More Allegations Against Manafort About Illegal Payments

Lefty states repeatedly that Russia tried to rig the election, tried to affect the outcome of the election to undermine America's Trust in President Trump, a man they thought was not going to win, and gave no donations to. They did give $100 Million to Hillary Clinton though....but Lefty asks you to Ignore that, and The Uranium One Deal.

Lefty asserts that Russia has been trying to destabilize our Government. Yet, will never even contemplate that Russia would ever "plant evidence" to accomplish that goal, or make unsupported allegations against a long ago fired member of The Trump team.

Funny how that works.

Russia did not spy on The Trump Team. Russia did not release Trump's tax returns, or transcripts of Flynn's conversation and congratulatory call with a Russian Ambassador. Russia did not release transcripts of President Trump's calls to Mexico, Thailand, or Australia.

Russia did not release details of America's surveillance capabilities.

Obama\Clinton moles in our Intelligence Community did.

Russia is not a threat. Lefty is, and he has committed felonies to prove it.
17 intelligence agencies have CONFIRMED Russia HAS subverted our democracy by them working to get Trump elected.
While you continue to lie and pretend it's not true.
Only an american traitor would take that stance.

You believe posting information about a candidate on the internet subverts our democracy?
You think that's all there is? Lol.
Trump hired Manafort WHILE he worked for Russia. He wants to vet refugees when he can't even vet his cabinet?
This is The Lefty Equivalent of Birtherism, only Birtherism has more legitimacy, because Obama Bin Lying's brother has been asserting Obama was born in Kenya for the past 50 years. I find it hard to believe he would just cavalierly call his mother and brother a liar without cause.

Manafort was fired long before the Election.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz was fired by The DNC for openly rigging primaries for HIllary Clinton, and Hillary Clinton HIRED HER.

Lefty has no issues with that.

Funny how that works.
This non-issue happened 12 years ago. This is truly unmitigated desperation from the diseased mind entities called liberals.

Don't forget while Sec of State, Hitlery made a sweet uranium deal with the Russians for a (huge) donation to the Clinton foundation.

Also the Podedesta Group was paid $170K/month by a Russian bank during the let's investigate all the "K" street lobbyists working for foreign interests and connected to Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.
Still lying about that uranium deal aren't you.

No, Hillary Clinton did not "give Russia 20 percent of the uranium" in the US

Your lying about Hillary isn't going to help your UNDER INVESTIGATION president.
This is The Lefty Equivalent of Birtherism, only Birtherism has more legitimacy, because Obama Bin Lying's brother has been asserting Obama was born in Kenya for the past 50 years. I find it hard to believe he would just cavalierly call his mother and brother a liar without cause.
25 thousand mental health professionals have signed a petition that they see grave signs that Trump is unfit to serve.
The crazy shit you come up with demonstrates you need a psychiatric workup immediately.
This is The Lefty Equivalent of Birtherism, only Birtherism has more legitimacy, because Obama Bin Lying's brother has been asserting Obama was born in Kenya for the past 50 years. I find it hard to believe he would just cavalierly call his mother and brother a liar without cause.

Manafort was fired long before the Election.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz was fired by The DNC for openly rigging primaries for HIllary Clinton, and Hillary Clinton HIRED HER.

Lefty has no issues with that.

Funny how that works.
" Birtherism has more legitimacy " SAYS NO ONE that isn't in a padded room.
Lefty states repeatedly that Russia tried to rig the election, tried to affect the outcome of the election to undermine America's Trust in President Trump, a man they thought was not going to win, and gave no donations to. They did give $100 Million to Hillary Clinton though....but Lefty asks you to Ignore that, and The Uranium One Deal.

Lefty asserts that Russia has been trying to destabilize our Government. Yet, will never even contemplate that Russia would ever "plant evidence" to accomplish that goal, or make unsupported allegations against a long ago fired member of The Trump team.

Funny how that works.

Russia did not spy on The Trump Team. Russia did not release Trump's tax returns, or transcripts of Flynn's conversation and congratulatory call with a Russian Ambassador. Russia did not release transcripts of President Trump's calls to Mexico, Thailand, or Australia.

Russia did not release details of America's surveillance capabilities.

Obama\Clinton moles in our Intelligence Community did.

Russia is not a threat. Lefty is, and he has committed felonies to prove it.
17 intelligence agencies have CONFIRMED Russia HAS subverted our democracy by them working to get Trump elected.
While you continue to lie and pretend it's not true.
Only an american traitor would take that stance.

