Monica Lewinsky is back baby!!

Would you

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what are the laws of this country on adulthood?

Very sad

even your own daughter would not matter to you

Well that explains the left trying to play down and cover up for all those
OWS rapes

Again, leftist identity politics require that individual rights are superseded by the cause or the goals of the state

What a sad world the left wants us to live in

why do you resort to lies about people and their families

What lies

The rapes happened and you know it

The lie is the Left trying to downplay it for the "greater good"

Leftist identity politics are never good
very sad

even your own daughter would not matter to you

well that explains the left trying to play down and cover up for all those
ows rapes

again, leftist identity politics require that individual rights are superseded by the cause or the goals of the state

what a sad world the left wants us to live in

why do you resort to lies about people and their families

what lies

the rapes happened and you know it

the lie is the left trying to downplay it for the "greater good"

leftist identity politics are never good

who raped whom?
How do you know bill and hill didnt have a open marriage?

On Bill's part, you could not blame him

Open? then he would not have tried to cover it up by committing the crime of perjury

why did anyone deserve to know his consentual dealings?

The same reason he lied is the same reason you will never know If they had an open marriage.

Its none of your damned business and sstay out of peoples bedrooms, it makes you look really creeepy

Under our system of justice, the discovery process is legal and proper when a lawsuit is being investigated. Clinton lied to a federal judge while being questioned about his conduct with Paula Jones.

Lying under oath is grounds for impeachment, and that is what happened.
No lying about your family is intended

We can only assume your non answer is the answer
If you feel otherwise then you are being evasive and disingenuous
In which case, you are letting the cause trump the individual

Rapes at OWS

Why, we have done this all before

So you can belittle each victim or downplay the rape as
not really counting?

Would not it be easier to just post Keith Olbermann's
false claims that rapes never happened?

Dallas 14yr old raped

Dallas Police continue to investigate whether a teenage runaway was sexually assaulted by an adult male at the Occupy Dallas encampment behind City Hall.
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No, it's still perjury even if it had no "bearing" on the case. You really shouldn't try to make legal arguments if you are barely literate.

Actually, on this occasion she's right. Except the term is "material" not "bearing."

perjury legal definition of perjury. perjury synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.

Free Legal Dictionary said:
The common-law crime of perjury is now governed by both state and federal laws. In addition, the Model Penal Code, which has been adopted in some form by many states and promulgated by the Commission on Uniform State Laws, also sets forth the following basic elements for the crime of perjury: (1) a false statement is made under oath or equivalent affirmation during a judicial proceeding; (2) the statement must be material or relevant to the proceeding; and (3) the witness must have the Specific Intent to deceive.

The reason that Clinton's testimony, although false and with the intent to deceive, was not material to the case, was because the judge dismissed the matter on Jones' failure to show that any harm would flow from her allegations even if they were true. As that means the case would be dismissed independent of Clinton's testimony and no matter what he testified, his testimony was not material and therefore not perjury.

It was however judged to be unethical conduct and resulted in his disbarment.

That's all well and good and stuff, but let's be honest here, Susan Weber-Wright was one of Clinton's protege's and appointees, and pretty much bent the rulings like pretzel to get her guy off lightly. All she really did was give Clinton some breathing room. The higher appeal courts overruled her on the basis of the Ellsworth decision, and that's largely why Clinton settled.

I see a pretty clear thing-

Paula doesn't blow Clinton, she is retaliated against on the job.
Monica Blows Clinton, gets a job she doesn't deserve.

Frankly, if that isn't textbook harrassment, I'm not sure what is.

I've seen guys fired from their jobs for a LOT less than what Clinton did.
One of the many phone conversations between her and the Serial Rapist went like this:

Monica: "Bill, are you sleeping with Eleanor Mondale?"
Bubba: "Oh, you know I don't like girls with small breasts!"


Why do you guys call him a serial rapist? You know when you give permission it isn't rape, right?
Plus you look like a moron when you say it.
Sure but that is not the issue

Clinton's crime of perjury
and the

victimization of Lewinsky are issues

Monica Samille Lewinsky was victimized by whom?


One of the many phone conversations between her and the Serial Rapist went like this:

Monica: "Bill, are you sleeping with Eleanor Mondale?"
Bubba: "Oh, you know I don't like girls with small breasts!"


Yes, Bill Clinton was a total creep.

You know what I remember about his economy now?

When I didn't like the job I had, finding one that paid better was really easy!
He also signed the repeal of Glass/Steagall. Go look that up, it made the bankers even more powerful.

It's the reason we're in the mess that we are.
what does it say about some hetrosexual american men that they don't wanna have sex with a woman (as long as they think she's attractive) because of...


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