MOB JUSTICE: Judge, jurors threatened in Rittenhouse, Daunte Wright trials

Typical methodology of Marxists and Maoists.

Where's Merrick Garland? Where's the DOJ and the FBI?

In recent days, BLM and antifa activists have issued threats to the Judge presiding over Kyle Rittenhouse’s trial as well as the jurors. Kyle Rittenhouse was charged with multiple counts of homicide as well as unlawful possession of a firearm in the wake of Black Lives matter riots in Kenosha. Since the beginning of the trial, activists have attempted to doxx jurors as well as the judge.
George Floyd’s nephew, Cortez Rice, has issued veiled threats to the jurors in the Kyle Rittenhouse case, with the support of Unicorn Riot, an antifa affiliated organization. “I ain’t even gonna name the people that I know that’s up in the Kenosha trial,” Rice said. “But it’s cameras in there. It’s definitely cameras up in there. There’s definitely people taking pictures of the juries and everything like that. We know what’s going on.” “so we need the same results, man.” said Rice in a video released today. Rice has a history of intimidating jurors and judges in prominent cases, coordinating with antifa and BLM activists. In the Daunte Wright case, Rice located the apartment of the female judge presiding over the case and stood outside the door of her home.

Then why hasn't he been charged?

Oh...because this is overblown fantasy. Lining up the preemptive excuses.
You sure admired Trump's immoral behavior.
What? Talking about cheating on his wives? Well in the 90's I was told be liberals it's none of our business if a guy cheats on his wife. You talking about grabbing pussy? He said he could, which is true being as wealthy as he was. That was over 30 years ago. Pedophilia is a life long crime and we found out during the election that Biden showered with his daughter of course y'all ignored it. Now it's out that he did it even when she was a teenager and you are sticking up for him. That is sick.
Lol, at least I'm not supporting and excusing pedo behavior. That is sick.
Right, you're just shilling for the guy that was actually accused of child rape in court. But I guess your Biden fantasies "trump" reality. Because, cult.
Now if we can only get Trumpsters to stop threatening judges, election officials and school board members.

ANTIFA done it says 100PercentFedUp? :lol:


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Right, you're just shilling for the guy that was actually accused of child rape in court. But I guess your Biden fantasies "trump" reality. Because, cult.
Awe was he convicted? Imagine someone going after a billonare. Lol, we know Biden showered with his own daughter who became a sex addict and a druggie because of it and now we found out when she was a teenager and you're sticking up for it. But TRUMP! You need help.
Threatening or intimidating judges, witnesses, jurors or public justice officials is an offence under section 322 of the Crimes Act 1900 which carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison, or 14 years where the conduct was intended to procure the conviction or acquittal of any person for a serious indictable offence.

The prosecution is required to prove a number of facts beyond a reasonable doubt in order to establish the offence, and a person is entitled to an acquittal if they are unable to do so.

Was Biden?

Well shut the f*** up, then.
Lol, hell no. Look at the way you're defending him. He showers with his teenage daughter. Plenty of footage of his hands all over little girls. Walks around naked in front of his women security. In which some have complained about it. But no, pedo joe is a democrat and knows you will support him no matter what!
Of course it is, without getting consent first. Try it yourself. Haha, look at how stupid you have to act for your cult.
Lol, I don't like the fact that Trump cheated on his wife and at one time that would've been a deal breaker. But you loons set the bar lower. Although Trump said he could do it, he didn't and you bringing this up to try to cover for Biden being a child abuse pervert. Shows that you are a piece of crap human being.
It's in her diary that he showered with his daughter, just finding out it was also when she was a teenager. We know the media will be silent about it.
Great, post what you have that shows she was a teenager...
What? Talking about cheating on his wives? Well in the 90's I was told be liberals it's none of our business if a guy cheats on his wife. You talking about grabbing pussy? He said he could, which is true being as wealthy as he was. That was over 30 years ago. Pedophilia is a life long crime and we found out during the election that Biden showered with his daughter of course y'all ignored it. Now it's out that he did it even when she was a teenager and you are sticking up for him. That is sick.
No. Sexual assault.

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