More Clinton Corruption: Why Graft, Bribery and Pay to Play are The Norm in DC

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Everyone knew Clinton was corrupt. Even people voting for her. They voted for her out of selfish interests. Government Employees, Public Servants, People Sapping our Social Safety Net, and Liberal Professors who's salaries are supplemented by taxpayers make up the typical Clinton voter.

There was a reason The Establishment wanted Clinton, and why Russia tried to help The Clinton Campaign by producing the play book for a Smear Campaign against Donald Trump in the form of The Dirty Dossier.

One clear example of why they were "With Her" is simply and unfortunately a normal day of business in the DC Swamp. You can read the full story at the link below.

3 charged-- including exec with past ties to Clintons-- in alleged scheme to defraud Pentagon billions, DOJ says

Three Northern Virginia men --including one who reportedly celebrated New Year's Eve in 1999 with the Clintons-- were charged last week for their alleged roles in a scheme to defraud the Pentagon after receiving an $8 billion contract in 2012 to provide food and supplies to troops in Afghanistan, the Department of Justice announced.

Federal prosecutors said the three—all executives connected to Anham FZCO, a defense contractor based in the United Arab Emirates--- knowingly gave false estimates of completion dates for a warehouse intended to provide supplies for troops in Afghanistan in order to win contracts. They allegedly provided "misleading photographs" to show that the project was further along than it was.

"Specifically, the indictment alleges that, in February of 2012, the defendants and others caused Anham employees to transport construction equipment and materials to the proposed site of one of the warehouse complexes to create the false appearance of an active construction site," a Department of Justice statement read.

The company won the contract in 2011 to build warehouses at Bagram Air Field, but as the deadline approached, prosecutors said one warehouse was a concrete slab in the ground, and construction did not yet start on the second one, Stars and Stripes reported.

Abdul Huda Farouki, 75, the former Anham CEO; his brother Mazen Farouki, 73; and Salah Maarouf, 71, pleaded not guilty on Thursday to eight counts each of fraud and violating sanctions against Iran, according to an indictment unsealed Thursday. The men were charged in Washington, D.C.

Abdul Huda Farouki and his wife were Washington socialites and donated to the Clinton family charity, The Wall Street Journal reported. The Washington Post reported that the former CEO celebrated New Year's Eve with the Clintons in 1999 and was invited to a state dinner. The report pointed to a Bloomberg article that cited a government audit that found that Anham overbilled the Pentagon $4.4 million.

They are the norm because the voters do not hold anyone accountable.

Both parties know their faithful will vote for them no matter that they do

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A fine 6-degrees-of-Hillary-Clinton story. You know, just like 6-degrees-of-Kevin-Bacon. Any person within 6-degrees of the Clintons is defined as a Clinton lackey.

But then, it's the best the Clinton-haters can do, given how clean the Clintons are. They have to deflect from Trump somehow, given the festering corruption of nearly every human in the Trump admin.
A fine 6-degrees-of-Hillary-Clinton story. You know, just like 6-degrees-of-Kevin-Bacon. Any person within 6-degrees of the Clintons is defined as a Clinton lackey.

But then, it's the best the Clinton-haters can do, given how clean the Clintons are. They have to deflect from Trump somehow, given the festering corruption of nearly every human in the Trump admin.
Try more like 1 degree. Same with The Podesta Group and every other Criminal in her Cabal Comey gave Immunity to.

Come on man, even the Pakistani Hackers she hired to commit crimes, had criminal records, and she and Schultz still kept them on the payroll despite knowing this and despite them being under investigation for stealing data from the Congressional Files store.

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