You believe posting information about a candidate on the internet subverts our democracy?
You think that's all there is? Lol.
Trump hired Manafort WHILE he worked for Russia. He wants to vet refugees when he can't even vet his cabinet?

What? You can only have one job at a time?
Is it illegal to work for someone in Russia?
I thought it was the Ukraine?
to some, The Trump Cartel is above question, and the law.

to me ...

F'em ALL !
To those who like to argue about the Uranium One Deal...

Hillary Clinton received $125 Million Dollars from Russia.

Whether the amount of Uranium Clinton and Obama was sold to Russia, was 1% or 20%, it still represents Clinton & Obama having a far more intricately entrenched and entwined business and political relationship with Russia than Trump could ever dream of having.

And what did Obama get for his cooperation?
A $64 Million dollar book deal from a Publisher that has Russian ties.

Now Chew on that.
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To those who like to argue about the Uranium One Deal...

Hillary Clinton received $125 Million Dollars from Russia.

Whether the amount of Uranium Clinton and Obama was sold to Russia, was 1% or 20%, it still represents Clinton & Obama having a far more intricately entrenched and entwined business and political relationship with Russia than Trump could ever dream of having.

And what did Obama get for his cooperation?
A $64 Million dollar book deal from a Publisher that has Russian ties.

Now Chew on that.

For one, the United States doesn’t actually produce all that much uranium (about 2 percent in 2015) and is actually a net importer of the chemical, according to Jeffrey Lewis, a nuclear nonproliferation expert at Middlebury Institute and former director at the New America Foundation.

For another, Russia doesn’t have the licenses to export uranium outside the United States, pointed out, "so it’s somewhat disingenuous to say this uranium is now Russia’s, to do with what it pleases." The Kremlin was likely more interested in Uranium One’s assets in Kazakhstan, the world’s largest producer.

Lefty states repeatedly that Russia tried to rig the election, tried to affect the outcome of the election to undermine America's Trust in President Trump, a man they thought was not going to win, and gave no donations to. They did give $100 Million to Hillary Clinton though....but Lefty asks you to Ignore that, and The Uranium One Deal.

Lefty asserts that Russia has been trying to destabilize our Government. Yet, will never even contemplate that Russia would ever "plant evidence" to accomplish that goal, or make unsupported allegations against a long ago fired member of The Trump team.

Funny how that works.

Russia did not spy on The Trump Team. Russia did not release Trump's tax returns, or transcripts of Flynn's conversation and congratulatory call with a Russian Ambassador. Russia did not release transcripts of President Trump's calls to Mexico, Thailand, or Australia.

Russia did not release details of America's surveillance capabilities.

Obama\Clinton moles in our Intelligence Community did.

Russia is not a threat. Lefty is, and he has committed felonies to prove it.
17 intelligence agencies have CONFIRMED Russia HAS subverted our democracy by them working to get Trump elected.
While you continue to lie and pretend it's not true.
Only an american traitor would take that stance.

You believe posting information about a candidate on the internet subverts our democracy?
You think that's all there is? Lol.
Trump hired Manafort WHILE he worked for Russia. He wants to vet refugees when he can't even vet his cabinet?

What? You can only have one job at a time?
Is it illegal to work for someone in Russia?
I thought it was the Ukraine?
It is illegal to work with a foreign power while they're trying to subvert our democracy.
But since you belong to the same Traitors R Us club we know it's your duty to make excuses for the Putin's Puppet crowd.
To those who like to argue about the Uranium One Deal...

Hillary Clinton received $125 Million Dollars from Russia.

Whether the amount of Uranium Clinton and Obama was sold to Russia, was 1% or 20%, it still represents Clinton & Obama having a far more intricately entrenched and entwined business and political relationship with Russia than Trump could ever dream of having.

And what did Obama get for his cooperation?
A $64 Million dollar book deal from a Publisher that has Russian ties.

Now Chew on that.

For one, the United States doesn’t actually produce all that much uranium (about 2 percent in 2015) and is actually a net importer of the chemical, according to Jeffrey Lewis, a nuclear nonproliferation expert at Middlebury Institute and former director at the New America Foundation.

For another, Russia doesn’t have the licenses to export uranium outside the United States, pointed out, "so it’s somewhat disingenuous to say this uranium is now Russia’s, to do with what it pleases." The Kremlin was likely more interested in Uranium One’s assets in Kazakhstan, the world’s largest producer.


