Moderators need mute buttons for microphones


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2016
This fighting for the mic and over talking is completely obnoxious during these debates. Moderators need to have control over the mics so they can cut them off when they go over time.
This fighting for the mic and over talking is completely obnoxious during these debates. Moderators need to have control over the mics so they can cut them off when they go over time.

I particularly liked the time when Buttiplug was trying to answer a question and Sanders jumped in and talked right over him that you never heard a world of what the mayor was trying to say! Speaks volumes about how this guy would hold up at a UN or other international meeting fighting over possible war between competing hostile nations.
I can already see that the best Republican ads this season will feature clips from the Democratic Debates... it's campaign ad gold.

What they need are moderators with balls. Somebody who will stand up and yell, "SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR ONE SECOND, YOU BLATHERING FOOLS... Senator Sanders, you were saying..."
Trump won the debate one even in second place!.....How embarrassing for the socialist DemonRATS!!!!!

Trump won the debate one even in second place!.....How embarrassing for the socialist DemonRATS!!!!!

It worked with Trump. He asked them, "what have you got to lose?" And 34% of blacks now support Trump. Too bad we dont have a thousand more Trumps in th Republican Party

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