Monica Crowley may not be

It’s apparent now that after 3 years of crazy and no reality that something more sinister is up
I thought all my conservative breather who shared these kind of ideas were exaggerating or just in error. I think it may be as bad as they have stated. Pelosis husband just walking and this committee horseshit is Proof that they Will Do Anything. Including the dire things suggested by her.
Monica is 100% correct, and actually brave to point out the OBVIOUS in msm.

We were warned back in 1984 (the year) by an ex KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov.
He describes exactly what we're seeing today in society, and how we got here.

How does pointing out the perfectly obvious make you a crackpot?
Because it's a crock of shit. Dems are out to destroy this Country so as to turn it over to people like Trump?

Is there a connspiracy theory that you MAGA nuts don't believe?

Crowley is a hack spewing this garbage because she knows the gullible MAGA mouth breather's will believe it.
Because it's a crock of shit. Dems are out to destroy this Country so as to turn it over to people like Trump?

Is there a connspiracy theory that you MAGA nuts don't believe?

Crowley is a hack spewing this garbage because she knows the gullible MAGA mouth breather's will believe it.
It's not a crock of shit. Dims actually believe the nonsense they peddle, like Green Energy.

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