None of what you posted is even relevant.

However Obama and Clinton getting $209 Million Dollars from Russia between them for their playing nice with Russia and forking over control of our Uranium to them does.

Hillary Clinton and The DNC has tried so desperately to tie Russia to Trump that they forgot their own damning ties to them. They even went so far as to put Trump's Campaign Team under 24-7 Surveillance for the past 8 months resulting in ZERO evidence of anything.

And when that didn't work, they claimed The Russians Hacked The DNC server, but refused to let one Intelligence Agency look at it.

And when that didn't work, The DNC and The Clinton Campaign paid Hillary's privately hired team of hackers to hack a Russian Bank Server, and a Trump Tower server to plant a Beacon to Ping each other.

They could have been more imaginative than that. But a damn Ping, and nothing else? Why didn't they set up phony accounts, make transactions, and plant something more convincing?

Well because that would point the finger back at them. A simple Ping between two servers is nothing but setting up a light house to simply arouse suspicion and draw attention to itself, and no one doing any shady dealings with a Russian Bank would ever want to draw attention to itself over a PING that had no other function than to act like a lighthouse to draw attention to itself.

I actually feel sorry for you slobs, because you are clueless as to how deep the rabbit hole goes and how deep the corruption is rooted. You are rubes, useful idiots and pawns, and you do NO RESEARCH and you walk through life, blind, dumb and deaf, because ignorance is bliss to you.

To those who like to argue about the Uranium One Deal...

Hillary Clinton received $125 Million Dollars from Russia.

Whether the amount of Uranium Clinton and Obama was sold to Russia, was 1% or 20%, it still represents Clinton & Obama having a far more intricately entrenched and entwined business and political relationship with Russia than Trump could ever dream of having.

And what did Obama get for his cooperation?
A $64 Million dollar book deal from a Publisher that has Russian ties.

Now Chew on that.
If Treeman didn't lie, he'd have nothing to talk about.
No, Hillary Clinton did not "give Russia 20 percent of the uranium" in the US
This Trump/ Russia Connection just never stops.
This administration will end up having more indictments & convictions than the Reagan one which had the most ever.

A Ukrainian lawmaker today said he has fresh proof that Paul Manafort, who went on to be a campaign manager for Donald Trump, received illegal, off-the-books payments from Ukraine’s pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych before he was toppled.

The announcement, coming a day after the FBIconfirmed it is investigating possible links between Trump’s presidential campaign and alleged Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election, revives a saga that has drawn intense scrutiny of Manafort's possible connections with Moscow through Ukraine — which appeared to force his resignation from the Trump campaign in the summer.

Ex-Trump campaign manager faces new allegations from Ukraine over 'black ledger' payments
Monafort hasn't been on the Trump campaign for over 8 months, moron.

You snowflakes are so desperate it's comical.

8 months? :badgrin: Too late? :lol:

"To late" for what?
Hillary Clinton received $125 Million Dollars from Russia.

Here is 23 years of Clinton tax returns:

Tax History Project -- Presidential Tax Returns

Show $125 million from Russia.

While you are busy with that I will show you Clinton opposing Putin regime and smashing Russian economy with sanctions. I will also show you Trump's bromance with Putin, while stuffing his cabinet with Kremlin approved staff.

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To those who like to argue about the Uranium One Deal...

Hillary Clinton received $125 Million Dollars from Russia.

Whether the amount of Uranium Clinton and Obama was sold to Russia, was 1% or 20%, it still represents Clinton & Obama having a far more intricately entrenched and entwined business and political relationship with Russia than Trump could ever dream of having.

And what did Obama get for his cooperation?
A $64 Million dollar book deal from a Publisher that has Russian ties.

Now Chew on that.

For one, the United States doesn’t actually produce all that much uranium (about 2 percent in 2015) and is actually a net importer of the chemical, according to Jeffrey Lewis, a nuclear nonproliferation expert at Middlebury Institute and former director at the New America Foundation.

For another, Russia doesn’t have the licenses to export uranium outside the United States, pointed out, "so it’s somewhat disingenuous to say this uranium is now Russia’s, to do with what it pleases." The Kremlin was likely more interested in Uranium One’s assets in Kazakhstan, the world’s largest producer.


None of what you posted is even relevant.

However Obama and Clinton getting $209 Million Dollars from Russia between them for their playing nice with Russia and forking over control of our Uranium to them does.

