Mondaire Jones: Manchin ‘Would Rather Preserve Jim Crow’ For Bipartisanship

The freshman congressman ripped into the West Virginia senator’s op-ed, in which he said he would vote against Democrats’ elections reform bill.

Rep. Mondaire Jones (D-N.Y.) responded Sunday to Sen. Joe Manchin, who said he would vote against a timely elections reform bill, describing the West Virginia Democrat as someone who “would rather preserve Jim Crow” under the excuse of bipartisanship.

Speaking to MSNBC’s Ali Velshi, Jones tore into Manchin’s opinion piece published Sunday morning in the Charleston Gazette-Mail, in which the moderate said he wouldn’t vote for his party’s For the People Act because it does not have the support of Republicans.

“I don’t know where to begin. It is, in the first case, intellectually unserious,” Jones said, continuing: “It is also the case that this idea of bipartisanship is not something that should have inherent value when the other side is actively working to dismantle our democracy.”

Manchin deserves to be ripped. He's as much an enemy of democracy as the House and Senate Republicans. I don't know what team he's playing for - but it certainly isn't the democracy team. Does Manchin have a brain tumor, or what?

The Democrat Leadership agrees with Manchin on this, else they would push him on this.

The Filibuster serves the Democrats in several ways.

It provides a bludgeon to assault the Republicans with- allows them to administer blame.

It ensures the loyalty of fellows like Manchin on votes which they know are pointless due to the filibuster- giving the appearance of Democrat Party unity.

The main plank of the Democrat platform is maintaining power, not any particular policy.

Yes, before they switched parties.


There are no Jim Crow laws anymore. Voter I.D. is not Jim Crow.

In fact, they have had voter I.D. in Georgia for a number of years, as an example, and black turnout increased.

Yes, before they switched parties.


There are no Jim Crow laws anymore. Voter I.D. is not Jim Crow.

In fact, they have had voter I.D. in Georgia for a number of years, as an example, and black turnout increased.

The filibuster is a Jim Crow relic.

Here's Why the Filibuster Is a Jim Crow Relic - New York Magazine

Senate filibuster's racist past fuels arguments for its end - AP News

The Senate Filibuster Is a Monument to White Supremacy - The Atlantic

So the “filibuster” is a “Jim Crow” law? It’s not even a law, it’s just a procedure in the Senate. One that Democrats were happy to use when it suits them. Are the black members of the Senate forbidden from doing a filibuster? Nope.

So far, brainwashed functional moron Lakhota has yet to name an actual Jim Crow Law.
Here's how the left twists the truth into a pretzel: First they label a poorly written bill designed to get around legitimate voting rules a "reform bill" and then they label any politician who dares to vote against it "an advocate of Jim Crow". It's cheap shoddy political rhetoric but it works with the ignorant left.
Manchin is a Democrat that is truly moderate and not some sheep that goes along with the party herd. As for the Left Wing that runs the Democrat Party, they’d better act fast to flip a Republican Senator. Manchin has Washington by the balls and sending out young Black Congressional members like Mondaire to pitch the overused and bullshit Jim Crowe cries and lies is not going to cut it.
Go ahead and keep sending out unknowns like Mondaire Jones and the attack dogs in
leftist media to accuse Joe Manchin of Jim Crow allegiance. See what that gets them.

Federalizing state elections is a horrible anti Constitutional idea. Op-Ed: The consequences of federalized elections
You can be sure the left thinks federalizing elections favor them or they wouldn't be pushing it so hard.
A sampling of the dems' bill. Not all of it is horrible, but imo Machin's right.

Every state would be required to provide at least 15 days of early voting. The bill would also require every state to allow voting by mail and mandates online and same-day voter registration. The bill would restore voting rights to felons who have already served their sentences.

The bill would effectively loosen state voter-identification requirements by providing a workaround. If a state requires ID, a voter lacking the proper ID could instead sign a statement attesting to his or her identity.

The bill would mandate drop-off boxes for mail ballots, and would allow voters to designate another person to drop off their mail ballots on their behalf. Democrats say that allowing third parties to transport ballots can help vulnerable voters. Republicans, who often call the practice “ballot harvesting,” say it invites fraud.

The legislation would also create independent panels to draw voting districts in each state to end partisan gerrymandering.
he measure would establish a program to provide federal matching funds for campaign contributions of up to $200 at a 6-to-1 ratio, so that a $200 dollar donation would bring in an additional $1,200. The matching funds would be available only to campaigns that agree to a $1,000 limit for all individual contributions and to limit the use of personal funds to $50,000. Democrats say that the program would open up electoral office to people who tend to be excluded. Republicans have criticized the program as a way for politicians to enrich themselves at the expense of taxpayers.
The bill would change the makeup of the Federal Election Commission, the government watchdog for campaign finance, by reducing the number of commissioners from six to five. Now there are six commissioners, three from each party, which some say often leads to gridlock.

