Monster traffic jams expected in southern Calif during Obama visit May 7-9


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
The President is coming to southern California this week, and most of the cities involved can pretty much expect to come to a stop while he's here.

No one begrudges him the security he needs, there are enough insane whackos around to make it necessary. His job is to do the business of the nation, and if huge traffic jams result, them's the breaks.

The business for which much of southern Calif will be jammed to a stop this time?

Three fundraisers for the Democrat party.

First stop is a fundraiser in Bel Air, where various Democrat fat cats will come with open wallets. Then a speech in the Beverly Hills Hilton. Then down to a fundraiser in La Jolla, a few miles from me in San Diego. $32K per ticket. I guess my invitation must have been lost in the mail. An evening's rest after doing all that hard work for the nation, then back to DC, I assume.

The traffic will be miserable, for days on end. But the nation needs its President, what with our foreign policy in tatters, Obama preparing for his cooperation with Congress, the IRS cracking down on Republicans who dare oppose, Americans dropping out of the work force in numbers not seen since, well, ever, and citizens being kicked off their health insurance by the millions. At least we can be sure Mr. Obama is taking care of all that. And so we'll bear the monster traffic jams, knowing it's all for a good cause for the United States of America.


?Obama Jam? ? Los Angeles bracing for ?EXTREME? congestion as Obama motorcade arrives during rush hour » The Right Scoop -

“Obama Jam” – Los Angeles bracing for “EXTREME” congestion as Obama motorcade arrives during rush hour

Posted on May 7, 2014 at 11:02 AM in Politics | 12 Comments

By The Right Scoop

The west side of Los Angeles, known for having traffic problems, is bracing for what they say will be “extreme” traffic congestion as Obama and his presidential motorcade arrives during the afternoon rush hour.
The President is coming to southern California this week, and most of the cities involved can pretty much expect to come to a stop while he's here.

No one begrudges him the security he needs, there are enough insane whackos around to make it necessary. His job is to do the business of the nation, and if huge traffic jams result, them's the breaks.

The business for which much of southern Calif will be jammed to a stop this time?

Three fundraisers for the Democrat party.

First stop is a fundraiser in Bel Air, where various Democrat fat cats will come with open wallets. Then a speech in the Beverly Hills Hilton. Then down to a fundraiser in La Jolla, a few miles from me in San Diego. $32K per ticket. I guess my invitation must have been lost in the mail. An evening's rest after doing all that hard work for the nation, then back to DC, I assume.

The traffic will be miserable, for days on end. But the nation needs its President, what with our foreign policy in tatters, Obama preparing for his cooperation with Congress, the IRS cracking down on Republicans who dare oppose, Americans dropping out of the work force in numbers not seen since, well, ever, and citizens being kicked off their health insurance by the millions. At least we can be sure Mr. Obama is taking care of all that. And so we'll bear the monster traffic jams, knowing it's all for a good cause for the United States of America.


?Obama Jam? ? Los Angeles bracing for ?EXTREME? congestion as Obama motorcade arrives during rush hour » The Right Scoop -

“Obama Jam” – Los Angeles bracing for “EXTREME” congestion as Obama motorcade arrives during rush hour

Posted on May 7, 2014 at 11:02 AM in Politics | 12 Comments

By The Right Scoop

The west side of Los Angeles, known for having traffic problems, is bracing for what they say will be “extreme” traffic congestion as Obama and his presidential motorcade arrives during the afternoon rush hour.

I'll be in Santa Ana on Saturday. Not my concern. :D
The traffic will be miserable, for days on end. But the nation needs its President, what with our foreign policy in tatters, Obama preparing for his cooperation with Congress, the IRS cracking down on Republicans who dare oppose, Americans dropping out of the work force in numbers not seen since, well, ever, and citizens being kicked off their health insurance by the millions. At least we can be sure Mr. Obama is taking care of all that.
OMG, that someone could even write that.

Yes, the country needs a president. A real one. Not this one. <puke>
The traffic will be miserable, for days on end. But the nation needs its President, what with our foreign policy in tatters, Obama preparing for his cooperation with Congress, the IRS cracking down on Republicans who dare oppose, Americans dropping out of the work force in numbers not seen since, well, ever, and citizens being kicked off their health insurance by the millions. At least we can be sure Mr. Obama is taking care of all that.
OMG, that someone could even write that.

Yes, the country needs a president. A real one. Not this one. <puke>

Why do you say that? Remember how bush left the country in shambles? The country was almost in free fall. Second time in less than a hundred years that democrats had to clean up the republican's mess. First time was when FDR had make things right.
I guess we are supposed to conclude from the OP that we should have elected Romney. He's so rich, he would not have to go on fundraiser trips.

The traffic will be miserable, for days on end. But the nation needs its President, what with our foreign policy in tatters, Obama preparing for his cooperation with Congress, the IRS cracking down on Republicans who dare oppose, Americans dropping out of the work force in numbers not seen since, well, ever, and citizens being kicked off their health insurance by the millions. At least we can be sure Mr. Obama is taking care of all that.
OMG, that someone could even write that.