Hillary Clinton and The DNC has tried so desperately to tie Russia to Trump that they forgot their own damning ties to them. They even went so far as to put Trump's Campaign Team under 24-7 Surveillance for the past 8 months resulting in ZERO evidence of anything.

And when that didn't work, they claimed The Russians Hacked The DNC server, but refused to let one Intelligence Agency look at it.

And when that didn't work, The DNC and The Clinton Campaign paid Hillary's privately hired team of hackers to hack a Russian Bank Server, and a Trump Tower server to plant a Beacon to Ping each other.

They could have been more imaginative than that. But a damn Ping, and nothing else? Why didn't they set up phony accounts, make transactions, and plant something more convincing?

Well because that would point the finger back at them. A simple Ping between two servers is nothing but setting up a light house to simply arouse suspicion and draw attention to itself, and no one doing any shady dealings with a Russian Bank would ever want to draw attention to itself over a PING that had no other function than to act like a lighthouse to draw attention to itself.

I actually feel sorry for you slobs, because you are clueless as to how deep the rabbit hole goes and how deep the corruption is rooted. You are rubes, useful idiots and pawns, and you do NO RESEARCH and you walk through life, blind, dumb and deaf, because ignorance is bliss to you.


not relevant? what planet are you on?

YOU posted uranium horseshit, I totally debunked it with facts ... your baseless inane insults are a byproduct of your partisan ignorance ...

RussianWingers like you are sad little creatures. Have a nice day.
The Clinton Foundation Money Laundering Charity received the $125 Million.
Same with the $100 Million the Saudis gave her.

Funny how after she lost all of those huge donations disappeared. In fact, The Clinton Foundation is about to collapse now.

How does that happen? A Billion Dollar Charity getting around $250 to $500 Million a year now suddenly falling apart after Hillary Clinton lost a dumb election?
The Clinton Foundation Money Laundering Charity received the $125 Million?

Yes yes, first it was Clinton personally, now it's laundering in Foundation. From one conspiracy theory to another within minuets. You are doing great.
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This Trump/ Russia Connection just never stops.
This administration will end up having more indictments & convictions than the Reagan one which had the most ever.

A Ukrainian lawmaker today said he has fresh proof that Paul Manafort, who went on to be a campaign manager for Donald Trump, received illegal, off-the-books payments from Ukraine’s pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych before he was toppled.

The announcement, coming a day after the FBIconfirmed it is investigating possible links between Trump’s presidential campaign and alleged Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election, revives a saga that has drawn intense scrutiny of Manafort's possible connections with Moscow through Ukraine — which appeared to force his resignation from the Trump campaign in the summer.

Ex-Trump campaign manager faces new allegations from Ukraine over 'black ledger' payments
Monafort hasn't been on the Trump campaign for over 8 months, moron.

You snowflakes are so desperate it's comical.

8 months? :badgrin: Too late? :lol:

"To late" for what?

Thats what I'm asking. You said it was 8 months ago like its Produce. What was the purpose of stating how long ago it was?
This Trump/ Russia Connection just never stops.
This administration will end up having more indictments & convictions than the Reagan one which had the most ever.

A Ukrainian lawmaker today said he has fresh proof that Paul Manafort, who went on to be a campaign manager for Donald Trump, received illegal, off-the-books payments from Ukraine’s pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych before he was toppled.

The announcement, coming a day after the FBIconfirmed it is investigating possible links between Trump’s presidential campaign and alleged Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election, revives a saga that has drawn intense scrutiny of Manafort's possible connections with Moscow through Ukraine — which appeared to force his resignation from the Trump campaign in the summer.

Ex-Trump campaign manager faces new allegations from Ukraine over 'black ledger' payments
Monafort hasn't been on the Trump campaign for over 8 months, moron.

You snowflakes are so desperate it's comical.

Oh. So you think there's a statute of limitations?

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This non-issue happened 12 years ago. This is truly unmitigated desperation from the diseased mind entities called liberals.

Don't forget while Sec of State, Hitlery made a sweet uranium deal with the Russians for a (huge) donation to the Clinton foundation.

Also the Podedesta Group was paid $170K/month by a Russian bank during the let's investigate all the "K" street lobbyists working for foreign interests and connected to Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

But not the K Street lobbyists in trumperys swamp, right?

Don't pretend you don't know trumpery is nothing BUT foreign interests and foreign jobs.

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