? :whip:
Once you purge The Government of a significant amount of Clinton and Obama Political Mobsters, then we might actually get to serve Clinton The Justice she has been long overdue for.
No, I am not talking about The Money She and Obama laundered through COIE Lawfirm to Fusion GPS, to Russian KGB Agents to pay for a Propaganda Smear Book on President Trump when they begged Putin to help them Preserve Obama's Legacy.

Not even close. And now we know that not only Did Obama and Clinton populate The IRS, DOJ, FBI, CIA and State Department with Political Mobsters at the heads of these organizations, they did the same with THE FEC!

Yes, they thought they had it rigged. From The Rigged Primaries, To a Complicit Media, to Stolen Debate Questions and right down to their hand picked Mobster Foot Soldiers in The FBI and DOJ and their "INSURANCE POLICY" and to try to CINCH it so they'd never get CAUGHT, they RIGGED THE FEC.

FEC hit with lawsuit over ignoring civil complaint accusing Clinton, DNC in election scheme

EXCLUSIVE: The Hillary Clinton Campaign and the Democratic National Committee allegedly used state chapters as strawmen to launder as much as $84 million in an effort to circumvent campaign donation limits, and the Federal Election Commission ignored complaints exposing the practice, a lawsuit filed Monday claims.

The Committee to Defend the President (CDP), a political action committee formally known as Stop Hillary PAC, filed its complaint with the FEC in December 2017 with the claims that the Hillary Victory Fund (HVF) solicited cash from big-name donors, and allegedly sent that money through state chapters and back to the DNC before ending up with the Clinton campaign.

As first reported by Fox News at the time, the CDP alleges in its complaint that about $84 million was funneled illegally from the DNC through state party chapters and back into the war chest of the Clinton campaign. The political action committee claims that even though the FEC acknowledged receipt of the complaint and claimed that an investigation would be conducted, the needle has barely moved.

“The Clinton machine has escaped accountability for its illegal practices for far too long,” Ted Harvey, CDP chairman, said to Fox News. “After months of review, the FEC has refused to address the Clintons’ $84 million money laundering scheme that violated several campaign finance laws.”

FEC hit with lawsuit over ignoring civil complaint accusing Clinton, DNC in election scheme
Fox news in a desperate attempt to move the spot light away from the corrupt Donald Trump regime.

It's not going to work.

Stormy is more interesting.

Trump's lies are more interesting.

Comey telling the truth is more interesting.
Once you purge The Government of a significant amount of Clinton and Obama Political Mobsters, then we might actually get to serve Clinton The Justice she has been long overdue for.
That is the greatest thing about Trump's victory...he is cleaning house of the left wing Obama/Clinton corruptness....God willing he will be allowed to complete his task....
Once you purge The Government of a significant amount of Clinton and Obama Political Mobsters, then we might actually get to serve Clinton The Justice she has been long overdue for.

Any day now :)

No, I am not talking about The Money She and Obama laundered through COIE Lawfirm to Fusion GPS, to Russian KGB Agents to pay for a Propaganda Smear Book on President Trump when they begged Putin to help them Preserve Obama's Legacy.

Not even close. And now we know that not only Did Obama and Clinton populate The IRS, DOJ, FBI, CIA and State Department with Political Mobsters at the heads of these organizations, they did the same with THE FEC!

Yes, they thought they had it rigged. From The Rigged Primaries, To a Complicit Media, to Stolen Debate Questions and right down to their hand picked Mobster Foot Soldiers in The FBI and DOJ and their "INSURANCE POLICY" and to try to CINCH it so they'd never get CAUGHT, they RIGGED THE FEC.

FEC hit with lawsuit over ignoring civil complaint accusing Clinton, DNC in election scheme

EXCLUSIVE: The Hillary Clinton Campaign and the Democratic National Committee allegedly used state chapters as strawmen to launder as much as $84 million in an effort to circumvent campaign donation limits, and the Federal Election Commission ignored complaints exposing the practice, a lawsuit filed Monday claims.

The Committee to Defend the President (CDP), a political action committee formally known as Stop Hillary PAC, filed its complaint with the FEC in December 2017 with the claims that the Hillary Victory Fund (HVF) solicited cash from big-name donors, and allegedly sent that money through state chapters and back to the DNC before ending up with the Clinton campaign.

As first reported by Fox News at the time, the CDP alleges in its complaint that about $84 million was funneled illegally from the DNC through state party chapters and back into the war chest of the Clinton campaign. The political action committee claims that even though the FEC acknowledged receipt of the complaint and claimed that an investigation would be conducted, the needle has barely moved.

“The Clinton machine has escaped accountability for its illegal practices for far too long,” Ted Harvey, CDP chairman, said to Fox News. “After months of review, the FEC has refused to address the Clintons’ $84 million money laundering scheme that violated several campaign finance laws.”

FEC hit with lawsuit over ignoring civil complaint accusing Clinton, DNC in election scheme
Fox news in a desperate attempt to move the spot light away from the corrupt Donald Trump regime.

It's not going to work.

Stormy is more interesting.

Trump's lies are more interesting.

Comey telling the truth is more interesting.

How is she "more interesting"?

You have the internet, do a search, find some sites and you can learn all you want about her down to some most intimate videos.

I'm not sure what you deem interesting, it might be by some measure, but it certainly isn't cerebral.
More Clinton Money Laundering.

maybe she'll show up in Manafort's or Cohen's money laundering trial .......

Speaking of Corruption, Mueller's FBI is arguing in court that The Government should have the right to review all of Cohen's raided documents and information and They should be allowed to determine what is covered under attorney client privilege, NOT an Independent Party. And just like Mueller did in THE MANAFORT RAID, they Confiscated Materials that were not covered in The Warrant. In other words, not even The Law or Constitution can stop Bob Murdering Mueller. Whitey Bulger agrees.

The warrant itself is "extra constitutional" and after getting that granted, they are now trying to wipe their ass with The Constitution again and rig the game in their favor.

How very Clintonesque of them.
Once you purge The Government of a significant amount of Clinton and Obama Political Mobsters, then we might actually get to serve Clinton The Justice she has been long overdue for.

Any day now :)

Very you know what is even funnier? Hillary is as hated as a person can be....she will never be president...she will always be thought of as a criminal and a felon...she is in a bar less prison of her own making...

and as a bonus she has shown level headed Americans of just how corrupt the DNC and her are....

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