Yes, the country needs a president. A real one. Not this one. <puke>

When will you run for president and show us how it is done????
Let's enjoy some of the comments from the OP's article, shall we?

"Humanitarian" award, WHAT??? Wow, why don't they give him an Oscar, too!

If any place deserves a traffic jam along with Pinocchio it's Los Angeles . pelosi must be all wet over this

Chester Simms
I am surprised that people will not be required to get out of their cars and genuflect.

The Imperial One travels to his Land of Oz. Traffic will part just like the seas whenever he meanders his way through his loyal subjects... Just remember this you Lib fools, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Elections have consequences as you like to tell us. We hope that you're late for work. Oh don't work. Never mind.

John Queue
Meanwhile, Rome burns...

?Obama Jam? ? Los Angeles bracing for ?EXTREME? congestion as Obama motorcade arrives during rush hour » The Right Scoop -

Stop talking about him in god-like terms, lefties. He's not god.
Obama is the first President EVAH to take fundraising trips, doncha know.
The traffic will be miserable, for days on end. But the nation needs its President, what with our foreign policy in tatters, Obama preparing for his cooperation with Congress, the IRS cracking down on Republicans who dare oppose, Americans dropping out of the work force in numbers not seen since, well, ever, and citizens being kicked off their health insurance by the millions. At least we can be sure Mr. Obama is taking care of all that.
OMG, that someone could even write that.

Yes, the country needs a president. A real one. Not this one. <puke>

Why do you say that? Remember how bush left the country in shambles? The country was almost in free fall. Second time in less than a hundred years that democrats had to clean up the republican's mess. First time was when FDR had make things right.
Obama's policies have locked in this recession. Obamacare is a job-killer, people are massively un or under employed. Meanwhile his legion of bureaucrat lawyers are writing mountains of regulations to lock down his big govt control over every aspect of our lives. Do the research. It's not raining.
Let's enjoy some of the comments from the OP's article, shall we?

"Humanitarian" award, WHAT??? Wow, why don't they give him an Oscar, too!

If any place deserves a traffic jam along with Pinocchio it's Los Angeles . pelosi must be all wet over this

The Imperial One travels to his Land of Oz. Traffic will part just like the seas whenever he meanders his way through his loyal subjects... Just remember this you Lib fools, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Elections have consequences as you like to tell us. We hope that you're late for work. Oh don't work. Never mind.

John Queue
Meanwhile, Rome burns...

?Obama Jam? ? Los Angeles bracing for ?EXTREME? congestion as Obama motorcade arrives during rush hour » The Right Scoop -

Stop talking about him in god-like terms, lefties. He's not god.

I never have, same with Jebus...
And now a blast from the past. 2008: Bush&#8217;s CA Trip: Fundraiser Express?

The President&#8217;s trip to Northern California today, according to the official schedules, included all of two hours dealing with the millions of dollars of wildfire damage in the nation&#8217;s most populous state.

But George W. Bush will apparently spend just about the same amount of quality time on other very important business &#8212; raising money for the Republican National Committee.

Between arriving in Fairfield, getting to and from the toney dinner with the deep-pocketed donors in Napa and getting back to Air Force One, the real business of the trip will be competing heavily for his attention.

The "Obama's policies have locked in this recession. Obamacare is a job-killer, people are massively un or under employed. Meanwhile his legion of bureaucrat lawyers are writing mountains of regulations to lock down his big govt control over every aspect of our lives. Do the research. It's not raining." is TPM nonsense, and the mainstream GOP know it.

We in the GOP will elect mainstream Republicans, not Tea Party goofs.
yeah,. right, ww2 and all those dead and crippled people, "making thing right". eff you. If they'd sent 100 assassins and sabatours, in the 30's, when they SHOULD have, WW2 would never have happened.
The traffic will be miserable, for days on end. But the nation needs its President, what with our foreign policy in tatters, Obama preparing for his cooperation with Congress, the IRS cracking down on Republicans who dare oppose, Americans dropping out of the work force in numbers not seen since, well, ever, and citizens being kicked off their health insurance by the millions. At least we can be sure Mr. Obama is taking care of all that.
OMG, that someone could even write that.

Yes, the country needs a president. A real one. Not this one. <puke>

Why do you say that? Remember how bush left the country in shambles? The country was almost in free fall. Second time in less than a hundred years that democrats had to clean up the republican's mess. First time was when FDR had make things right.

Yewh fdr did a bang up job, he drove unemploymemt higner and slowed the recovery, just like obama has done. But atleast fdr had ww2 tha bailed him out, obama has no war to jump,start the economy his policies have damaged.
A couple of months since he won his 2nd term and he is back on the campaign trail while the freaking Country is falling apart under scandal after scandal and high unemployment.

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