Under the new model, no more than two commissioners could be from any one party. The fifth would be selected by the president, but can’t formally be a member of either party. Republicans warn that such a move could turn the commission into a partisan, prosecutorial body, but Democrats say the new structure would make the FEC stronger and more effective.
The freshman congressman ripped into the West Virginia senator’s op-ed, in which he said he would vote against Democrats’ elections reform bill.

Rep. Mondaire Jones (D-N.Y.) responded Sunday to Sen. Joe Manchin, who said he would vote against a timely elections reform bill, describing the West Virginia Democrat as someone who “would rather preserve Jim Crow” under the excuse of bipartisanship.

Speaking to MSNBC’s Ali Velshi, Jones tore into Manchin’s opinion piece published Sunday morning in the Charleston Gazette-Mail, in which the moderate said he wouldn’t vote for his party’s For the People Act because it does not have the support of Republicans.

“I don’t know where to begin. It is, in the first case, intellectually unserious,” Jones said, continuing: “It is also the case that this idea of bipartisanship is not something that should have inherent value when the other side is actively working to dismantle our democracy.”

Manchin deserves to be ripped. He's as much an enemy of democracy as the House and Senate Republicans. I don't know what team he's playing for - but it certainly isn't the democracy team. Does Manchin have a brain tumor, or what?

The Democrats have to face the fact that they do not have a progressive majority in the Senate. If they want to pass progressive legislation they're gonna have to win a few more Senate seats in 2022 - even with the Republican voters restrictions in place.
Manchin needs to switch parties to the GOP. The people in WV are not democrats.

Yes, and all Republicans that are too scared of being primaried to vote their conscience should be offered the Democratic party nomination - if they're from a district that's unlikely to ever elect a liberal, if they start voting their conscience, and if they get primaried.

The traditional Republicans would slaughter the Qunatic Republicans in a general election!

Let Politics make strange bedfellows!
The freshman congressman ripped into the West Virginia senator’s op-ed, in which he said he would vote against Democrats’ elections reform bill.

Rep. Mondaire Jones (D-N.Y.) responded Sunday to Sen. Joe Manchin, who said he would vote against a timely elections reform bill, describing the West Virginia Democrat as someone who “would rather preserve Jim Crow” under the excuse of bipartisanship.

Speaking to MSNBC’s Ali Velshi, Jones tore into Manchin’s opinion piece published Sunday morning in the Charleston Gazette-Mail, in which the moderate said he wouldn’t vote for his party’s For the People Act because it does not have the support of Republicans.

“I don’t know where to begin. It is, in the first case, intellectually unserious,” Jones said, continuing: “It is also the case that this idea of bipartisanship is not something that should have inherent value when the other side is actively working to dismantle our democracy.”

Manchin deserves to be ripped. He's as much an enemy of democracy as the House and Senate Republicans. I don't know what team he's playing for - but it certainly isn't the democracy team. Does Manchin have a brain tumor, or what?

The Democrats have to face the fact that they do not have a progressive majority in the Senate. If they want to pass progressive legislation they're gonna have to win a few more Senate seats in 2022 - even with the Republican voters restrictions in place.
WV voted 29% for Xiden. WTF is Manchin doing still staying a democrat?
He should be representing the voters in his state.
Switch parties Joe, democrats hate you!!!
A sampling of the dems' bill. Not all of it is horrible, but imo Machin's right.

Every state would be required to provide at least 15 days of early voting. The bill would also require every state to allow voting by mail and mandates online and same-day voter registration. The bill would restore voting rights to felons who have already served their sentences.

The bill would effectively loosen state voter-identification requirements by providing a workaround. If a state requires ID, a voter lacking the proper ID could instead sign a statement attesting to his or her identity.

The bill would mandate drop-off boxes for mail ballots, and would allow voters to designate another person to drop off their mail ballots on their behalf. Democrats say that allowing third parties to transport ballots can help vulnerable voters. Republicans, who often call the practice “ballot harvesting,” say it invites fraud.

The legislation would also create independent panels to draw voting districts in each state to end partisan gerrymandering.
he measure would establish a program to provide federal matching funds for campaign contributions of up to $200 at a 6-to-1 ratio, so that a $200 dollar donation would bring in an additional $1,200. The matching funds would be available only to campaigns that agree to a $1,000 limit for all individual contributions and to limit the use of personal funds to $50,000. Democrats say that the program would open up electoral office to people who tend to be excluded. Republicans have criticized the program as a way for politicians to enrich themselves at the expense of taxpayers.
The bill would change the makeup of the Federal Election Commission, the government watchdog for campaign finance, by reducing the number of commissioners from six to five. Now there are six commissioners, three from each party, which some say often leads to gridlock.

Under the new model, no more than two commissioners could be from any one party. The fifth would be selected by the president, but can’t formally be a member of either party. Republicans warn that such a move could turn the commission into a partisan, prosecutorial body, but Democrats say the new structure would make the FEC stronger and more effective.
The freshman congressman ripped into the West Virginia senator’s op-ed, in which he said he would vote against Democrats’ elections reform bill.

