More and more doctors refusing medicade...


VIP Member
Oct 3, 2009
I'm glad this is happenning in this country. For years doctors had to put up with a bad system where they were not paid their worth by the government so more and more are simply no longer accepting medicare patients. I hope this is a trend that keeps going and perhaps people who are against this can also stop seeing doctors who still want to see medicare patients.

Eventually enough economic pressure will be put on the system that it will simply vanish. Its the best way to take down the system...
I'm glad this is happenning in this country. For years doctors had to put up with a bad system where they were not paid their worth by the government so more and more are simply no longer accepting medicare patients. I hope this is a trend that keeps going and perhaps people who are against this can also stop seeing doctors who still want to see medicare patients.

Eventually enough economic pressure will be put on the system that it will simply vanish. Its the best way to take down the system...

And what are you going to put in place of Medicaid, troll?
I'm glad this is happenning in this country. For years doctors had to put up with a bad system where they were not paid their worth by the government so more and more are simply no longer accepting medicare patients. I hope this is a trend that keeps going and perhaps people who are against this can also stop seeing doctors who still want to see medicare patients.

Eventually enough economic pressure will be put on the system that it will simply vanish. Its the best way to take down the system...

And what are you going to put in place of Medicaid, troll?

I've heard rumors about .. Death Panels....but under a more politically correct name..
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Uh-huh we can also import more witch-doctors. I hear voodoo is very cost effective.

Dead chickens that are shook in the face and other body regions of the ill cost alot. Have you priced a dead chicken lately?
I'm glad this is happenning in this country. For years doctors had to put up with a bad system where they were not paid their worth by the government so more and more are simply no longer accepting medicare patients. I hope this is a trend that keeps going and perhaps people who are against this can also stop seeing doctors who still want to see medicare patients.

Eventually enough economic pressure will be put on the system that it will simply vanish. Its the best way to take down the system...

Why do you hate Americans who are retired old and invalid?
I'm glad this is happenning in this country. For years doctors had to put up with a bad system where they were not paid their worth by the government so more and more are simply no longer accepting medicare patients. I hope this is a trend that keeps going and perhaps people who are against this can also stop seeing doctors who still want to see medicare patients.

Eventually enough economic pressure will be put on the system that it will simply vanish. Its the best way to take down the system...


The system that is being taken down is the for profit healthcare system that costs TWICE as much per capita as every other industrialized nation in the world.
I'm glad this is happenning in this country. For years doctors had to put up with a bad system where they were not paid their worth by the government so more and more are simply no longer accepting medicare patients. I hope this is a trend that keeps going and perhaps people who are against this can also stop seeing doctors who still want to see medicare patients.

Eventually enough economic pressure will be put on the system that it will simply vanish. Its the best way to take down the system...

there are LOTS of overweight and out-of-shape conservatives who spent their entire lives over eating fatty foods, refusing to exercise, smoking cigarettes and drinking way too much alcohol who now RELY on medicare and medicaid for their weekly doctor visits for all those ailments they have from their irresponsible lifestyles.....
More and more are finding the math doesn't work. You get paid less than your time and materials, how long can you provide the care?
A notable portion of the medical industry's income is from Medicare and Medicaid spending along with a few other govt paid for medical sources.

doctors may have to just learn to live with less like most of us are having to do.

Ahh the benefits of globalization.
A notable portion of the medical industry's income is from Medicare and Medicaid spending along with a few other govt paid for medical sources.

doctors may have to just learn to live with less like most of us are having to do.

Ahh the benefits of globalization.

There is a doctor shortage. Therefore, doctors can vie for the most financially advantageous patients first. Medicaid is not in that group. What does globalization have to do with medical care? Trying to sound smart without the benefit of being that way.

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