More Benefits From Our Second Amendment


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Boy 2 critical after shooting himself in head

it is a misdemeanor in Delaware to intentionally or recklessly store or leave a loaded firearm where it may be accessed by a child under 18 if a child obtains the firearm and causes serious injury or death. It also is a misdemeanor for a parent or guardian to knowingly, intentionally or with criminal negligence allow a child under 18 to purchase or possess a firearm.
The misdemeanor is punishable by up to 1 year in prison and a fine of up to $2,300, according to the state Attorney General's Office.
Boy 2 critical after shooting himself in head

it is a misdemeanor in Delaware to intentionally or recklessly store or leave a loaded firearm where it may be accessed by a child under 18 if a child obtains the firearm and causes serious injury or death. It also is a misdemeanor for a parent or guardian to knowingly, intentionally or with criminal negligence allow a child under 18 to purchase or possess a firearm.
The misdemeanor is punishable by up to 1 year in prison and a fine of up to $2,300, according to the state Attorney General's Office.

So the law in question prevented this from happening, right?
Boy 2 critical after shooting himself in head

it is a misdemeanor in Delaware to intentionally or recklessly store or leave a loaded firearm where it may be accessed by a child under 18 if a child obtains the firearm and causes serious injury or death. It also is a misdemeanor for a parent or guardian to knowingly, intentionally or with criminal negligence allow a child under 18 to purchase or possess a firearm.
The misdemeanor is punishable by up to 1 year in prison and a fine of up to $2,300, according to the state Attorney General's Office.
The second part is Unconstitutional as the Militia is 17 to 45. If a 17 year old can not own a firearm how will he be armed if the Unorganized militia is called up?
Boy 2 critical after shooting himself in head

it is a misdemeanor in Delaware to intentionally or recklessly store or leave a loaded firearm where it may be accessed by a child under 18 if a child obtains the firearm and causes serious injury or death. It also is a misdemeanor for a parent or guardian to knowingly, intentionally or with criminal negligence allow a child under 18 to purchase or possess a firearm.
The misdemeanor is punishable by up to 1 year in prison and a fine of up to $2,300, according to the state Attorney General's Office.
You just came in your pants when you read that story, didnt you, you fucking low life piece of shit.
Boy 2 critical after shooting himself in head

it is a misdemeanor in Delaware to intentionally or recklessly store or leave a loaded firearm where it may be accessed by a child under 18 if a child obtains the firearm and causes serious injury or death. It also is a misdemeanor for a parent or guardian to knowingly, intentionally or with criminal negligence allow a child under 18 to purchase or possess a firearm.
The misdemeanor is punishable by up to 1 year in prison and a fine of up to $2,300, according to the state Attorney General's Office.

LOL rw.....MORE laws, right?
An idiot that doesn't follow simple gun safety isn't a compelling enough reason to craft more laws or limit the rights of lawfully citizens.
Alcohol kills, maims, and injures far more people, its a root cause of domestic violence, it drives up the cost of healthcare, but you don't hear puke libs demanding a ban on alcohol do you. That tells you they don't give a shit about people, they just use human tragedies to further their puke socialist agendas. Here's an idea, America hating puke socialist scum liberals shut it!
Boy 2 critical after shooting himself in head

it is a misdemeanor in Delaware to intentionally or recklessly store or leave a loaded firearm where it may be accessed by a child under 18 if a child obtains the firearm and causes serious injury or death. It also is a misdemeanor for a parent or guardian to knowingly, intentionally or with criminal negligence allow a child under 18 to purchase or possess a firearm.
The misdemeanor is punishable by up to 1 year in prison and a fine of up to $2,300, according to the state Attorney General's Office.

So the law in question prevented this from happening, right?

had there been a "no gun zone" sign in the home, this would have never have happened.
Alcohol kills, maims, and injures far more people, its a root cause of domestic violence, it drives up the cost of healthcare, but you don't hear puke libs demanding a ban on alcohol do you. That tells you they don't give a shit about people, they just use human tragedies to further their puke socialist agendas. Here's an idea, America hating puke socialist scum liberals shut it!

preach it Brother!!!
It's common sense not leave a gun within reach of a 2 year old. I don't see where any additional laws would have prevented this incident.
Well, yes, in many states there are some laws needed, and that need to be enforced. You leave a gun where it can be had by a child, if that child kills somebody with that gun, you are up for 2nd degree murder.
Well, yes, in many states there are some laws needed, and that need to be enforced. You leave a gun where it can be had by a child, if that child kills somebody with that gun, you are up for 2nd degree murder.
Disagree. Or shall we now charge people for murder if a child steals their car and kills someone?
It is a small price to pay for a strong second amendment

An occasional child now and then is a small price to pay for our liberty
To paraphrase a democrat politician "never let a tragedy go to waste". Left wingers actually drool over stuff like this.


With 300 million guns in circulation, of course an occasional gun will end up in the hands of a child
What ya gunna do about it? We got a second amendment!
Look....This is the United States
We value our guns more than we value our children

If you want to do something about a two year old getting shot, move to a country that cares

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