Rep. Mondaire Jones (D-N.Y.) responded Sunday to Sen. Joe Manchin, who said he would vote against a timely elections reform bill, describing the West Virginia Democrat as someone who “would rather preserve Jim Crow” under the excuse of bipartisanship.

Speaking to MSNBC’s Ali Velshi, Jones tore into Manchin’s opinion piece published Sunday morning in the Charleston Gazette-Mail, in which the moderate said he wouldn’t vote for his party’s For the People Act because it does not have the support of Republicans.

“I don’t know where to begin. It is, in the first case, intellectually unserious,” Jones said, continuing: “It is also the case that this idea of bipartisanship is not something that should have inherent value when the other side is actively working to dismantle our democracy.”

Manchin deserves to be ripped. He's as much an enemy of democracy as the House and Senate Republicans. I don't know what team he's playing for - but it certainly isn't the democracy team. Does Manchin have a brain tumor, or what?

The Democrats have to face the fact that they do not have a progressive majority in the Senate. If they want to pass progressive legislation they're gonna have to win a few more Senate seats in 2022 - even with the Republican voters restrictions in place.
WV voted 29% for Xiden. WTF is Manchin doing still staying a democrat?
He should be representing the voters in his state.
Switch parties Joe, democrats hate you!!!

Manchin is an old school politician from the days when Republicans were pro-business, Democrats were pro-labor, and the parties compromised.

That was a time long ago.

Perhaps a few Republican senators might consider switching to the Democratic Mitt....but the democrats would have to be willing to widen their umbrella a bit.....
Manchin needs to switch parties to the GOP. The people in WV are not democrats.

Yes, and all Republicans that are too scared of being primaried to vote their conscience should be offered the Democratic party nomination - if they're from a district that's unlikely to ever elect a liberal, if they start voting their conscience, and if they get primaried.

The traditional Republicans would slaughter the Qunatic Republicans in a general election!

Let Politics make strange bedfellows!
Trump is still viewed positively by 87% of Republicans.
That would climb to 100% if compared to ANY democrat.
If Trump runs for the House in 2022 in FL, and wins, he would be elected Speaker of the House easily.
Just imagine the payback he could sling, from impeachments, to investigations, to all manner of America First policies.
Modern politics has been reduced to a simple principal:

The Pro-Trump, anti-Democracy fascists vs. the anti-Trump, pro-democracy Americans.

All else should be put aside for now!!!
Manchin needs to switch parties to the GOP. The people in WV are not democrats.

Yes, and all Republicans that are too scared of being primaried to vote their conscience should be offered the Democratic party nomination - if they're from a district that's unlikely to ever elect a liberal, if they start voting their conscience, and if they get primaried.

The traditional Republicans would slaughter the Qunatic Republicans in a general election!

Let Politics make strange bedfellows!
Trump is still viewed positively by 87% of Republicans.
That would climb to 100% if compared to ANY democrat.
If Trump runs for the House in 2022 in FL, and wins, he would be elected Speaker of the House easily.
Just imagine the payback he could sling, from impeachments, to investigations, to all manner of America First policies.

Unless the Democrats held on to the House, which is very likely.

Then Trump would be reduced to a lowly freshmen Congressman with no more importance that of Greene.

His ego wouldn't stand it.
The Democrats have to face the fact that they do not have a progressive majority in the Senate. If they want to pass progressive legislation they're gonna have to win a few more Senate seats in 2022 - even with the Republican voters restrictions in place.
"Restrictions" like what?
Modern politics has been reduced to a simple principal:

The Pro-Trump, anti-Democracy fascists vs. the anti-Trump, pro-democracy Americans.

All else should be put aside for now!!!
Someone using that word fascist again like it has some meaning in an anti Trump context.
You should probably stop that.
Manchin needs to switch parties to the GOP. The people in WV are not democrats.

Yes, and all Republicans that are too scared of being primaried to vote their conscience should be offered the Democratic party nomination - if they're from a district that's unlikely to ever elect a liberal, if they start voting their conscience, and if they get primaried.

The traditional Republicans would slaughter the Qunatic Republicans in a general election!

Let Politics make strange bedfellows!
Trump is still viewed positively by 87% of Republicans.
That would climb to 100% if compared to ANY democrat.
If Trump runs for the House in 2022 in FL, and wins, he would be elected Speaker of the House easily.
Just imagine the payback he could sling, from impeachments, to investigations, to all manner of America First policies.

Unless the Democrats held on to the House, which is very likely.

Then Trump would be reduced to a lowly freshmen Congressman with no more importance that of Greene.

His ego wouldn't stand it.
Research what will happen to the democrat's 5-seat House majority.
1. mid-terms normally mean the out party gains about 25-seats. Remember Obama's "shellacking"?
2. Re-districting from the 2020 census also benefits Republicans

As for Trump, he would run for speaker, and win, freshman or not.
He could even run for speaker not even being elected to the House.

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