'Mixed-raced' Florida police chief is fired for asking 'which one is blacker?' when choosing which officer to promote

you are a pretty shallow person.....
I once had a girlfriend like that. She was smokin' hot.

She loathed people that were over-weight, poor, stupid, and/or ugly.

. . . eventually, I had to end it.

Last I heard, she converted to Judaism and went off to Cordoba to become a lawyer.

"Which one is blacker?"
That's funny as Hell.

But why fire the guy? That's the same question Biden, the Pander In Chief, asks when he considers a nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court. It's the only thing he cares about.

Biden seems to want our government to look the same as those in African shitholes. And, he's getting there, little at a time.
A Florida police chief accused of refusing to hire white people and giving promotions based on a minority-first approach was fired after just six months on the job following an investigation into several discrimination complaints.

Former Fort Lauderdale police chief Larry Scirotto, 48, was fired on Thursday after an inquiry found that he allegedly once said a conference room wall of photos was 'too white' and added, 'I'm gonna change that.'

Scirotto, a former assistant chief in Pittsburgh, was the first openly gay chief hired in Fort Lauderdale and also is from a mixed-race background.

Gay Dago mongrel.

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