More car racing weirdness

Gabby is quite astute - she described the majority of NASCAR viewers pretty closely. :D

NASCAR comes from and old native american word which means 'go fast, and turn left'.


Here's what a 'real' race car should look like :D


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-=d=- said:
Gabby is quite astute - she described the majority of NASCAR viewers pretty closely. :D

NASCAR comes from and old native american word which means 'go fast, and turn left'.


Here's what a 'real' race car should look like :D

Drag racing... gimme a break. My orgasms last longer than that!
gop_jeff said:
Drag racing... gimme a break. My orgasms last longer than that!

That's not a drag race car, Jeff...that's a Le Mans in 24hrs...if your orgasms last THAT long, you're a lucky, and tired man.
Gabriella84 said:
I wouldn't qualify to be a car racing fan.
I still have all my teeth, don't own an old hound dog, have never lived in a trailer and have never equipped a pick up truck with gun racks and a hitch for the bass boat.

So, basically you are saying that people who have teeth and don't buy bass boats are not smart enough to appreciate the strategy of a NASCAR race. Interesting that you would admit to such a deficit so openly.


Personally I have all my teeth, own a sighthound (Whippet), never lived in a trailer, never equipped a truck with a gun rack and have no bass boat but can still enjoy a car race if there is enough action.

My friends in the UK tell me that Cricket sucks bags of excrement, even while playing it let alone watching it, and that football is the way to go.
There is no "strategy" to car racing. It all "go fast, turn left, keep going fast" for several hundred miles.
If you win, you get to open a bottle of Bud and kiss your sister.
Yer a real fucking bitch, ya know?

I just had to say that. Sorry, Mods.
Shattered said:
Yer a real fucking bitch, ya know?

I just had to say that. Sorry, Mods.

So why apologize? Even my fiance knows I am a real fucking bitch. He prefers it that way. :dev2:
Gabriella84 said:
There is no "strategy" to car racing. It all "go fast, turn left, keep going fast" for several hundred miles.
If you win, you get to open a bottle of Bud and kiss your sister.

You obviously don't watch enough NASCAR.
I watch as much car racing as I do wrestling. Both are probably much more entertaining when you are extremely intoxicated.
Gabriella84 said:
There is no "strategy" to car racing. It all "go fast, turn left, keep going fast" for several hundred miles.
If you win, you get to open a bottle of Bud and kiss your sister.

The winner drinks from a fresh bottle of milk...and gets to kiss the Nascar Queen...usually a pagent winner and pretty damn for strategy well there is quite a bit is more of a technical race nowdays...empahasis on the mechanics and power ratio....That being said I am not a regular watcher of Nascar...however I did get to compare my talents as a Southern Calif Guy..who raced 1/4 mile modifieds during my youth...well while attending the FED Law Enf Center at Glynco Ga,1981 the high speed pursuit course was staffed by instructors from Nascar...I stayed with the instructors in all high speed pursuit runs...they were amazed that a Southern Calif Drag racer could master the pursuit techniques...well like I told them...I really got my experience off the for pinks off of Van Nuys blvd era late 1960' did they getting their real time experience running Rum in the little girl what are you going to talk about as it relates to experience when you grow up? :suck: <<< this maybe?
-=d=- said:
Gabby is right on target Touring Car races, or F1, etc...Oval tracks are for people who get confused by turns.


This must be a outake from a commercial...(L) turns for people who race Nascar and are confused...Grand Prix is a good race to watch...however not all the race can be viewed at the same time unless one is on the "boob tube"

If ya want to hit on G84 do it on the pm..... :rolleyes:
archangel said:
This must be a outake from a commercial...(L) turns for people who race Nascar and are confused...Grand Prix is a good race to watch...however not all the race can be viewed at the same time unless one is on the "boob tube"

If ya want to hit on G84 do it on the pm..... :rolleyes:

Since when is agreeing with someone equivalent to hitting on them?
gop_jeff said:
Since when is agreeing with someone equivalent to hitting on them?

I made the comment in jest...did ya fail jest 101?...never mind regs lacked the sense of humor to really lead...just a little more humor...don't pannick Lt!
Gabriella84 said:
There is no "strategy" to car racing. It all "go fast, turn left, keep going fast" for several hundred miles.
If you win, you get to open a bottle of Bud and kiss your sister.

This is just positive evidence that you simply don't understand the sport at all. Not even one iota. There is far more to the sport than "keep going fast". Proving your ignorance with your own statements as you attempt to marginalize others with silly stereotypical remarks seems to be a Democrat standard on this particular board, you'll fit right in with the rest of them! :thup:

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