*More Attacks On Catholics: From Chip Makers*

*Is World In General After The Catholics?*

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Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

**************FROM THE DESK OF CWN************
1. Doritoes, want to put down Catholics.
2. I think this reflects what a whole helluva lot of people think.
3. Be it other religions, or commercial companies, run by atheists.
4. They all want a piece of the Catholics.
5. Anyone ever wonder why that is?
6. I will tell you why, after a commercial break.

7. Read all about it here:Ad playing Doritos for Eucharist yanked from Super Bowl contest - Faith & Reason

"But the body and blood of Christ are no joke to Catholics who believe they are in Communion with their God when they accept the Eucharist and the wine during Mass.

Feed your Flock begins with a Catholic priest at his desk surrounded by bills for the parish, which clearly needs more income in the collection plate (why else show the stack of bills?).

Since it's his job to offer spiritual food to the flock, he takes it to another level (the pits, I'd say). The video shows the faithful lining up for Communion and getting Doritos (in two flavors, no less) instead of the Eucharist, the sacramental bread which Catholics believe is the body of Christ. And, you guessed it, the sacramental wine, considered to be the blood of Christ, is dished out as Pepsi MAX."

8. All this and a free *Bag ~ O ~ Chips*, to whoever can answer why this is!

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Ohio State President slams Catholics

Friday, May 31, 2013 at 3:51 PM EDT

The President of Ohio State University Gordon Gee is in some hot water after making what he called a bad joke. His insult was directed at Notre Dame and many think he crossed the line. Glenn had the story on radio this morning.

Glenn explained that Gee said Notre Dame was never invited to join the Big Ten conference because the their priests are not good partners. He joked that “you just can’t trust those damn Catholics”.

“The fathers are holy on Sunday, and they’re holy hell on the rest of the week,” Gee said during a meeting with students and staff.

“You just can’t trust those damn Catholics on a Thursday or a Friday, and so, literally, I can say that,” he said.


Ohio State President slams Catholics ? Glenn Beck
All this shows is how deeply imbedded in popular culture Catholicism is. Should this really be a surprise in America?
Well, that and more proof that nobody has control over more than one attitude, and if a Monkey gets his / her panties in a twist because another Monkey doesn't take his / her God seriously, it's the problem of the Monkey with the God.

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